{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module SpeechStyle(SpeechStyle(..), Unit'(..), Pitch(..), pitchAdjust, Voice(..), Pause(..), Cue(..)) where import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens import Data.CSS.Style import Data.Text as Txt import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat) import Data.Maybe (isJust, catMaybes, fromMaybe) import Text.Read (readMaybe) -- to parse into a more international textual representation. data Unit' = Unit' Text Float data SpeechStyle = SpeechStyle { volume :: Maybe Text, volumeAdjust :: Maybe Unit', rate :: Maybe Text, rateAdjust :: Maybe Unit', pitch :: Maybe Pitch, range :: Maybe Pitch, speak :: Bool, speakAs :: Maybe Text, punctuation :: Maybe Bool, voices :: [Voice], stress :: Maybe Text, pauseBefore :: Pause, pauseAfter :: Pause, restBefore :: Pause, restAfter :: Pause, cueBefore :: Cue, cueAfter :: Cue, marker :: Maybe Text, content :: Text, lang :: Maybe Text, pseudoEl :: Maybe Text } volumes = Txt.words "silent x-soft soft medium loud x-loud" stresses = Txt.words "strong moderate none reduced" instance PropertyParser SpeechStyle where temp = SpeechStyle { volume = Nothing, volumeAdjust = Nothing, rate = Nothing, rateAdjust = Nothing, pitch = Nothing, range = Nothing, speak = True, speakAs = Nothing, punctuation = Nothing, voices = [], stress = Nothing, pauseBefore = Pause Nothing Nothing, pauseAfter = Pause Nothing Nothing, restBefore = Pause Nothing Nothing, restAfter = Pause Nothing Nothing, cueBefore = NoCue, cueAfter = NoCue, marker = Nothing, content = "", lang = Nothing, pseudoEl = Nothing } inherit _ = temp -- Text synthesizers handle inheritance. longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {volume = Just "medium"} longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident kw, Dimension _ n "dB"] | kw `elem` Prelude.tail volumes = Just self {volume = Just kw, volumeAdjust = Just $ cssUnit n "dB"} longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` volumes = Just self {volume = Just kw} longhand _ self "voice-rate" [kw, Percentage _ n] = longhand self self { rateAdjust = Just $ cssUnit n "%" } "voice-rate" [kw] longhand _ self "voice-rate" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["x-slow", "slow", "medium", "fast", "x-fast"] = Just self {rate = Just kw} | kw `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = Just self {rate = Just "default"} longhand _ self "voice-pitch" toks = (\v -> self { pitch = Just v }) <$> parsePitch toks longhand _ self "voice-range" toks = (\v -> self { range = Just v }) <$> parsePitch toks longhand _ self "speak" [Ident "never"] = Just self { speak = False } longhand _ self "speak" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["always", "initial"] = Just self { speak = True } longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["normal", "initial"] = Just self { speakAs = Nothing } longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "spell-out"] = Just self { speakAs = Just "characters" } longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "digits"] = Just self { speakAs = Just "tts:digits" } longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "literal-punctuation"] = Just self { speakAs = Nothing, punctuation = Just True } longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "no-punctuation"] = Just self { speakAs = Nothing, punctuation = Just False } longhand _ self "speak-as" [tok, Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["literal-punctuation", "no-punctuation"] = longhand self self { punctuation = Just (kw == "literal-punctuation") } "speak-as" [tok] longhand _ self "voice-family" [Ident preserve] = Just self longhand _ self "voice-family" toks | Prelude.all isJust val = Just self { voices = catMaybes val } where val = Prelude.map parseVoice $ split' Comma toks longhand _ self "voice-stress" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` stresses = Just self { stress = Just kw } longhand _ self "pause-before" toks = (\v -> self { pauseBefore = v }) <$> parsePause toks longhand _ self "pause-after" toks = (\v -> self { pauseBefore = v }) <$> parsePause toks longhand _ self "rest-before" toks = (\v -> self { restBefore = v }) <$> parsePause toks longhand _ self "rest-after" toks = (\v -> self { restAfter = v }) <$> parsePause toks longhand _ self "cue-before" toks = (\v -> self { cueBefore = v }) <$> parseCue toks longhand _ self "cue-after" toks = (\v -> self { cueAfter = v }) <$> parseCue toks longhand _ self "-rhaps-marker" toks = (\v -> self { marker = Just v }) <$> parseStrings toks longhand _ self "content" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {content = ""} longhand _ self "content" toks = (\v -> self {content = v}) <$> parseStrings toks longhand _ self "::" [Ident pseudo] = Just self {pseudoEl = Just pseudo} -- To make sure content doesn't override :before & :after longhand _ self "-rhaps-lang" [String v] = Just self {lang = Just v} longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing shorthand _ "pause" [a, b] | isPause [a], isPause [b] = [("pause-before", [a]), ("pause-after", [b])] shorthand _ "pause" toks | isPause toks = [("pause-before", toks), ("pause-after", toks)] shorthand _ "rest" [a, b] | isPause [a], isPause [b] = [("rest-before", [a]), ("rest-after", [b])] shorthand _ "rest" toks | isPause toks = [("rest-before", toks), ("rest-after", toks)] shorthand _ "cue" (a:b:c) | isCue [a, b], isCue c = [("cue-before", [a, b]), ("cue-after", c)] shorthand _ "cue" (a:b) | isCue [a], isCue b = [("cue-before", [a]), ("cue-after", b)] shorthand _ "cue" toks | isCue toks = [("cue-before", toks), ("cue-after", toks)] shorthand _ "-rhaps-marker" [Ident m] = [ ("-rhaps-marker", [String m, Function "counter", Ident m, RightParen]), ("counter-increment", [Ident m]) ] shorthand self key value | isJust $ longhand self self key value = [(key, value)] | otherwise = [] -- parsers data Pitch = Pitch Text (Maybe Unit') | Absolute Unit' | Relative Unit' pitchAdjust (Pitch _ adjust) = adjust pitchAdjust _ = Nothing pitches = ["x-low", "low", "medium", "high", "x-high"] parsePitch [Ident "initial"] = Just $ Pitch "medium" Nothing parsePitch [kw, Percentage n' n] = parsePitch [kw, Dimension n' n "%"] parsePitch [Ident kw, Dimension _ n unit] | kw `elem` pitches && unit `elem` ["hz", "khz", "st", "%"] = Just $ Pitch kw $ Just $ cssUnit n unit parsePitch [Ident kw] | kw `elem` pitches = Just $ Pitch kw Nothing parsePitch [Dimension _ n unit, Ident "absolute"] | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"], cssFloat n > 0 = Just $ Absolute $ cssUnit n unit parsePitch [Ident "absolute", Dimension _ n unit] | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"], cssFloat n > 0 = Just $ Absolute $ cssUnit n unit parsePitch [Dimension _ n unit] | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"] = Just $ Relative $ cssUnit n unit parsePitch _ = Nothing data Voice = Voice Text | VoicePattern (Maybe Integer) Text (Maybe Integer) genders = ["male", "female", "neutral"] parseVoice (Comma:toks) = parseVoice toks parseVoice (Ident "child":toks) = parseVoice (Number "6" (NVInteger 6):toks) parseVoice (Ident "young":toks) = parseVoice (Number "24" (NVInteger 24):toks) parseVoice (Ident "old":toks) = parseVoice (Number "75" (NVInteger 75):toks) parseVoice [Ident kw, Number _ (NVInteger v)] | v >= 1 && kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern Nothing kw $ Just v parseVoice [Ident kw] | kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern Nothing kw Nothing | otherwise = Just $ Voice kw parseVoice [Number _ (NVInteger age), Ident kw, Number _ (NVInteger v)] | age >= 0 && kw `elem` genders && v >= 1 = Just $ VoicePattern (Just age) kw (Just v) parseVoice [Number _ (NVInteger age), Ident kw] | age >= 0 && kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern (Just age) kw Nothing parseVoice _ = Nothing data Pause = Pause { strength :: Maybe Text, time :: Maybe Unit' } pauses = Txt.words "x-weak weak medium strong x-strong" parsePause [Ident "none"] = Nothing parsePause [Ident kw] | kw `elem` pauses = Just Pause { strength = Just kw, time = Nothing } parsePause [Dimension _ n unit] | unit `elem` ["s", "ms"] = Just $ Pause Nothing $ Just $ cssUnit n unit parsePause _ = Nothing isPause = isJust . parsePause data Cue = Cue {src :: Text, cueVolume :: Maybe Unit'} | NoCue parseCue [Url source] = Just $ Cue source Nothing parseCue [Url source, Dimension _ n "dB"] = Just $ Cue source $ Just $ cssUnit n "dB" parseCue [Ident "none"] = Just NoCue parseCue _ = Nothing isCue = isJust . parseCue parseStrings (String txt:toks) = append txt <$> parseStrings toks parseStrings (Function "-rhaps-percentage":String num:String denom:RightParen:toks) = append (pack $ show frac) <$> parseStrings toks where frac :: Int frac = round (readNum num / readNum denom * 100) readNum :: Text -> Float readNum = fromMaybe (0.0) . readMaybe . unpack parseStrings [] = Just "" parseStrings _ = Nothing -- ParsingUtils cssUnit n "khz" = Unit' "hz" (cssFloat n*1000) cssUnit n unit = Unit' unit $ cssFloat n cssFloat :: NumericValue -> Float cssFloat (NVInteger i) = fromInteger i cssFloat (NVNumber n) = toRealFloat n split' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] split' _ [] = [] split' sep list = h:split' sep t where (h,t) = Prelude.break (==sep) list