-- | Breaking generic lines into discrete pages. -- -- This can be used for implementing fragmentation breaks as defined by the -- [CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-break-3/). -- All types of fragmentation containers (pages, columns, regions) are referred -- to as pages within this module. -- -- Assumptions: -- -- * Lines are laid out from top to bottom. -- * Each page has the same size. -- (Preceding context may limit the space available on the given page, but it -- is assumed that the space on every following page can be used in full.) module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.LinePagination (Line ,lineHeight ,PageContinuity(Break, Continue) ,bestSplit ,paginateLines ) where import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.List (dropWhileEnd, genericLength) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|))) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty -- | Representation of a line of text with a known height. -- -- Lines are assumed to be tightly packed without overlaps, -- so that the vertical space taken up by multiple lines -- is equal to the sum of the height of each line. class Line a where lineHeight :: a -> Int32 -- | A trivial instance of `Line` that is just a height. -- -- For testing purposes. instance Line Int32 where lineHeight = id -- | Represents the best place to place a chunk of paginated content. data PageContinuity = Continue -- ^ The content is split so that a given chunk can continue -- on the same page as its preceding context. -- -- This may be because all constraints were met, or because -- adding a page break would have no benefit. | Break -- ^ The content is split so that a given chunk should begin -- on a new page. -- -- This may be because the current page does not have enough -- space to preserve orphan/widow constrains, or because it -- does not have space for any content at all. deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded) -- | Split a list of lines in order to meet the given pagination constraints. -- -- This is a high-level function that produces the best usable result, -- even if some constraints have to be violated. -- -- The first component of the output determines whether a page break should -- be inserted before any of the given lines. -- -- The second component of the output contains the lines that fit on one page -- and satisfy the given constraints as much as possible. -- -- The third component of the output contains all remaining lines. If non-empty, -- these can be passed to this function again to produce more pages. paginateLines :: Line a => Word -- ^ Minimum number of lines to keep before a page break ("orphans"), -- if possible. -> Word -- ^ Minimum number of lines to keep after a page break ("widows"), -- if possible. -> Int32 -- ^ Height available when continuing the current page. -- Used for calculating results with `PageContinuity` set to `Continue`. -> Int32 -- ^ Height available when breaking onto a new page. -- Used for calculating results with `PageContinuity` set to `Break`. -> [a] -- ^ Lines to paginate. -> (PageContinuity, [a], [a]) -- ^ The best page break found. paginateLines o w h1 h2 ls -- First, attempt to satisfy the orphans and widows constraints, following -- "Rule 3" of . | canBeFinal constrained = accept constrained Continue | canBeFinal constrainedNextPage = accept constrainedNextPage Break -- Next, drop "rule 3" to provide more break points. | canBeFinal relaxed = accept relaxed Continue | canBeFinal relaxedNextPage = accept relaxedNextPage Break -- If overflow is unavoidable, break after the first line. -- Try adding a page break if it would make the line fit better. | h1 >= h2 = accept overflowing Continue | otherwise = accept overflowing Break where accept (prefix, suffix) continuity = (continuity, prefix, suffix) constrained = bestSplit o w h1 ls constrainedNextPage = bestSplit o w h2 ls relaxed = bestSplit 1 1 h1 ls relaxedNextPage = bestSplit 1 1 h2 ls overflowing = split1 ls -- | Determine whether pagination will converge if pages are split -- in the given way. canBeFinal :: ([a], [a]) -> Bool -- An empty suffix is OK, because this means the end of pagination. canBeFinal (_, []) = True -- An empty prefix with a non-empty suffix is unacceptable, because -- repeating pagination on the suffix would diverge. canBeFinal ([], _) = False -- A non-empty prefix with a non-empty suffix is OK, because -- repeating pagination on the suffix will eventually converge. canBeFinal (_, _) = True -- | Split a non-empty list after its first element, -- or split an empty list into two empty lists. split1 :: [a] -> ([a], [a]) split1 xs = (take 1 xs, drop 1 xs) -- | Split a list of lines so that the prefix contains as many lines -- as possible while satisfying the given constraints. -- -- This is a low-level function that makes no compromises. bestSplit :: Line a => Word -- ^ Number of lines at the beginning ("orphans") to keep together. -> Word -- ^ Number of lines at the end ("widows") to keep together. -> Int32 -- ^ Maximum total height of lines in the prefix. -> [a] -- ^ Lines to split. -> ([a], [a]) -- ^ Two lists of lines that yield the original list when concatenated, -- where the prefix, if non-empty, matches the given orphan, widow, and -- maximum height constraints. bestSplit o w h ls = NonEmpty.last $ constrainedSplits o w h ls -- | Split a list of lines in every possible way, from shortest prefix -- to longest, as long as the total of line heights in the prefix does -- not exceed @h@, the first @o@ lines ("orphans") are kept together, -- and the last @w@ lines ("widows") are kept together. constrainedSplits :: Line a => Word -> Word -> Int32 -> [a] -> NonEmpty ([a], [a]) constrainedSplits o w h ls = zeroSplit :| dropWhileEnd violating splits where zeroSplit :| splits = fittingSplits h ls violating = not . meetingConstraints meetingConstraints (prefix, suffix) = (null prefix || genericLength prefix >= o) && (null suffix || genericLength suffix >= w) -- | Split a list of lines in every possible way, from shortest prefix -- to longest, as long as the total of line heights in the prefix does -- not exceed @h@. fittingSplits :: Line a => Int32 -> [a] -> NonEmpty ([a], [a]) fittingSplits h ls = fmap snd $ zeroSplit :| takeWhile fitting splits where zeroSplit :| splits = splitsWithTotal ls fitting (height, _) = height <= h -- | Split a list of lines in every possible way, from shortest prefix -- to longest, and keep a running total of line heights in the prefix. splitsWithTotal :: Line a => [a] -> NonEmpty (Int32, ([a], [a])) splitsWithTotal ls = zeroSplit :| splits where zeroSplit = (zeroTotal, (zeroClosed, ls)) splits = splitsWithTotal' zeroTotal zeroClosed ls zeroClosed = [] zeroTotal = 0 splitsWithTotal' :: Line a => Int32 -> [a] -> [a] -> [(Int32, ([a], [a]))] splitsWithTotal' _ _ [] = [] splitsWithTotal' total closed (x:xs) = split : splits where split = (newTotal, (reverse newClosed, xs)) splits = splitsWithTotal' newTotal newClosed xs newClosed = x:closed newTotal = total + lineHeight x