
547bbaac70f5801bf106ec771019a3672404efe3 — Jaro 1 year, 9 months ago f816c90
Implement finding box edges.
M balkon.cabal => balkon.cabal +2 -0
@@ 104,6 104,7 @@ library balkon-internal

    -- Modules exported to tests and to the public part of the library.

@@ 179,6 180,7 @@ test-suite balkon-test


A src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ApplyBoxes.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ApplyBoxes.hs +147 -0
@@ 0,0 1,147 @@
-- | Algorithm for finding box edges.
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ApplyBoxes
    ( WithBoxes (..)
    , applyBoxes

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)), (<|))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction (DirLTR, DirRTL))

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedBox
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.WithSpan

-- | Wrapper containing the original input value,
-- with added information about the box edges that it touches.
data WithBoxes d a = WithBoxes

    { leftInBoxes :: [ResolvedBox d]
    -- ^ Boxes whose left edge this item touches.

    , unwrap :: a
    -- ^ The original wrapped value.

    , rightInBoxes :: [ResolvedBox d]
    -- ^ Boxes whose right edge this item touches.


type Boxed d a = WithBoxes d (WithSpan d a)

-- | Determine which horizontal items are the leftmost and which are the
-- rightmost within their ancestor boxes.
    :: [ResolvedBox d]
    -- ^ Boxes open on a preceding line. Their start edge will be omitted.
    -> [ResolvedBox d]
    -- ^ Boxes open on a following line. Their end edge will be omitted.
    -> NonEmpty (WithSpan d a)
    -- ^ Box items on a given line. Must be ordered from left to right.
    -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a)
    -- ^ Box items with added information about box edges.
applyBoxes prevOpen nextOpen pfs =
    foldr (applyBox prevOpen nextOpen) items boxes
        boxes = allBoxes pfs
        items = fmap initBoxes pfs

-- | Wrap an item in a minimal structure to be filled by the algorithm.
initBoxes :: WithSpan d a -> Boxed d a
initBoxes (WithSpan rs pf) = WithBoxes
    { leftInBoxes = []
    , unwrap = WithSpan rs pf
    , rightInBoxes = []

-- | Determine which horizontal item is the leftmost and which is the
-- rightmost within the given ancestor box.
    :: [ResolvedBox d]
    -- ^ Boxes open on a preceding line. Their start edge will be omitted.
    -> [ResolvedBox d]
    -- ^ Boxes open on a following line. Their end edge will be omitted.
    -> ResolvedBox d
    -- ^ The box whose edges are to be determined.
    -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a)
    -- ^ Box items with partial information about box edges.
    -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a)
    -- ^ Box items with added information about edges of the given box.
applyBox prevOpen nextOpen box =
    applyBoxEnd nextOpen box . applyBoxStart prevOpen box

-- | Determine which horizontal item, if any, is the startmost
-- within the given ancestor box.
    :: [ResolvedBox d]
    -- ^ Boxes open on a preceding line. Their start edge will be omitted.
    -> ResolvedBox d
    -- ^ Box whose start edge should be found.
    -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a)
    -- ^ Box items with partial information about box edges.
    -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a)
    -- ^ Box items with added information about the start edge of the given box.
applyBoxStart prevOpen box items
    | box `elem` prevOpen = items
    | otherwise = case boxDirection box of
        DirLTR -> pickBoxLeft box items
        DirRTL -> pickBoxRight box items
        _ -> items

-- | Determine which horizontal item, if any, is the endmost
-- within the given ancestor box.
    :: [ResolvedBox d]
    -- ^ Boxes open on a following line. Their end edge will be omitted.
    -> ResolvedBox d
    -- ^ Box whose end edge should be found.
    -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a)
    -- ^ Box items with partial information about box edges.
    -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a)
    -- ^ Box items with added information about the end edge of the given box.
applyBoxEnd nextOpen box items
    | box `elem` nextOpen = items
    | otherwise = case boxDirection box of
        DirLTR -> pickBoxRight box items
        DirRTL -> pickBoxLeft box items
        _ -> items

-- | Pick the leftmost item on the line and apply the left edge
-- of the given box to it. This assumes that the box does not have
-- a left edge on any other line.
pickBoxLeft :: ResolvedBox d -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a) -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a)
pickBoxLeft box items = updateFirst (inBox box) (addBoxLeft box) items

-- | Pick the rightmost item on the line and apply the right edge
-- of the given box to it. This assumes that the box does not have
-- a right edge on any other line.
pickBoxRight :: ResolvedBox d -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a) -> NonEmpty (Boxed d a)
pickBoxRight box items = updateLast (inBox box) (addBoxRight box) items

-- | Determine if the given item is contained by the given box.
inBox :: ResolvedBox d -> Boxed d a -> Bool
inBox box item = box `elem` boxesOf item
        boxesOf (WithBoxes _ (WithSpan rs _) _) = spanBoxes rs

-- | Apply the left edge of the given box to the given item.
addBoxLeft :: ResolvedBox d -> Boxed d a -> Boxed d a
addBoxLeft box item = item { leftInBoxes = leftInBoxes item `union` [box] }

-- | Apply the right edge of the given box to the given item.
addBoxRight :: ResolvedBox d -> Boxed d a -> Boxed d a
addBoxRight box item = item { rightInBoxes = rightInBoxes item `union` [box] }

-- | Update the first item matching the given predicate,
-- or fail if none is found.
updateFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
updateFirst predicate updateFunc (x :| xs)
    | predicate x = (updateFunc x) :| xs
    | otherwise = x <| updateFirst predicate updateFunc (NonEmpty.fromList xs)

-- | Update the last item matching the given predicate,
-- or fail if none is found.
updateLast :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
updateLast predicate updateFunc list =
    NonEmpty.reverse $ updateFirst predicate updateFunc $ NonEmpty.reverse list

A test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ApplyBoxesSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ApplyBoxesSpec.hs +181 -0
@@ 0,0 1,181 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ApplyBoxesSpec (spec) where

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, fromList, toList)
import Data.Text (empty)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction (DirLTR, DirRTL))

import Test.Hspec
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ApplyBoxes
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.BoxOptions
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedBox
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextOptions
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.WithSpan

trivialBox :: d -> Int -> Direction -> ResolvedBox d
trivialBox d i dir = ResolvedBox d i defaultBoxOptions dir

trivialSpan :: d -> Int -> Direction -> [ResolvedBox d] -> ResolvedSpan d
trivialSpan d i dir bs = ResolvedSpan
    { spanUserData = d
    , spanIndex = i
    , spanOffsetInParagraph = 0
    , spanText = empty
    , spanTextOptions = defaultTextOptions dir
    , spanBoxes = bs
    , spanLineBreaks = []
    , spanCharacterBreaks = []

-- | Wrap nothing with the given span, since the algorithm expects `WithSpan`.
wrapNothing :: ResolvedSpan d -> WithSpan d ()
wrapNothing rs = WithSpan rs ()

buildFrags :: [ResolvedSpan d] -> NonEmpty (WithSpan d ())
buildFrags spans = fmap wrapNothing $ fromList spans

-- | Record for easy comparison of test output.
data OutputFragment = OutputFragment
    { spanData :: String
    , leftBoxesData :: [String]
    , rightBoxesData :: [String]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

toOutput :: WithBoxes String (WithSpan String ()) -> OutputFragment
toOutput a = OutputFragment
    { spanData = case unwrap a of
        WithSpan rs _ -> spanUserData rs
    , leftBoxesData = map boxUserData $ leftInBoxes a
    , rightBoxesData = map boxUserData $ rightInBoxes a

    :: [ResolvedBox String]
    -> [ResolvedSpan String]
    -> [ResolvedBox String]
    -> [OutputFragment]
runTest prevOpen spans nextOpen =
    map toOutput $ toList $ applyBoxes prevOpen nextOpen (buildFrags spans)

spec :: Spec
spec = do

    describe "applyBoxes" $ do

        it "handles case without boxes" $ do
                spans =
                    [ trivialSpan "A" 0 DirLTR []
                    , trivialSpan "B" 1 DirLTR []

            runTest [] spans [] `shouldBe`
                [ OutputFragment "A" [] []
                , OutputFragment "B" [] []

        it "handles discrete boxes" $ do
                box1 = trivialBox "box1" 0 DirRTL
                box2 = trivialBox "box2" 1 DirRTL
                spans =
                    [ trivialSpan "Z" 0 DirRTL [box2]
                    , trivialSpan "Y" 1 DirRTL [box1]
                    , trivialSpan "X" 2 DirRTL [box1]
                    , trivialSpan "W" 3 DirRTL []

            runTest [] spans [] `shouldBe`
                [ OutputFragment "Z" ["box2"] ["box2"]
                , OutputFragment "Y" ["box1"] []
                , OutputFragment "X" [] ["box1"]
                , OutputFragment "W" [] []

        it "handles deeply nested boxes" $ do
                box1 = trivialBox "box1" 0 DirLTR
                box2 = trivialBox "box2" 1 DirRTL
                box3 = trivialBox "box3" 2 DirRTL
                box4 = trivialBox "box4" 3 DirLTR
                box5 = trivialBox "box5" 4 DirRTL
                spans =
                    [ trivialSpan "A" 0 DirRTL [box3, box2, box1]
                    , trivialSpan "B" 1 DirRTL [box5, box4, box3, box2, box1]

            runTest [] spans [] `shouldBe`
                [ OutputFragment "A"
                    ["box3", "box2", "box1"]
                , OutputFragment "B"
                    ["box5", "box4"]
                    ["box5", "box4", "box3", "box2", "box1"]

        it "omits left edge of LTR box crossing previous line" $ do
                box = trivialBox "box" 0 DirLTR
                spans = [trivialSpan "." 0 DirLTR [box]]

            runTest [box] spans [] `shouldBe` [OutputFragment "." [] ["box"]]

        it "omits right edge of RTL box crossing previous line" $ do
                box = trivialBox "box" 0 DirRTL
                spans = [trivialSpan "." 0 DirRTL [box]]

            runTest [box] spans [] `shouldBe` [OutputFragment "." ["box"] []]

        it "omits right edge of LTR box crossing next line" $ do
                box = trivialBox "box" 0 DirLTR
                spans = [trivialSpan "." 0 DirLTR [box]]

            runTest [] spans [box] `shouldBe` [OutputFragment "." ["box"] []]

        it "omits left edge of RTL box crossing next line" $ do
                box = trivialBox "box" 0 DirRTL
                spans = [trivialSpan "." 0 DirRTL [box]]

            runTest [] spans [box] `shouldBe` [OutputFragment "." [] ["box"]]

        it "omits both edges of LTR box crossing previous and next line" $ do
                box = trivialBox "box" 0 DirLTR
                spans = [trivialSpan "." 0 DirLTR [box]]

            runTest [box] spans [box] `shouldBe` [OutputFragment "." [] []]

        it "omits both edges of RTL box crossing previous and next line" $ do
                box = trivialBox "box" 0 DirRTL
                spans = [trivialSpan "." 0 DirRTL [box]]

            runTest [box] spans [box] `shouldBe` [OutputFragment "." [] []]

        it "handles complex example" $ do
                box1 = trivialBox "box1" 0 DirRTL
                box2 = trivialBox "box2" 1 DirLTR
                box3 = trivialBox "box3" 2 DirLTR
                box4 = trivialBox "box4" 3 DirRTL
                spans =
                    [ trivialSpan "A" 0 DirRTL [box1]
                    , trivialSpan "B" 1 DirLTR [box2, box1]
                    , trivialSpan "C" 2 DirLTR [box2, box1]
                    , trivialSpan "D" 3 DirRTL [box3, box2, box1]
                    , trivialSpan "E" 4 DirLTR [box2, box1]
                    , trivialSpan "F" 5 DirRTL [box4, box1]

            runTest [box1] spans [box4, box1] `shouldBe`
                [ OutputFragment "A" [] []
                , OutputFragment "B" ["box2"] []
                , OutputFragment "C" [] []
                , OutputFragment "D" ["box3"] ["box3"]
                , OutputFragment "E" [] ["box2"]
                , OutputFragment "F" [] ["box4"]