M balkon.cabal => balkon.cabal +1 -1
@@ 116,6 116,7 @@ library balkon-internal
+ Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphLine,
@@ 139,7 140,6 @@ library balkon-internal
- Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphLine,
M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/RichSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/RichSpec.hs +77 -15
@@ 9,6 9,7 @@ import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.FontLoader
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Paginable (paginateAll)
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphLine (forceLeftAlign)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich.ParagraphLayout (shapedRuns)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.PrettyShow
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.PrettyShow.Golden
@@ 28,6 29,20 @@ glyphRuns = map (map (codepoint . fst) . fragmentGlyphs) . paragraphFragments
largeWidth :: Int32
largeWidth = 1000000000
+-- | Expect two paragraph layouts to contain the same fragments,
+-- except possibly shifted left or right.
+shouldBeWrappedLike :: (Show d, Eq d) =>
+ ParagraphLayout d -> ParagraphLayout d -> Expectation
+shouldBeWrappedLike a b =
+ forceLeftAlign a `shouldBe` forceLeftAlign b
+-- | Expect two paragraph layouts to not contain the same fragments,
+-- even if ignoring a possible shift to the left or to the right.
+shouldNotBeWrappedLike :: (Show d, Eq d) =>
+ ParagraphLayout d -> ParagraphLayout d -> Expectation
+shouldNotBeWrappedLike a b =
+ forceLeftAlign a `shouldNotBe` forceLeftAlign b
spec :: Spec
spec = do
@@ 40,32 55,79 @@ spec = do
font <- runIO $ loadFont latinFont 0 testingOptions
fontSmall <- runIO $ loadFont latinFont 0 testingOptionsSmall
- it "wraps lorem ipsum at 20em, left aligned" $ do
+ let commonWrapWidth = 20000
+ let expectedSafeWidth = 19791
+ describe "lorem ipsum at 20em, left aligned" $ do
let opts = defaultParagraphOptions
{ paragraphAlignment = AlignLeft
- , paragraphMaxWidth = 20000
- let input = loremIpsumParagraph font opts
- let result = layoutRich input
- result `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20em"
+ let input w = loremIpsumParagraph font $
+ opts { paragraphMaxWidth = w }
+ let result20em = layoutRich $ input commonWrapWidth
+ let resultSafe = layoutRich $ input expectedSafeWidth
+ let resultUnsafe = layoutRich $ input (expectedSafeWidth - 1)
+ it "wraps correctly" $
+ result20em `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20em"
- it "wraps lorem ipsum at 20em, right aligned" $ do
+ it "gives correct safe width" $
+ paragraphSafeWidth result20em `shouldBe` expectedSafeWidth
+ it "wraps the same at safe width" $
+ resultSafe `shouldBeWrappedLike` result20em
+ it "does not wrap the same at smaller width" $
+ resultUnsafe `shouldNotBeWrappedLike` result20em
+ describe "lorem ipsum at 20em, right aligned" $ do
let opts = defaultParagraphOptions
{ paragraphAlignment = AlignRight
- , paragraphMaxWidth = 20000
- let input = loremIpsumParagraph font opts
- let result = layoutRich input
- result `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20emRight"
+ let input w = loremIpsumParagraph font $
+ opts { paragraphMaxWidth = w }
+ let result20em = layoutRich $ input commonWrapWidth
+ let resultSafe = layoutRich $ input expectedSafeWidth
+ let resultUnsafe = layoutRich $ input (expectedSafeWidth - 1)
- it "wraps lorem ipsum at 20em, centred" $ do
+ it "wraps correctly" $
+ result20em `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20emRight"
+ it "gives correct safe width" $
+ paragraphSafeWidth result20em `shouldBe` expectedSafeWidth
+ it "wraps the same at safe width" $
+ resultSafe `shouldBeWrappedLike` result20em
+ it "does not wrap the same at smaller width" $
+ resultUnsafe `shouldNotBeWrappedLike` result20em
+ describe "lorem ipsum at 20em, centred" $ do
let opts = defaultParagraphOptions
{ paragraphAlignment = AlignCentreH
- , paragraphMaxWidth = 20000
- let input = loremIpsumParagraph font opts
- let result = layoutRich input
- result `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20emCentre"
+ let input w = loremIpsumParagraph font $
+ opts { paragraphMaxWidth = w }
+ let result20em = layoutRich $ input commonWrapWidth
+ let resultSafe = layoutRich $ input expectedSafeWidth
+ let resultUnsafe = layoutRich $ input (expectedSafeWidth - 1)
+ let resultUnsafe2 = layoutRich $ input (expectedSafeWidth - 2)
+ it "wraps correctly" $
+ result20em `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20emCentre"
+ it "gives correct safe width" $
+ paragraphSafeWidth result20em `shouldBe` expectedSafeWidth
+ it "wraps the same at safe width" $
+ resultSafe `shouldBeWrappedLike` result20em
+ it "does not wrap the same at smaller width" $
+ resultUnsafe `shouldNotBeWrappedLike` result20em
+ -- Cover for false negatives when halving odd numbers.
+ it "does not wrap the same at 2 units smaller width" $
+ resultUnsafe2 `shouldNotBeWrappedLike` result20em
it "handles mixed line height" $ do
let opts = defaultParagraphOptions