module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.VerticalOffsets
( VerticalOffsets (..)
, alignBaseline
, fromText
, strutted
, underBox
, underRoot
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)), (<|))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (ascender, descender, fontExtentsForDir)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.BoxOptions
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.LineHeight
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedBox
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextOptions
-- | Metrics used for vertical alignment of text fragments.
data VerticalOffsets = VerticalOffsets
{ layoutTop :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the top edge of the fragment,
-- including half-leading.
, fontTop :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the font's ascender.
, baseline :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the font's baseline.
, fontBottom :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the font's descender.
, layoutBottom :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the bottom edge of the fragment,
-- including half-leading.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Add a constant to each of the coordinates, effectively moving them
-- up by the given amount while preserving distances between them.
shift :: Int32 -> VerticalOffsets -> VerticalOffsets
shift d vo = vo
{ layoutTop = layoutTop vo + d
, fontTop = fontTop vo + d
, baseline = baseline vo + d
, fontBottom = fontBottom vo + d
, layoutBottom = layoutBottom vo + d
-- | Set `baseline` to the given value and update all other coordinates
-- so that distances are preserved.
alignBaseline :: Int32 -> VerticalOffsets -> VerticalOffsets
alignBaseline x vo = shift (x - baseline vo) vo
-- | Metrics calculated for a single text box, as if it existed alone
-- with its baseline at @0@.
fromText :: TextOptions -> VerticalOffsets
fromText opts = VerticalOffsets
{ layoutTop = ascent + topHalfLeading
, fontTop = ascent
, baseline = 0
, fontBottom = - descent
, layoutBottom = - descent - bottomHalfLeading
-- non-negative leading values iff `lineHeight` > `normalLineHeight`
leading = lineHeight - normalLineHeight
topHalfLeading = -((-leading) `div` 2)
bottomHalfLeading = leading `div` 2
-- `normalLineHeight` > 0 for horizontal fonts
normalLineHeight = ascent + descent
-- `ascent` >= 0 for horizontal fonts
ascent = ascender extents `fromMaybe` textAscender opts
-- `descent` >= 0 for horizontal fonts
descent = - (descender extents `fromMaybe` textDescender opts)
extents = fontExtentsForDir (textFont opts) (Just dir)
-- Actual shaped text direction may differ from the direction set in
-- `TextOptions` (for example RTL characters in a LTR box), but
-- HarfBuzz only distinguished horizontal and vertical extents,
-- so this should make no difference.
dir = textDirection opts
lineHeight = case textLineHeight opts of
Normal -> normalLineHeight
Absolute h -> h
-- | Metrics for a nested text fragment, with a defined relation either to
-- the root box or to a box with line-relative alignment.
type NestedVerticalOffsets d = (Maybe (ResolvedBox d), VerticalOffsets)
-- | Test whether the given `NestedVerticalOffsets` are defined relative to
-- the root box.
underRoot :: NestedVerticalOffsets d -> Bool
underRoot (Nothing, _) = True
underRoot (Just _, _) = False
-- | Test whether the given `NestedVerticalOffsets` are defined relative to
-- the given box.
-- (Note that boxes are compared internally using `boxIndex`, and should
-- therefore only be compared with boxes created from the same input.)
underBox :: ResolvedBox d -> NestedVerticalOffsets d -> Bool
underBox _ (Nothing, _) = False
underBox b (Just x, _) = b == x
-- | Metrics calculated for a text box nested within zero or more boxes.
-- Vertical offsets will be recursively adjusted using the ancestor boxes'
-- properties, stopping once a box with line-relative alignment is reached,
-- if there is one.
-- If recursion ends at the root, this function returns @(`Nothing`, vo)@,
-- where @vo@ is calculated such that the root baseline is at @0@.
-- If recursion ends at a box with line-relative alignment, this function
-- returns @(`Just` b, vo)@, where @b@ is the box where recursion stopped
-- (root of the /aligned subtree/ in CSS terminology), and @vo@ is calculated
-- such that the baseline of @b@ is at @0@.
-- Note: The font extents are calculated using the same direction for the whole
-- ancestry path regardless of the actual direction of these boxes, but
-- this should not matter for text that is only horizontal.
fromNestedText :: TextOptions -> [ResolvedBox d] -> NestedVerticalOffsets d
fromNestedText opts boxes = case boxes of
[] -> -- Inline content directly in the root box.
(Nothing, vo)
(b : bs) -> case boxVerticalAlignment $ boxOptions b of
AlignLineTop -> (Just b, vo)
AlignLineBottom -> (Just b, vo)
AlignBaseline offset ->
let parentOpts = boxParentTextOptions b
(anchor, parentVO) = fromNestedText parentOpts bs
in (anchor, alignBaseline (baseline parentVO + offset) vo)
vo = fromText opts
-- | Metrics calculated for a text box nested within zero or more boxes,
-- plus metrics for each of its ancestor boxes, which can be used as struts
-- on lines where these boxes do not directly contain any text.
strutted :: TextOptions -> [ResolvedBox d] -> NonEmpty (NestedVerticalOffsets d)
strutted opts [] =
fromNestedText opts [] :| []
strutted opts boxes@(b : bs) =
fromNestedText opts boxes <| strutted (boxParentTextOptions b) bs