
4504fe007d59470755b97c17bb6c7e33ca1fd70f — Jaro 1 year, 10 months ago 4a7daab
Fix style: long lines.
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Run.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Run.hs +2 -1
@@ 115,7 115,8 @@ foldRun x (previousRun@(_, d1, s1) : tailRuns) =
        s2 = charScript (nextChar x)

-- | Simplified detection of text direction for unidirectional text.
mergeDirections :: Maybe Direction -> Maybe Direction -> Merged (Maybe Direction)
mergeDirections :: Maybe Direction -> Maybe Direction ->
    Merged (Maybe Direction)
mergeDirections Nothing Nothing = Merged Nothing
mergeDirections (Just d1) Nothing = Merged (Just d1)
mergeDirections Nothing (Just d2) = Merged (Just d2)

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ZipperSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ZipperSpec.hs +5 -4
@@ 106,14 106,15 @@ spec = do
    preMidPositions `forM_` \ n ->
        describe ("split at " ++ (show n) ++ " and step") $ do
            let z = Zipper.step $ Zipper.splitAt n sampleText
            let n' = n + 1
            it "is not at start" $
                Zipper.atStart z `shouldBe` False
            it "is not at end" $
                Zipper.atEnd z `shouldBe` False
            it ("preceding text has length " ++ show (n + 1)) $
                Text.length (Zipper.preceding z) `shouldBe` (n + 1)
            it ("following text has length " ++ show (sampleLength - n - 1)) $
                Text.length (Zipper.following z) `shouldBe` (sampleLength - n - 1)
            it ("preceding text has length " ++ show n') $
                Text.length (Zipper.preceding z) `shouldBe` n'
            it ("following text has length " ++ show (sampleLength - n')) $
                Text.length (Zipper.following z) `shouldBe` (sampleLength - n')
            it "recombines into original text" $
                Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText