{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | Module holding localized error messages to be presented as a response. -- -- To localize error messages provided by HURL, provide your translations between -- "BEGIN LOCALIZATION" & "END LOCALIZATION" in this file. -- -- The lines are formatted: -- trans ("LANG":_) (KEY) = "TRANSLATION" -- with uppercase indicating the bits you fill in. -- -- Translations between #if WITH_HTTP_URI & #endif are specific to HTTP error handling. module Network.URI.Messages (trans, Errors(..)) where import Data.List (stripPrefix) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) #if WITH_HTTP_URI import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException(..), HttpExceptionContent(..)) import Control.Exception (displayException) import Network.TLS (TLSException(..), TLSError(..), AlertDescription(..)) import Control.Exception.Base (fromException) #endif trans _ (RawXML markup) = markup --- BEGIN LOCALIZATION trans ("en":_) (UnsupportedScheme scheme) = "Unsupported protocol " ++ scheme trans ("en":_) (UnsupportedMIME mime) = "Unsupported filetype " ++ mime trans ("en":_) (RequiresInstall mime appsMarkup) = "
" ++ linkType ++ "
linksIt has sent us a cryptographic certificate I failed to make sense of.
" ] Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CertificateExpired))) -> unlines [ "The cryptographic certificate it has sent to us has expired!
" ] Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CertificateRevoked))) -> unlines [ "The cryptographic certificate it has sent us has been revoked!
" ] Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CertificateUnknown))) -> unlines [ "The cryptographic certificate it has sent us belongs to someone else!
" ] Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, UnknownCa))) -> unlines [ "The authority vouching for it is unknown to me!
" ] Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (why, _, _desc))) -> "Failed to establish secure connection! " ++ why ++ "" Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Certificate why)) -> unlines [ "" ++ why ++ "
" ] Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_HandshakePolicy why)) -> "Invalid handshake policy: " ++ why ++ "" Just (HandshakeFailed Error_EOF) -> "Secure session disconnected!" Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Packet why)) -> "Invalid security packet: " ++ why ++ "" Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Packet_unexpected a b)) -> unlines [ "Invalid security packet: " ++ a ++ "
", "" ++ b ++ "
" ] Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Packet_Parsing why)) -> "Invalid security packet: " ++ why ++ "" Just ConnectionNotEstablished -> "Attempted to send or recieve data before establishing secure connection!" Nothing -> "Internal error: " ++ displayException e #endif trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '1' '1' label) = "" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '1' _ label) = "" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '4' '1' _) = "Site unavailable!" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '4' '2' _) = "Program error!" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '4' '3' _) = "Proxy error!" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '4' '4' timeout) = "Site busy! Please reload after at least " ++ timeout ++ " seconds" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '5' '1' _) = "Page not found! Try the homepage." trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '5' '2' _) = "Page deleted! Try the homepage." trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '5' '3' _) = "Contacted wrong server!" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '5' '9' _) = "Malformed request, my bad!" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '6' '1' _) = "" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '6' '2' _) = "" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '6' _ _) = "" trans ("en":_) (GeminiError _ _ error) = error trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 400 _) = "I sent a bad request, according to this site." trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 401 _) = "Authentication required!" -- FIXME: Support HTTP Basic Auth. trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 402 _) = "Payment required!" trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 403 _) = "Access denied!" trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 404 _) = "Page not found! Try the homepage." trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 405 _) = "Bad webform for this destination webaddress! " ++ "Method not allowed." trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 406 _) = "No representation available for given criteria!" trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 407 _) = "Authentication into proxyserver required!" trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 408 _) = "The site took too long to connect! (HTTP 408)" trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 409 _) = "Request is based on outdated state!" trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 410 _) = "Page deleted! Try the homepage." trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 411 _) = "I sent a bad request, according to this site." ++ "(MissingContent-Length
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 412 _) = "Webpage doesn't meet our preconditions."
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 413 _) = "Payload too large, please upload a smaller file!"
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 414 _) = "Web address is too long for the site!"
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 415 _) = "No representation available for supported filetypes!"
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 416 _) = "Invalid byte-range of requested resource!"
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 417 _) = "Site cannot satisfy our stated expectations!"
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 418 _) = unlines [
"I'm a little teapot
"Short and stout
"Here is my handle
"And here is my spout.
When I get all steamed up
"Hear me shout
"Tip me over
"And pour me out!