module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextContainer (SeparableTextContainer ,TextContainer ,dropWhileEnd ,dropWhileStart ,getText ,splitTextAt8 ,splitTextsBy ,trimTextsEnd ,trimTextsEndPreserve ,trimTextsStart ,trimTextsStartPreserve ) where import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|))) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text.Foreign (dropWord8, takeWord8) -- | Class of data types containing `Text` that can be accessed. class TextContainer a where -- | Extract a `Text` from its container. getText :: a -> Text -- | As a trivial instance, each `Text` contains itself. instance TextContainer Text where getText = id -- | Class of data types containing `Text` that can be split at a given number -- of `Data.Word.Word8` units from the start of the text. class TextContainer a => SeparableTextContainer a where -- | Split the given `SeparableTextContainer` at the given number of -- `Data.Word.Word8` units from the start of the text, preserving whatever -- constraints the instance requires. splitTextAt8 :: Int -> a -> (a, a) -- | Return the suffix remaining after dropping characters that satisfy the -- given predicate from the beginning of the given `SeparableTextContainer`. dropWhileStart :: (Char -> Bool) -> a -> a -- | Return the prefix remaining after dropping characters that satisfy the -- given predicate from the end of the given `SeparableTextContainer`. dropWhileEnd :: (Char -> Bool) -> a -> a -- | As a trivial instance, each `Text` can be split directly. instance SeparableTextContainer Text where splitTextAt8 n t = (t1, t2) where t1 = takeWord8 (fromIntegral n) t t2 = dropWord8 (fromIntegral n) t dropWhileStart = Text.dropWhile dropWhileEnd = Text.dropWhileEnd -- | Treat a list of text containers as a contiguous sequence, -- and find all possible ways to split them into two non-empty lists, -- using the given function to find valid split offsets in `Data.Word.Word8` -- units from the beginning of each container. -- -- The results in the form (prefix, suffix) will be ordered from the longest -- prefix to shortest. splitTextsBy :: SeparableTextContainer a => (a -> [Int]) -> [a] -> [([a], [a])] splitTextsBy breakFunc tcs = filter notEmpty $ splitTextsBy' breakFunc [] (reverse tcs) where notEmpty (prefix, suffix) = not (null prefix || null suffix) splitTextsBy' :: SeparableTextContainer a => (a -> [Int]) -> [a] -> [a] -> [([a], [a])] splitTextsBy' _ _ [] = [] splitTextsBy' breakFunc closed (tc:tcs) = fullSplits ++ splitTextsBy' breakFunc (tc:closed) tcs where fullSplits = map mergeWithRest tcSplits mergeWithRest (x1, x2) = (reverse $ collapse $ x1 :| tcs, collapse $ x2 :| closed) tcSplits = map (\i -> splitTextAt8 i tc) tcBreakOffsets tcBreakOffsets = breakFunc tc -- | If the first container in the list is empty, remove it. collapse :: SeparableTextContainer a => NonEmpty a -> [a] collapse (tc :| tcs) | Text.null (getText tc) = tcs | otherwise = tc:tcs -- | Treat a list of text containers as a contiguous sequence, -- and remove a prefix of characters that match the given predicate. -- -- Empty text containers are removed from the output, so the result may -- potentially be an empty list. trimTextsStart :: SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] trimTextsStart p tcs = trimTextsStart' p tcs -- | Treat a list of text containers as a contiguous sequence, -- and remove a prefix of characters that match the given predicate. -- -- Empty text containers are removed from the output except the first one, -- which is instead truncated to zero length. trimTextsStartPreserve :: SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] trimTextsStartPreserve _ [] = [] trimTextsStartPreserve p ins@(in1:_) = case trimTextsStart' p ins of [] -> [truncateText in1] out -> out -- | Treat a list of text containers as a contiguous sequence, -- and remove a suffix of characters that match the given predicate. -- -- Empty text containers are removed from the output, so the result may -- potentially be an empty list. trimTextsEnd :: SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] trimTextsEnd p tcs = trimTextsEnd' p (reverse tcs) -- | Treat a list of text containers as a contiguous sequence, -- and remove a suffix of characters that match the given predicate. -- -- Empty text containers are removed from the output except the first one, -- which is instead truncated to zero length. trimTextsEndPreserve :: SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] trimTextsEndPreserve _ [] = [] trimTextsEndPreserve p ins@(in1:_) = case trimTextsEnd' p (reverse ins) of [] -> [truncateText in1] out -> out trimTextsStart' :: SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] trimTextsStart' _ [] = [] trimTextsStart' p (tc:tcs) | Text.null (getText trimmed) = trimTextsStart' p tcs | otherwise = trimmed:tcs where trimmed = dropWhileStart p tc trimTextsEnd' :: SeparableTextContainer a => (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] trimTextsEnd' _ [] = [] trimTextsEnd' p (tc:tcs) | Text.null (getText trimmed) = trimTextsEnd' p tcs | otherwise = reverse $ trimmed:tcs where trimmed = dropWhileEnd p tc -- | Discard all text from the container by creating a prefix of length 0. truncateText :: SeparableTextContainer a => a -> a truncateText tc = fst $ splitTextAt8 0 tc