module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Plain.ParagraphLayout ( ParagraphLayout (..) , appendFragments , emptyParagraphLayout , filterFragments , mapFragments , paragraphFragments , paragraphLayout , paragraphOriginX , paragraphOriginY , shapedRuns ) where import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Fragment import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rect import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Span -- | The resulting layout of the whole paragraph. data ParagraphLayout = ParagraphLayout { paragraphRect :: Rect Int32 -- ^ The containing block (CSS3). , spanLayouts :: [SpanLayout] } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) paragraphOriginX :: (Num a) => a paragraphOriginX = 0 paragraphOriginY :: (Num a) => a paragraphOriginY = 0 empty :: (Num a) => Rect a empty = Rect { x_origin = paragraphOriginX , y_origin = paragraphOriginY , x_size = 0 , y_size = 0 } containRects :: (Ord a, Num a) => [Rect a] -> Rect a containRects = foldr union empty -- | Wrap the given `SpanLayout`s and compute their containing rectangle. paragraphLayout :: [SpanLayout] -> ParagraphLayout paragraphLayout sls = ParagraphLayout pRect sls where pRect = containRects $ concat $ map spanRects sls -- | A `ParagraphLayout` with an infinite number of empty spans. -- Useful as an identity element for `appendFragments`. emptyParagraphLayout :: ParagraphLayout emptyParagraphLayout = ParagraphLayout empty $ repeat (SpanLayout []) -- | Remove fragments that do not match the given predicate. -- -- The containing rectangle will be recalculated. filterFragments :: (Fragment -> Bool) -> ParagraphLayout -> ParagraphLayout filterFragments fragPred (ParagraphLayout _ sls) = paragraphLayout sls' where sls' = map slMapFunc sls slMapFunc (SpanLayout frags) = SpanLayout (filter fragPred frags) -- | Run a mapping function over each fragment inside a `ParagraphLayout`. -- -- The containing rectangle will be recalculated. mapFragments :: (Fragment -> Fragment) -> ParagraphLayout -> ParagraphLayout mapFragments fragMapFunc (ParagraphLayout _ sls) = paragraphLayout sls' where sls' = map slMapFunc sls slMapFunc (SpanLayout frags) = SpanLayout (map fragMapFunc frags) -- | Combine fragments from two `ParagraphLayout`s. -- -- The containing rectangle will be recalculated. appendFragments :: ParagraphLayout -> ParagraphLayout -> ParagraphLayout appendFragments pla plb = paragraphLayout sls' where sls' = zipWith zipFunc slsa slsb slsa = spanLayouts pla slsb = spanLayouts plb zipFunc (SpanLayout fa) (SpanLayout fb) = SpanLayout (fa ++ fb) -- | Return all fragments of shaped text in one flat list, -- discarding information about their associated spans. paragraphFragments :: ParagraphLayout -> [Fragment] paragraphFragments pl = concat $ map spanFragments $ spanLayouts pl -- | Return all shaped runs in the paragraph. shapedRuns :: ParagraphLayout -> [ShapedRun] shapedRuns pl = map shapedRun $ paragraphFragments pl