
4ebfe390a1e8b16f42c6bdb51c135c895a7ce022 — Jaro 1 year, 8 months ago e84f038
Store default level in BiDiLevels.

This will be required for handling empty text sequences.
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/BiDiLevels.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/BiDiLevels.hs +27 -18
@@ 2,6 2,8 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.BiDiLevels
    ( Level
    , TextLevels (TextLevels)
    , WithLevel
    , baseLevel
    , directionLevel
    , dropLevels
    , firstStrongDirection
    , headLevel

@@ 27,21 29,27 @@ type Level = Word8
class WithLevel a where
    level :: a -> Level

-- | BiDi levels for each character from a given input text.
-- | BiDi levels for each character from a given input text,
-- plus the base level (for safe handling of empty text runs).
-- This wrapper is meant to ease the transition to a different internal
-- representation, if required when integrating with the ICU.
newtype TextLevels = TextLevels [Level]
data TextLevels = TextLevels [Level] Level
    deriving (Eq, Show)

headLevel :: TextLevels -> Level
headLevel (TextLevels xs) = head xs
headLevel (TextLevels xs base) = case xs of
    [] -> base
    (x : _) -> x

tailLevels :: TextLevels -> TextLevels
tailLevels (TextLevels xs) = TextLevels (tail xs)
tailLevels (TextLevels xs base) = TextLevels (tail xs) base

dropLevels :: Int -> TextLevels -> TextLevels
dropLevels n (TextLevels xs) = TextLevels (drop n xs)
dropLevels n (TextLevels xs base) = TextLevels (drop n xs) base

baseLevel :: TextLevels -> Level
baseLevel (TextLevels _ base) = base

-- | Determine the BiDi level of each character in the input text
-- using a simplified algorithm with the following main limitations:

@@ 56,25 64,26 @@ dropLevels n (TextLevels xs) = TextLevels (drop n xs)
-- TODO: Use Haskell bindings to the ICU BiDi implementation once available.
textLevels :: Direction -> Text -> TextLevels
textLevels baseDir txt = TextLevels $ textLevels' baseLevel baseLevel 0 txt
textLevels baseDir txt =
    TextLevels (textLevels' base base 0 txt) base
        baseLevel = directionLevel 0 baseDir
        base = directionLevel 0 baseDir

-- | Determine the BiDi level of each character in the input text
-- using a simplified algorithm.
textLevels' :: Level -> Level -> Int -> Text -> [Level]
textLevels' baseLevel previousLevel neutrals txt = case uncons txt of
    Just (char, rest) -> case charLevel baseLevel char of
textLevels' base previousLevel neutrals txt = case uncons txt of
    Just (char, rest) -> case charLevel base char of
        Just currentLevel ->
            replicate neutrals (mergeLevel baseLevel previousLevel currentLevel)
            replicate neutrals (mergeLevel base previousLevel currentLevel)
            textLevels' baseLevel currentLevel 0 rest
            textLevels' base currentLevel 0 rest
        Nothing ->
            textLevels' baseLevel previousLevel (neutrals + 1) rest
            textLevels' base previousLevel (neutrals + 1) rest
    Nothing ->
        replicate neutrals baseLevel
        replicate neutrals base

-- | Determine the level of a neutral character based on its surrounding levels.
mergeLevel :: Level -> Level -> Level -> Level

@@ 94,12 103,12 @@ data SimpleType = StrongLTR | StrongRTL | Number | Neutral | Reset
-- | Determine the BiDi level of one character
-- using a simplified algorithm.
charLevel :: Level -> Char -> Maybe Level
charLevel baseLevel c = case simpleType c of
    StrongLTR -> Just $ directionLevel baseLevel DirLTR
    StrongRTL -> Just $ directionLevel baseLevel DirRTL
    Number -> Just $ directionLevel (baseLevel + 1) DirLTR
charLevel base c = case simpleType c of
    StrongLTR -> Just $ directionLevel base DirLTR
    StrongRTL -> Just $ directionLevel base DirRTL
    Number -> Just $ directionLevel (base + 1) DirLTR
    Neutral -> Nothing
    Reset -> Just baseLevel
    Reset -> Just base

-- | Reduce the character's BiDi class into a simpler category
-- for the purposes of the simplified algorithm.

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ApplyBoxesSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ApplyBoxesSpec.hs +1 -1
@@ 24,7 24,7 @@ trivialSpan d i dir bs = ResolvedSpan
    , spanText = empty
    , spanTextOptions = defaultTextOptions dir
    , spanBoxes = bs
    , spanBiDiLevels = TextLevels []
    , spanBiDiLevels = TextLevels [] (directionLevel 0 dir)
    , spanLineBreaks = []
    , spanCharacterBreaks = []

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/BiDiLevelsSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/BiDiLevelsSpec.hs +4 -3
@@ 11,11 11,12 @@ import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.TextData
-- | Test that `textLevels` produces the levels of the lengths given in
-- "Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.TextData" and values given here.
shouldHaveLevels :: (Direction, a, Text, [Int]) -> [Level] -> SpecWith ()
shouldHaveLevels (dir, _, text, lens) levels = it description $
    result `shouldBe` TextLevels (runLengthDecode rls)
shouldHaveLevels (dir, _, text, runLens) runLevels = it description $
    actualLevels `shouldBe` runLengthDecode rls
        TextLevels actualLevels _ = result
        result = textLevels dir text
        rls = zip lens levels
        rls = zip runLens runLevels
        description = case rls of
            [] -> "should be empty"
            [(_, lvl)] -> "should all have level " ++ show lvl

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/RunSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/RunSpec.hs +3 -3
@@ 35,13 35,13 @@ sampleSpan (dir, lang, text, _) levels = ResolvedSpan

allLTR :: TextLevels
allLTR = TextLevels $ repeat 0
allLTR = TextLevels (repeat 0) 0

allRTL :: TextLevels
allRTL = TextLevels $ repeat 1
allRTL = TextLevels (repeat 1) 1

levelsRLE :: [(Int, Level)] -> TextLevels
levelsRLE rls = TextLevels $ runLengthDecode rls
levelsRLE rls = TextLevels (runLengthDecode rls) undefined

spec :: Spec
spec = do