{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Render(retreiveStyles, renderDoc, c_renderDoc) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import qualified Text.XML as XML import Data.Text as Txt (pack, unpack, Text(..), intercalate) import qualified Data.Map as M import System.Directory as Dir import Data.FileEmbed import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList) import Text.Read (readMaybe) --- External Rhapsode subcomponents import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet as CSS import qualified Data.CSS.Style as Style import Data.CSS.StyleTree import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens as CSSTok import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions as CSSCond import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Assets import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.PsuedoClasses as CSSPseudo import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text as CSSTxt import Stylist (cssPriorityAgent, cssPriorityUser, attrTest, elementPath) import Stylist.Tree (treeFind) import Data.HTML2CSS (el2stylist) import Network.URI import Network.URI.Fetch import Network.URI.Charset import Network.URI.Fetch.XML (applyCSScharset) --- For CSS assets import Data.List (nub, elem) import Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently) import System.IO.Temp import Control.Exception (catch) --- For psuedoclasses import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector as CSSSel -- Internal Rhapsode Subcomponents import SpeechStyle import SSML -- C API import Types import Foreign.StablePtr import Foreign.C.String import Data.ByteString (useAsCString) renderDoc :: Style.QueryableStyleSheet (Style.VarParser (CSSTxt.TextStyle SpeechStyle)) -> XML.Element -> B.ByteString renderDoc style html = renderElLBS $ styleToSSML $ CSSTxt.resolve $ inlinePseudos' $ stylize style $ el2stylist html inlinePseudos' :: Style.PropertyParser s => StyleTree [(Text, Style.VarParser s)] -> StyleTree s inlinePseudos' (StyleTree self childs) = StyleTree { style = fromMaybe Style.temp $ Style.innerParser <$> lookup "" self, children = pseudo "before" ++ map inlinePseudos' childs ++ pseudo "after" } where pseudo n | Just style <- Style.innerParser <$> lookup n self, Just style' <- Style.longhand style style "::" [CSSTok.Ident n] = [StyleTree style' []] | Just style <- Style.innerParser <$> lookup n self = [StyleTree style []] | otherwise = [] renderElLBS el = XML.renderLBS XML.def $ XML.Document { XML.documentPrologue = XML.Prologue [] Nothing [], XML.documentRoot = el, XML.documentEpilogue = [] } retreiveStyles :: Session -> CSSCond.ConditionalStyles (CSSTxt.TextStyle SpeechStyle) -> IO (CSSCond.ConditionalStyles (CSSTxt.TextStyle SpeechStyle)) retreiveStyles manager authorStyle = do let agentStyle = cssPriorityAgent authorStyle `CSS.parse` $(embedStringFile $ buildDirFile "useragent.css") userStyle <- loadUserStyles agentStyle CSSCond.loadImports loadURL lowerVars lowerToks userStyle [] where loadURL url = do response <- fetchURL manager ["text/css"] url let charsets' = map unpack charsets return $ case response of ("text/css", Left text) -> text ("text/css", Right bytes) -> applyCSScharset charsets' $ B.toStrict bytes (_, _) -> "" resolve' :: CSS.StyleSheet s => s -> CSSCond.ConditionalStyles (CSSTxt.TextStyle SpeechStyle) -> s resolve' = CSSCond.resolve lowerVars lowerToks lowerVars "speech" = CSSCond.B True lowerVars "-rhapsode" = CSSCond.B True lowerVars _ = CSSCond.B False lowerToks _ = CSSCond.B False loadUserStyles styles = do dir <- Dir.getXdgDirectory Dir.XdgConfig "rhapsode" exists <- Dir.doesDirectoryExist dir loadDirectory dir exists where loadDirectory _ False = return styles loadDirectory dir True = do files <- Dir.listDirectory dir loadFiles (cssPriorityUser styles) files loadFiles style (file:files) = do source <- readFile file CSS.parse style (Txt.pack source) `loadFiles` files loadFiles style [] = return style parsePath ('.':anchor) = [] : parsePath anchor parsePath (c:anchor) | n:path' <- parsePath anchor, c >= '0' && c <= '9' = (c:n):path' parsePath [] = [[]] parsePath _ = [] targetSel "" = [CSSTok.Ident "main"] targetSel "#" = [CSSTok.Colon, CSSTok.Ident "root"] targetSel ('#':'.':anchor) = CSSTok.Colon : CSSTok.Ident "root" : concat [ selLayer n | n <- parsePath anchor] where selLayer n = [ CSSTok.Delim '>', CSSTok.Colon, CSSTok.Function "nth-child", CSSTok.Number (pack n) (CSSTok.NVInteger $ fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe n), CSSTok.RightParen] targetSel ('#':id) = [CSSTok.Hash CSSTok.HUnrestricted $ Txt.pack id] targetSel _ = [] targetWithinSel _ "#" = [] targetWithinSel _ ('#':'.':anchor) = map (fromMaybe 0 . readMaybe) $ parsePath anchor targetWithinSel tree ('#':id) | (el:_) <- treeFind tree $ attrTest Nothing "id" $ CSSSel.Include $ Txt.pack id = elementPath el targetWithinSel _ _ = [] testVisited :: Set.Set Text -> URI -> String -> Bool testVisited hist base val = uriToText url `Set.member` hist where url = fromMaybe nullURI (parseURIReference val) `relativeTo` base uriToText uri = pack $ uriToString id uri "" rhapsodePseudoFilter url hist tree = -- Note: not all links must have an href tag, but it's not a bad approximation visited links must. -- Doing it this way is easier to implement in Haskell Stylist. CSSPseudo.addTest "visited" Nothing "href" (CSSSel.PropertyFunc $ testVisited hist url) $ CSSPseudo.addRewrite "link" "[src], [href], details > summary, tr:first-of-type th" $ CSSPseudo.addRewrite' "target" (targetSel $ uriFragment url) $ CSSPseudo.addContains "target-within" (targetWithinSel tree $ uriFragment url) $ CSSPseudo.htmlPsuedoFilter Style.queryableStyleSheet -------- ---- Download assets -------- downloadAssets session mimes (StyleAssets _ assets) = do dir <- Dir.getXdgDirectory Dir.XdgCache "rhapsode" Dir.removeDirectoryRecursive dir `catch` ignoreError -- Clear cache. Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True dir -- Ensure core audio cues are saved with predictable names for UI layer to use. let assets' = nub $ (u "about:link.wav":u "about:bulletpoint.wav":assets) fetchURLs session mimes assets' $ filterMIMEs mimes $ saveDownload nullURI dir where ignoreError :: IOError -> IO () ignoreError _ = return () u = fromMaybe (URI "about:" Nothing "invalid" "" "") . parseAbsoluteURI filterMIMEs mimes cb download@(_, mime, _) | mime `elem` mimes = cb download | otherwise = return nullURI -------- ---- C API -------- foreign export ccall c_renderDoc :: StablePtr Session -> StablePtr (Page RhapsodeCSS) -> Bool -> IO CString -- Hard to C bindings without IO c_renderDoc c_session c_page rewriteURLs = do session <- deRefStablePtr c_session page <- deRefStablePtr c_page css' <- retreiveStyles session $ css page let html' = XML.documentRoot $ html page let pseudoFilter = rhapsodePseudoFilter (pageURL page) (visitedURLs page) (el2stylist html') qCSS <- if rewriteURLs then do assets <- downloadAssets session [ "audio/vnd.wav" ] $ resolve' (StyleAssets ["cue-before", "cue-after", "cue"] []) css' let URIRewriter _ qCSS' = resolve' (URIRewriter assets pseudoFilter) css' return $ CSSPseudo.inner qCSS' else return $ CSSPseudo.inner $ resolve' pseudoFilter css' let ssml = renderDoc qCSS $ XML.documentRoot $ html page B.toStrict ssml `useAsCString` \cstr -> do str <- peekCString cstr newCString str