
1dd8f91e1ad98c2416182880edd26902f7e483c8 — Jaro 1 year, 11 months ago 034a323
Implement correct positioning of RTL runs.
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Plain.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Plain.hs +55 -40
@@ 17,6 17,7 @@ import Data.Text.Foreign (lengthWord8)
import Data.Text.Glyphize

@@ 69,10 70,26 @@ layoutAndAlignLines :: Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] -> [WithSpan Fragment]
layoutAndAlignLines maxWidth runs = frags
        frags = concat fragsInLines
        (_, fragsInLines) = mapAccumL alignLineH originY protoFragsInLines
        protoFragsInLines = layoutLines maxWidth runs
        (_, fragsInLines) = mapAccumL positionLineH originY canonicalLines
        canonicalLines = map canonicalOrder logicalLines
        logicalLines = layoutLines maxWidth runs
        originY = paragraphOriginY

-- | Reorder the given fragments from logical order to whatever order HarfBuzz
-- uses (LTR for horizontal text, TTB for vertical text), so that cluster order
-- is preserved even across runs.
canonicalOrder :: [WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment] -> [WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment]
canonicalOrder [] = []
canonicalOrder pfs@((WithSpan _ headPF):_) = case PF.direction headPF of
    -- TODO: Update for bidi.
    Just DirLTR -> pfs
    Just DirRTL -> reverse pfs
    Just DirTTB -> pfs
    Just DirBTT -> reverse pfs
    -- If no guess can be made, use LTR.
    -- TODO: Add explicit direction to input interface.
    Nothing -> pfs

-- | Create a multi-line layout from the given runs, splitting them as
-- necessary to fit within the requested line width.

@@ 90,34 107,37 @@ layoutLines maxWidth runs
        -- Something fits, the rest goes on the next line.
        = fitting : layoutLines maxWidth rest
        (fitting, rest) = tryAddRunsH maxWidth originX runs
        overflowing = addRunsH originX runs
        originX = paragraphOriginX
        (fitting, rest) = layoutAndWrapRunsH maxWidth runs
        overflowing = layoutRunsH runs

-- TODO: Allow a run across multiple spans (e.g. if they only differ by colour).

-- | Align all the given horizontal fragments vertically on the same line,
-- | Position all the given horizontal fragments on the same line,
-- using `originY` as its top edge, and return the bottom edge for continuation.
-- Glyphs will be aligned by their ascent line, similar to the behaviour of
-- @vertical-align: top@ in CSS.
-- TODO: For rich text, allow other types of vertical alignment.
alignLineH :: Int32 -> [WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment] ->
positionLineH :: Int32 -> [WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment] ->
    (Int32, [WithSpan Fragment])
alignLineH originY pfs = (nextY, frags)
positionLineH originY pfs = (nextY, frags)
        nextY = maximum $ map y_min rects
        rects = map (\(WithSpan _ r) -> fragmentRect r) frags
        frags = map (alignFragmentH originY) pfs
        frags = snd $ mapAccumL (positionFragmentH originY) originX pfs
        originX = paragraphOriginX

-- | Align the given horizontal fragment vertically on a line,
-- using `originY` as its top edge.
alignFragmentH :: Int32 -> WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment -> WithSpan Fragment
alignFragmentH originY (WithSpan rs pf) =
    WithSpan rs (Fragment rect (penX, penY) (PF.glyphs pf))
-- | Position the given horizontal fragment on a line,
-- using `originY` as its top edge and `originX` as its left edge,
-- returning the X coordinate of its right edge for continuation.
positionFragmentH ::
    Int32 -> Int32 -> WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment -> (Int32, WithSpan Fragment)
positionFragmentH originY originX (WithSpan rs pf) = (nextX, WithSpan rs frag)
        rect = Rect (PF.offset pf) originY (PF.advance pf) (-lineHeight)
        nextX = originX + PF.advance pf
        frag = Fragment rect (penX, penY) (PF.glyphs pf)
        rect = Rect originX originY (PF.advance pf) (-lineHeight)
        penX = 0
        penY = descent + leading `div` 2 - lineHeight
        lineHeight = case RS.spanLineHeight rs of

@@ 130,21 150,21 @@ alignFragmentH originY (WithSpan rs pf) =
        extents = fontExtentsForDir font (PF.direction pf)
        font = RS.spanFont rs

-- | Like `addRunsH`, but break the input runs as necessary to prevent
-- overflowing the maximum line width,
-- | Calculate layout for multiple horizontal runs, breaking them as necessary
-- to fit as much content as possible without exceeding the maximum line width,
-- and return the remaining runs to be placed on other lines.
tryAddRunsH :: Int32 -> Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] ->
layoutAndWrapRunsH :: Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] ->
    ([WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment], [WithSpan Run])
tryAddRunsH maxWidth currentX runs =
layoutAndWrapRunsH maxWidth runs =
    fromMaybe lastResortSplit $ listToMaybe validSplits
        lastResortSplit = do
            let (runs1, runs2) = splitTextsAt8 1 runs
            let (_, pfs) = mapAccumL addRunH currentX runs1
            let pfs = layoutRunsH runs1
            (pfs, runs2)
        applySplit (runs1, runs2) = do
            let (nextX, pfs) = mapAccumL addRunH currentX runs1
            if abs nextX <= maxWidth
            let pfs = layoutRunsH runs1
            if totalAdvances pfs <= maxWidth
                then Just (pfs, runs2)
                else Nothing
        validSplits = catMaybes $ map applySplit splits

@@ 152,6 172,15 @@ tryAddRunsH maxWidth currentX runs =
        noSplit = (runs, [])
        hasContent = not . null . fst

-- | Calculate layout for multiple horizontal runs on the same line, without
-- any breaking.
layoutRunsH :: [WithSpan Run] -> [WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment]
layoutRunsH runs = map layoutRunH runs

-- | Sum of all advances within the given fragments.
totalAdvances :: [WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment] -> Int32
totalAdvances pfs = sum $ map (\(WithSpan _ pf) -> PF.advance pf) pfs

-- | Recursive function for finding all possible ways to split a list of runs
-- into two on a valid line-breaking boundary, including the start of the first
-- run and excluding the end of the last run.

@@ 174,25 203,11 @@ breakSplits closed (x:xs) = splits ++ breakSplits (x:closed) xs
        mapFunc ((x1, x2), _) =
            (reverse $ collapse $ x1 :| xs, collapse $ x2 :| closed)

-- | Calculate layout for multiple runs on the same line and
-- arrange them in one horizontal direction starting from the given x_offset.
addRunsH :: Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] -> [WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment]
addRunsH currentX runs = snd $ mapAccumL addRunH currentX runs

-- | Calculate layout for the given run,
-- place the generated fragment horizontally at the given x_offset in a line,
-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
addRunH :: Int32 -> WithSpan Run -> (Int32, WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment)
addRunH currentX run = (nextX, WithSpan rs pf)
        WithSpan rs pf = layoutRun currentX run
        nextX = currentX + PF.advance pf

-- | Calculate layout for the given run and position it in a line.
layoutRun :: Int32 -> WithSpan Run -> WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment
layoutRun originX (WithSpan rs run) = WithSpan rs pf
-- | Calculate layout for the given horizontal run and attach extra information.
layoutRunH :: WithSpan Run -> WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment
layoutRunH (WithSpan rs run) = WithSpan rs pf
        pf = PF.ProtoFragment dir originX totalX glyphs
        pf = PF.ProtoFragment dir totalX glyphs
        glyphs = shapeRun (WithSpan rs run)
        positions = map snd glyphs
        totalX = sum $ map x_advance positions

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ProtoFragment.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ProtoFragment.hs +0 -3
@@ 8,9 8,6 @@ import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction, GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)
data ProtoFragment = ProtoFragment
    { direction :: Maybe Direction
    -- ^ Text direction, which is constant within a fragment.
    , offset :: Int32
    -- ^ Distance from the start of the line,
    -- depending on the text direction.
    , advance :: Int32
    -- ^ Total advance of glyphs in this fragment,
    -- depending on the text direction.