
5d0bf7627c61fa5a70757ad5fe726b04eaa657c6 — Jaro 1 year, 6 months ago b983e59
Add helper function to strut empty boxes.
M lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Rich.hs => lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Rich.hs +2 -0
@@ 28,6 28,8 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich
    , RootNode (RootBox)
    , InnerNode (InlineBox, TextSequence)
    , Box (Box)
    , EmptyText
    , strut
    , BoxOptions
    , defaultBoxOptions
    , TextOptions

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/BoxOptions.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/BoxOptions.hs +2 -0
@@ 66,6 66,8 @@ data BoxSpacing
-- For CSS-compliant behaviour:
-- - Ensure that empty boxes contain empty text sequences as mentioned above.
--   This can be achieved using the `Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich.strut`
--   function.
-- - Set `AllowBoxCollapse` for boxes with zero margins, padding,
--   and borders.

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Tree.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Tree.hs +34 -0
@@ 19,12 19,15 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Tree
    , InnerNode (..)
    , Box (..)
    , Leaf (..)
    , EmptyText
    , flatten
    , glue
    , strut

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Foreign (lengthWord8)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy (toStrict)
import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Lazy as Lazy (Text, chunk, empty)

@@ 68,6 71,13 @@ data Box t d = Box

    [InnerNode t d]
    -- ^ Text nodes and other boxes contained by this box.
    -- Please note that boxes which are not the ancestors of any leaf nodes
    -- will have no effect on the output.
    -- To ensure that all boxes are represented in the output, as would be
    -- expected for DOM elements in HTML, an empty text sequence must be added
    -- to otherwise empty boxes. This can be done by using the `strut` function.

    -- ^ Style options to apply to text sequences directly contained

@@ 92,6 102,30 @@ data Leaf t d = TextLeaf
    -- ^ Inline boxes found on the path from this text sequence to the root
    -- of the original tree.

-- | Data types that can represent an empty text sequence in a `Tree`.
class EmptyText t where
    empty :: t

instance EmptyText Int where
    empty = 0

instance EmptyText Text where
    empty = Text.empty

-- | Insert an empty text sequence with the given user data into each empty box.
strut :: EmptyText t => d -> RootNode t d -> RootNode t d
strut d (RootBox (Box ns textOpts)) = RootBox $ Box (strutNodes d ns) textOpts

strutNodes :: EmptyText t => d -> [InnerNode t d] -> [InnerNode t d]
strutNodes d ns = map (strutNode d) ns

strutNode :: EmptyText t => d -> InnerNode t d -> InnerNode t d
strutNode _ x@(TextSequence _ _) = x
strutNode d (InlineBox boxData (Box [] textOpts) boxOpts) =
    InlineBox boxData (Box [TextSequence d empty] textOpts) boxOpts
strutNode d (InlineBox boxData (Box ns textOpts) boxOpts) =
    InlineBox boxData (Box (strutNodes d ns) textOpts) boxOpts

-- | Convert the tree to a flat list of its leaf nodes (text sequences).
flatten :: RootNode t d -> [Leaf t d]
flatten (RootBox (Box ns textOpts)) = snd $ flattenNodes 0 [] textOpts ns

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/TreeSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/TreeSpec.hs +116 -54
@@ 83,6 83,48 @@ complexTree = RootBox $ Box

sparseTree :: RootNode Int String
sparseTree = RootBox $ Box
    [ TextSequence "a" 1
    , InlineBox
        "empty box level 1 of 1"
    , InlineBox
        "empty box level 1 of 2"
            [ InlineBox
                "empty box level 2 of 2"
    , InlineBox
        "non-empty box"
            [ TextSequence "b" 1
            , InlineBox
                "empty box in non-empty box"

leafData :: Leaf t d -> d
leafData (TextLeaf d _ _ _) = d

@@ 102,57 144,77 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = do

    describe "flatten" $ do
        let leaves = flatten complexTree

        it "should have one leaf per text sequence" $
            length leaves `shouldBe` 13

        it "leaves should have expected data" $ do
            map leafData leaves `shouldBe`
                map (: []) ['a' .. 'm']

        it "leaves should have expected depths" $ do
            map leafDepth leaves `shouldBe`
                [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1]

        it "leaves should have expected ancestor data" $ do
            map leafPathData leaves `shouldBe`
                [ []
                , ["box1"]
                , ["box1"]
                , ["box2", "box1"]
                , ["box2", "box1"]
                , ["box1"]
                , ["box3", "box1"]
                , ["box4", "box3", "box1"]
                , ["box3", "box1"]
                , ["box6", "box5"]
                , ["box6", "box5"]
                , ["box8", "box7", "box5"]
                , ["box5"]

        it "leaves should have expected ancestor indexes" $ do
            map leafPathIndexes leaves `shouldBe`
                [ []
                , [0]
                , [0]
                , [1, 0]
                , [1, 0]
                , [0]
                , [2, 0]
                , [3, 2, 0]
                , [2, 0]
                , [5, 4]
                , [5, 4]
                , [7, 6, 4]
                , [4]

        it "leaves 'c' and 'f' should have the same parent" $
            leafPath (leaves !! 2) !! 0 ==
            leafPath (leaves !! 5) !! 0 `shouldBe` True

        it "leaves 'e' and 'i' should have a different parent" $
            leafPath (leaves !! 4) !! 0 ==
            leafPath (leaves !! 8) !! 0 `shouldBe` False

        describe "complex tree" $ do
            let leaves = flatten complexTree

            it "should have one leaf per text sequence" $
                length leaves `shouldBe` 13

            it "leaves should have expected data" $ do
                map leafData leaves `shouldBe`
                    map (: []) ['a' .. 'm']

            it "leaves should have expected depths" $ do
                map leafDepth leaves `shouldBe`
                    [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1]

            it "leaves should have expected ancestor data" $ do
                map leafPathData leaves `shouldBe`
                    [ []
                    , ["box1"]
                    , ["box1"]
                    , ["box2", "box1"]
                    , ["box2", "box1"]
                    , ["box1"]
                    , ["box3", "box1"]
                    , ["box4", "box3", "box1"]
                    , ["box3", "box1"]
                    , ["box6", "box5"]
                    , ["box6", "box5"]
                    , ["box8", "box7", "box5"]
                    , ["box5"]

            it "leaves should have expected ancestor indexes" $ do
                map leafPathIndexes leaves `shouldBe`
                    [ []
                    , [0]
                    , [0]
                    , [1, 0]
                    , [1, 0]
                    , [0]
                    , [2, 0]
                    , [3, 2, 0]
                    , [2, 0]
                    , [5, 4]
                    , [5, 4]
                    , [7, 6, 4]
                    , [4]

            it "leaves 'c' and 'f' should have the same parent" $
                leafPath (leaves !! 2) !! 0 ==
                leafPath (leaves !! 5) !! 0 `shouldBe` True

            it "leaves 'e' and 'i' should have a different parent" $
                leafPath (leaves !! 4) !! 0 ==
                leafPath (leaves !! 8) !! 0 `shouldBe` False

        describe "unstrutted sparse tree with empty boxes" $ do
            let leaves = flatten sparseTree

            it "should have one leaf per text sequence" $
                length leaves `shouldBe` 2

            it "leaves should have expected data" $ do
                map leafData leaves `shouldBe` ["a", "b"]

        describe "strutted sparse tree with empty boxes" $ do
            let leaves = flatten $ strut "d" sparseTree

            it "should have one leaf per text sequence" $
                length leaves `shouldBe` 5

            it "leaves should have expected data" $ do
                map leafData leaves `shouldBe` ["a", "d", "d", "b", "d"]