
2d69d190193e4edf1a137fc615b8eb0c895f1824 — Jaro 1 year, 10 months ago cb8797a
Mark some lists as explicitly non-empty.
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Plain.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Plain.hs +25 -17
@@ 10,7 10,7 @@ where
import Control.Applicative (ZipList(ZipList), getZipList)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)), nonEmpty, (<|))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Text.Foreign (lengthWord8)
import Data.Text.Glyphize

@@ 48,7 48,10 @@ layoutPlain p@(Paragraph _ _ _ opts) = paragraphLayout sls
        sls = map SpanLayout fragsBySpan
        fragsBySpan = take (length spans) $ RS.splitBySpanIndex frags
        frags = layoutAndAlignLines maxWidth $ spansToRunsWrapped spans
        frags = case nonEmpty wrappedRuns of
            Just xs -> layoutAndAlignLines maxWidth xs
            Nothing -> []
        wrappedRuns = spansToRunsWrapped spans
        maxWidth = paragraphMaxWidth opts
        spans = resolveSpans p

@@ 66,12 69,12 @@ spanToRunsWrapped s = map (WithSpan s) (spanToRuns s)
-- necessary to fit within the requested line width.
-- The output is a flat list of fragments positioned in both dimensions.
layoutAndAlignLines :: Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] -> [WithSpan Fragment]
layoutAndAlignLines :: Int32 -> NonEmpty (WithSpan Run) -> [WithSpan Fragment]
layoutAndAlignLines maxWidth runs = frags
        frags = concat fragsInLines
        (_, fragsInLines) = mapAccumL positionLineH originY canonicalLines
        canonicalLines = map canonicalOrder logicalLines
        canonicalLines = fmap canonicalOrder logicalLines
        logicalLines = layoutLines maxWidth runs
        originY = paragraphOriginY

@@ 95,14 98,13 @@ canonicalOrder pfs@((WithSpan _ headPF):_) = case PF.direction headPF of
-- The output is a two-dimensional list of fragments positioned along the
-- horizontal axis.
layoutLines :: Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] -> [[WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment]]
layoutLines maxWidth runs
    | null rest
layoutLines ::
    Int32 -> NonEmpty (WithSpan Run) -> NonEmpty [WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment]
layoutLines maxWidth runs = case nonEmpty rest of
        -- Everything fits. We are done.
        = fitting : []
    | otherwise
        Nothing -> NonEmpty.singleton fitting
        -- Something fits, the rest goes on the next line.
        = fitting : layoutLines maxWidth rest
        Just rest' -> fitting <| layoutLines maxWidth rest'
        (fitting, rest) = layoutAndWrapRunsH maxWidth runs

@@ 152,13 154,13 @@ positionFragmentH originY originX (WithSpan rs pf) = (nextX, WithSpan rs frag)
-- | Calculate layout for multiple horizontal runs, breaking them as necessary
-- to fit as much content as possible without exceeding the maximum line width,
-- and return the remaining runs to be placed on other lines.
layoutAndWrapRunsH :: Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] ->
layoutAndWrapRunsH :: Int32 -> NonEmpty (WithSpan Run) ->
    ([WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment], [WithSpan Run])
layoutAndWrapRunsH maxWidth runs = NonEmpty.head $ validLayouts
        validLayouts = dropWhile1 tooLong layouts
        tooLong (pfs, _) = totalAdvances pfs > maxWidth
        layouts = NonEmpty.map layoutFst splits
        layouts = fmap layoutFst splits
        layoutFst (runs1, runs2) = (layoutRunsH runs1, runs2)
        -- TODO: Consider optimising.
        --       We do not need to look for soft breaks further than the

@@ 176,8 178,8 @@ layoutAndWrapRunsH maxWidth runs = NonEmpty.head $ validLayouts
-- If there is no hard line break in the input, the first output list will
-- contain the whole input, and the second output list will be empty.
hardSplit :: [WithSpan Run] -> ([WithSpan Run], [WithSpan Run])
hardSplit runs = trimFst $ NonEmpty.last $ splits
hardSplit :: NonEmpty (WithSpan Run) -> ([WithSpan Run], [WithSpan Run])
hardSplit runs = allowFstEmpty $ trimFst $ NonEmpty.last $ splits
        trimFst (runs1, runs2) = (trim runs1, runs2)

@@ 187,7 189,7 @@ hardSplit runs = trimFst $ NonEmpty.last $ splits
        -- TODO: Consider optimising.
        --       We do not need to look for any line breaks further than the
        --       shortest hard break.
        splits = noSplit :| hSplits
        splits = noSplit :| map allowSndEmpty hSplits
        noSplit = (runs, [])
        hSplits = -- from longest to shortest
            splitTextsBy (map fst . filter isHard . runLineBreaks) runs

@@ 205,8 207,8 @@ hardSplit runs = trimFst $ NonEmpty.last $ splits
-- The results in the form (prefix, suffix) will be ordered so that items
-- closer to the start of the list are preferred for line breaking, but without
-- considering overflows.
softSplits :: [WithSpan Run] -> [([WithSpan Run], [WithSpan Run])]
softSplits runs = map trimFst splits
softSplits :: NonEmpty (WithSpan Run) -> [([WithSpan Run], [WithSpan Run])]
softSplits runs = map (allowSndEmpty . trimFst) splits
        trimFst (runs1, runs2) = (trim runs1, runs2)
        trim = trimTextsStart isStartSpace . trimTextsEnd isEndSpace

@@ 217,6 219,12 @@ softSplits runs = map trimFst splits
        --       shortest line break.
        cSplits = splitTextsBy (map fst . runCharacterBreaks) runs

allowFstEmpty :: (NonEmpty a, b) -> ([a], b)
allowFstEmpty (a, b) = (NonEmpty.toList a, b)

allowSndEmpty :: (a, NonEmpty b) -> (a, [b])
allowSndEmpty (a, b) = (a, NonEmpty.toList b)

-- | The suffix remaining after removing the longest prefix of the list for
-- which the predicate holds, except always including at least the last element
-- of the original list.

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/TextContainer.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/TextContainer.hs +39 -23
@@ 13,7 13,10 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextContainer

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)), nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Foreign (dropWord8, takeWord8)

@@ 60,14 63,13 @@ instance SeparableTextContainer Text where
-- The results in the form (prefix, suffix) will be ordered from the longest
-- prefix to shortest.
splitTextsBy :: SeparableTextContainer a => (a -> [Int]) -> [a] -> [([a], [a])]
splitTextsBy :: (SeparableTextContainer a, Foldable f) =>
    (a -> [Int]) -> f a -> [(NonEmpty a, NonEmpty a)]
splitTextsBy breakFunc tcs =
    filter notEmpty $ splitTextsBy' breakFunc [] (reverse tcs)
        notEmpty (prefix, suffix) = not (null prefix || null suffix)
    nonEmptyPairs $ splitTextsBy' breakFunc [] $ reverse $ toList tcs

splitTextsBy' :: SeparableTextContainer a => (a -> [Int]) -> [a] -> [a] ->
    [([a], [a])]
splitTextsBy' :: SeparableTextContainer a =>
    (a -> [Int]) -> [a] -> [a] -> [([a], [a])]
splitTextsBy' _ _ [] = []
splitTextsBy' breakFunc closed (tc:tcs) =
    fullSplits ++ splitTextsBy' breakFunc (tc:closed) tcs

@@ 78,6 80,18 @@ splitTextsBy' breakFunc closed (tc:tcs) =
        tcSplits = map (\i -> splitTextAt8 i tc) tcBreakOffsets
        tcBreakOffsets = breakFunc tc

-- | Turn pairs of normal lists into pairs of `NonEmpty` lists,
-- removing pairs in which either list is empty.
nonEmptyPairs :: [([a], [b])] -> [(NonEmpty a, NonEmpty b)]
nonEmptyPairs = catMaybes . map nonEmptyPair

-- | Turn a pair of normal lists into `Just` a pair of `NonEmpty` lists,
-- or `Nothing` if either list is empty.
nonEmptyPair :: ([a], [b]) -> Maybe (NonEmpty a, NonEmpty b)
nonEmptyPair (xs, ys) = case (nonEmpty xs, nonEmpty ys) of
    (Just xs1, Just ys1) -> Just (xs1, ys1)
    (_, _) -> Nothing

-- | If the first container in the list is empty, remove it.
collapse :: SeparableTextContainer a => NonEmpty a -> [a]
collapse (tc :| tcs)

@@ 89,40 103,42 @@ collapse (tc :| tcs)
-- Empty text containers are removed from the output, so the result may
-- potentially be an empty list.
trimTextsStart :: SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
trimTextsStart p tcs = trimTextsStart' p tcs
trimTextsStart :: (SeparableTextContainer a, Foldable f) =>
    (Char -> Bool) -> f a -> [a]
trimTextsStart p tcs = trimTextsStart' p $ toList tcs

-- | Treat a list of text containers as a contiguous sequence,
-- and remove a prefix of characters that match the given predicate.
-- Empty text containers are removed from the output except the first one,
-- which is instead truncated to zero length.
trimTextsStartPreserve ::
    SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
trimTextsStartPreserve _ [] = []
trimTextsStartPreserve p ins@(in1:_) = case trimTextsStart' p ins of
    [] -> [truncateText in1]
    out -> out
trimTextsStartPreserve :: SeparableTextContainer a =>
    (Char -> Bool) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
trimTextsStartPreserve p tcs =
    case nonEmpty $ trimTextsStart p $ NonEmpty.toList tcs of
        Nothing -> NonEmpty.singleton $ truncateText $ NonEmpty.head tcs
        Just out -> out

-- | Treat a list of text containers as a contiguous sequence,
-- and remove a suffix of characters that match the given predicate.
-- Empty text containers are removed from the output, so the result may
-- potentially be an empty list.
trimTextsEnd :: SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
trimTextsEnd p tcs = trimTextsEnd' p (reverse tcs)
trimTextsEnd :: (SeparableTextContainer a, Foldable f) =>
    (Char -> Bool) -> f a -> [a]
trimTextsEnd p tcs = trimTextsEnd' p $ reverse $ toList tcs

-- | Treat a list of text containers as a contiguous sequence,
-- and remove a suffix of characters that match the given predicate.
-- Empty text containers are removed from the output except the first one,
-- which is instead truncated to zero length.
trimTextsEndPreserve ::
    SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
trimTextsEndPreserve _ [] = []
trimTextsEndPreserve p ins@(in1:_) = case trimTextsEnd' p (reverse ins) of
    [] -> [truncateText in1]
    out -> out
trimTextsEndPreserve :: SeparableTextContainer a =>
    (Char -> Bool) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
trimTextsEndPreserve p tcs =
    case nonEmpty $ trimTextsEnd p $ NonEmpty.toList tcs of
        Nothing -> NonEmpty.singleton $ truncateText $ NonEmpty.head tcs
        Just out -> out

trimTextsStart' :: SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
trimTextsStart' _ [] = []

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/TextContainerSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/TextContainerSpec.hs +22 -18
@@ 1,11 1,15 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextContainerSpec (spec) where

import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty
import Data.Text (Text, empty, pack)
import Data.Text.Foreign (lengthWord8)

import Test.Hspec
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextContainer

ne :: [a] -> Data.List.NonEmpty.NonEmpty a
ne = Data.List.NonEmpty.fromList

data ExampleContainer = Contain { cText :: Text, cOffset :: Int }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

@@ 71,32 75,32 @@ spec = do
    describe "splitTextsBy" $ do
        it "splits example text containers" $ do
            splitTextsBy exampleBreakPoints exampleContainers `shouldBe`
                [ ( [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Википеди" 21 ]
                  , [ contain "ја)" 38 ]
                [ ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Википеди" 21 ]
                  , ne [ contain "ја)" 38 ]
                , ( [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Википе" 21 ]
                  , [ contain "дија)" 34 ]
                , ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Википе" 21 ]
                  , ne [ contain "дија)" 34 ]
                , ( [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Вики" 21 ]
                  , [ contain "педија)" 30 ]
                , ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Вики" 21 ]
                  , ne [ contain "педија)" 30 ]
                , ( [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Ви" 21 ]
                  , [ contain "кипедија)" 26 ]
                , ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Ви" 21 ]
                  , ne [ contain "кипедија)" 26 ]
                , ( [ contain "Vikipedija " 10 ]
                  , [ contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
                , ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10 ]
                  , ne [ contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
                , ( [ contain "Vikipedi" 10 ]
                  , [ contain "ja " 18, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
                , ( ne [ contain "Vikipedi" 10 ]
                  , ne [ contain "ja " 18, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
                , ( [ contain "Vikipe" 10 ]
                  , [ contain "dija " 16, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
                , ( ne [ contain "Vikipe" 10 ]
                  , ne [ contain "dija " 16, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
                , ( [ contain "Viki" 10 ]
                  , [ contain "pedija " 14, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
                , ( ne [ contain "Viki" 10 ]
                  , ne [ contain "pedija " 14, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
                , ( [ contain "Vi" 10 ]
                  , [ contain "kipedija " 12, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
                , ( ne [ contain "Vi" 10 ]
                  , ne [ contain "kipedija " 12, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
    describe "trimTextsEnd" $ do