
0552e4817ad8e6eb582920c72dd62dc0dd50bfb4 — Jaro 1 year, 11 months ago 7bc4ab5
Represent line breaks directly without offsets.
1 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain.hs
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain.hs +48 -49
@@ 22,7 22,9 @@ where

import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Array (Array)
import Data.Text.Foreign (lengthWord8)
import Data.Text.Glyphize

@@ 115,10 117,6 @@ getBySpanIndex idx xs = map contents $ filter matchingIndex $ xs
        matchingIndex (WithSpan rs _) = (RS.spanIndex rs) == idx
        contents (WithSpan _ x) = x

runOffsetInParagraph :: WithSpan Run -> Int
runOffsetInParagraph (WithSpan rs run) =
    runOffsetInSpan run + RS.spanOffsetInParagraph rs

spanRects :: SpanLayout -> [Rect Int32]
spanRects (SpanLayout frags) = map fragmentRect frags

@@ 228,55 226,49 @@ alignFragmentH originY (WithSpan rs pf) =
tryAddRunsH :: Int32 -> Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] ->
    ([WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment], [WithSpan Run])
tryAddRunsH maxWidth currentX runs =
    tryAddSplitRunsH maxWidth currentX runs totalLength
    fromMaybe lastResortSplit $ listToMaybe validSplits
        totalLength = sum $ map (lengthWord8 . getText) runs

-- | Like `addRunsH`, but break the input runs at the given position, or closer
-- to the start if necessary to prevent overflowing the maximum line width,
-- and return the remaining runs to be placed on other lines.
tryAddSplitRunsH :: Int32 -> Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] -> Int ->
    ([WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment], [WithSpan Run])
tryAddSplitRunsH _ _ [] _ = ([], [])
tryAddSplitRunsH _ currentX runs 0 = do
    -- Last resort splitting by character.
    -- TODO: Split by glyph instead.
    -- Note: The following auto-adjusts to UTF-8 code point boundary.
    let (runs1, runs2) = splitTextsAt8 1 runs
    let (_, pfs) = mapAccumL addRunH currentX runs1
    (pfs, runs2)
tryAddSplitRunsH maxWidth currentX runs breakPoint = do
    -- TODO: Trim spaces around breaks.
    let (runs1, runs2) = splitTextsAt8 breakPoint runs
    let (nextX, pfs) = mapAccumL addRunH currentX runs1
    let next = nextBreakPoint breakPoint runs
    if abs nextX <= maxWidth
        then (pfs, runs2)
        else tryAddSplitRunsH maxWidth currentX runs next

-- | Find the farthermost break point in one of the given runs, whose offset is
-- less than the given limit, respecting locale rules.
        lastResortSplit = do
            let (runs1, runs2) = splitTextsAt8 1 runs
            let (_, pfs) = mapAccumL addRunH currentX runs1
            (pfs, runs2)
        applySplit (runs1, runs2) = do
            let (nextX, pfs) = mapAccumL addRunH currentX runs1
            if abs nextX <= maxWidth
                then Just (pfs, runs2)
                else Nothing
        validSplits = catMaybes $ map applySplit splits
        splits = noSplit : (filter hasContent $ breakSplits [] (reverse runs))
        noSplit = (runs, [])
        hasContent = not . null . fst

-- | Recursive function for finding all possible ways to split a list of runs
-- into two on a valid line-breaking boundary, including the start of the first
-- run and excluding the end of the last run.
-- The result will be an offset in `Word8` units from the start of the first
-- `Run` from the list.
-- The first input list is the suffix consisting of runs that have already been
-- considered for breaking. These will be appended to the output suffix as they
-- are.
-- If no breaks are possible, the result will be @0@.
nextBreakPoint :: Int -> [WithSpan Run] -> Int
nextBreakPoint _ [] = 0
nextBreakPoint limit runs@(headRun:_) = fromMaybe 0 $ listToMaybe points
-- The second input list is the prefix consisting of runs to be considered for
-- breaking, in reverse order.
-- The results in the form (prefix, suffix) will be ordered from the longest
-- prefix to shortest.
breakSplits :: [WithSpan Run] -> [WithSpan Run] ->
    [([WithSpan Run], [WithSpan Run])]
breakSplits _ [] = []
breakSplits closed (x:xs) = splits ++ breakSplits (x:closed) xs
        firstRunOffset = runOffsetInParagraph headRun
        points =
            dropWhile (>= limit) $ breakPoints firstRunOffset $ reverse runs
        splits = map mapFunc $ runLineSplits x
        mapFunc ((x1, x2), _) =
            (reverse $ collapse $ x1 :| xs, collapse $ x2 :| closed)

breakPoints :: Int -> [WithSpan Run] -> [Int]
breakPoints _ [] = []
breakPoints firstRunOffset (x:xs) = offsets ++ rest
        thisRunOffset = runOffsetInParagraph x
        offsets = map (correctOffset . fst) (runLineBreaks x)
        correctOffset = (+ (thisRunOffset - firstRunOffset))
        rest = breakPoints firstRunOffset xs
-- | If the first run is empty, remove it.
collapse :: NonEmpty (WithSpan Run) -> [WithSpan Run]
collapse (x :| xs)
    | Text.null (getText x) = xs
    | otherwise = x:xs

-- | Calculate layout for multiple runs on the same line and
-- arrange them in one horizontal direction starting from the given x_offset.

@@ 341,6 333,13 @@ paragraphLineBreaks (Paragraph arr off _ _) end lang =
        paragraphText = Text arr off (end - off)

-- | Split the given run at every valid line break position.
runLineSplits :: WithSpan Run ->
    [((WithSpan Run, WithSpan Run), BreakStatus.Line)]
runLineSplits r = map split $ runLineBreaks r
        split (i, status) = (splitTextAt8 i r, status)

runLineBreaks :: WithSpan Run -> [(Int, BreakStatus.Line)]
runLineBreaks (WithSpan rs run) = dropWhile (not . valid) $
    subOffsetsDesc (runOffsetInSpan run) $ RS.spanLineBreaks rs