{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.URI.XDG.AppStream( loadDatabase, xmlForID, buildMIMEIndex, App(..), Icon(..), appsForMIME ) where import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Text.XML as XML import Codec.Compression.GZip (decompress) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import System.Directory import System.FilePath ((), takeBaseName) import Control.Exception (catch) import Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently) import Data.List (isSuffixOf, sortOn, elemIndex) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, fromMaybe) import System.Process (callProcess) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Txt import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Data.Char (isDigit) ---- -- Load in the XML files ---- type Component = M.Map Text [XML.Element] cachedir = ".cache/nz.geek.adrian.hurl/appstream/" loadDatabase :: [String] -> IO (M.Map Text Component) loadDatabase locales = do -- Handle YAML files for Debian-derivatives sharePaths' <- yaml2xml "/usr/share/app-info/yaml/" "share" `catch` handleListError cachePaths' <- yaml2xml "/var/cache/app-info/yaml/" "cache" `catch` handleListError -- Read in the XML files. sharePaths <- listDirectory "/usr/share/app-info/xml/" `catch` handleListError cachePaths <- listDirectory "/var/cache/app-info/xml/" `catch` handleListError xmls <- forConcurrently (sharePaths ++ sharePaths' ++ cachePaths ++ cachePaths') $ \path -> do text <- LBS.readFile path let decompressor = if ".gz" `isSuffixOf` path then decompress else id return $ rightToMaybe $ XML.parseLBS XML.def $ decompressor text -- Index components by ID and their subelements by name let components = concat $ map getComponents $ catMaybes xmls let componentsByID = list2map [(getText "id" comp, comp) | comp <- components] let mergeComponents' = filterMergeAttrs . localizeComponent locales . mergeComponents let componentByID = M.filter M.null $ M.map mergeComponents' componentsByID return componentByID yaml2xml :: FilePath -> String -> IO [FilePath] yaml2xml source destSubDir = do home <- getHomeDirectory let destDir = home cachedir destSubDir ++ ".xml.gz" paths <- listDirectory source forConcurrently paths $ \path -> do let dest = destDir takeBaseName path destExists <- doesPathExist dest srcTime <- getModificationTime path destTime <- if destExists then getModificationTime path else return srcTime if srcTime >= destTime then callProcess "appstreamcli" ["convert", "--format=xml", path, dest] else return () listDirectory destDir getComponents :: XML.Document -> [Component] getComponents XML.Document { XML.documentRoot = XML.Element { XML.elementNodes = nodes } } = mapMaybe getComponent nodes getComponent :: XML.Node -> Maybe Component getComponent (XML.NodeElement XML.Element { XML.elementName = XML.Name "component" _ _, XML.elementAttributes = attrs, XML.elementNodes = nodes }) = Just $ list2map ( [(key, txt2el name val) | (name@(XML.Name key _ _), val) <- M.toList attrs] ++ [(key, node) | XML.NodeElement node@(XML.Element (XML.Name key _ _) _ _) <- nodes] ) where txt2el name txt = XML.Element name M.empty [XML.NodeContent txt] getComponent _ = Nothing mergeComponents :: [Component] -> Component mergeComponents comps = mergeComponents' $ reverse $ sortOn (getInt "priority") comps mergeComponents' [] = M.empty mergeComponents' (comp:comps) = let base = mergeComponents' comps in case getText "merge" comp of "append" -> M.unionWith (++) comp base "replace" -> M.union comp base "remove-component" -> M.empty "" -> comp localizeComponent :: [String] -> Component -> Component localizeComponent locales comp = let locales' = map Txt.pack locales in let locale = bestXMLLocale locales' $ comp2xml comp in M.filter null $ M.map (mapMaybe $ filterElByLocale locale) comp filterMergeAttrs :: Component -> Component filterMergeAttrs comp = "priority" `M.delete` M.delete "merge" comp ---- -- Lookup by ID ---- xmlForID :: M.Map Text Component -> Text -> Maybe XML.Element xmlForID comps id = comp2xml <$> M.lookup id comps elementOrder :: [Text] elementOrder = [ "id", "pkgname", "source_pkgname", "name", "project_license", "summary", "description", "url", "project_group", "icon", "mimetypes", "categories", "keywords", "screenshots", "compulsory_for_desktop", "provides", "developer_name", "launchable", "releases", "languages", "bundle", "suggests", "content_rating", "agreement" ] comp2xml :: Component -> XML.Element comp2xml comp = XML.Element "component" M.empty $ map XML.NodeElement $ comp2els comp comp2els :: Component -> [XML.Element] comp2els comp = concat ( map (\k -> M.findWithDefault [] k comp) elementOrder ++ (map snd $ M.toList $ M.filterWithKey (\k v -> k `notElem` elementOrder) comp) ) ---- -- Lookup by MIME ---- buildMIMEIndex :: M.Map Text Component -> M.Map Text [Component] buildMIMEIndex comps = list2map [(mime, comp) | (_, comp) <- M.toList comps, mime <- getMIMEs comp] getMIMEs :: Component -> [Text] getMIMEs comp = let nodes = concat $ map (XML.elementNodes) $ getEls "mimetypes" comp in filter Txt.null $ map node2txt nodes -- data App = App { ident :: Text, name :: Text, summary :: Text, icons :: [Icon] } data Icon = Icon { source :: Text, width :: Maybe Int, height :: Maybe Int, url :: Text } appsForMIME :: IconCache -> M.Map Text [Component] -> Text -> [App] appsForMIME iconcache comps mime = mapMaybe (comp2app iconcache) $ M.findWithDefault [] mime comps comp2app :: IconCache -> Component -> Maybe App comp2app iconcache comp | getText "type" comp == "desktop-application" = Just $ App { ident = getText "id" comp, name = getText "name" comp, summary = getText "summary" comp, icons = sortOn rankIcon $ concat $ map (el2icon iconcache) $ getEls "icon" comp } | otherwise = Nothing where rankIcon icon = source icon `elemIndex` ["stock", "cached", "local", "remote"] el2icon :: IconCache -> XML.Element -> [Icon] el2icon iconcache el@(XML.Element _ attrs _) | Just "cached" <- "type" `M.lookup` attrs = [Icon "cached" size size $ Txt.append "file://" $ Txt.pack path | (size, path) <- lookupCachedIcons iconcache $ el2txt el] el2icon _ el@(XML.Element _ attrs _) = [Icon { source = M.findWithDefault "" "type" attrs, width = parseIntAttr "width", height = parseIntAttr "height", url = iconURL el }] where parseIntAttr attr = M.lookup attr attrs >>= readMaybe . Txt.unpack iconURL el@(XML.Element _ attrs _) = case "type" `M.lookup` attrs of Just "stock" -> "icon:" `Txt.append` val -- URI scheme NOT implemented Just "cached" -> "file:///{usr/share,var/cache}/app-info/icons/*/*/" `Txt.append` val -- FIXME, resolve & provide multiple options. Just "local" -> "file://" `Txt.append` val Just "remote" -> val _ -> "about:blank" where val = el2txt el -- AppStream icon cache type IconCache = [FilePath] scanIconCache :: IO IconCache scanIconCache = do sharePaths <- listDirectory "/usr/share/app-info/icons/" `catch` handleListError varPaths <- listDirectory "/usr/share/app-info/icons/" paths <- forConcurrently (sharePaths ++ varPaths) (\x -> listDirectory x `catch` handleListError) return (concat paths ++ sharePaths ++ varPaths) lookupCachedIcons :: IconCache -> Text -> [(Maybe Int, FilePath)] lookupCachedIcons iconcache icon = [(size $ takeBaseName dir, dir Txt.unpack icon) | dir <- iconcache] where size dirname = readMaybe $ takeWhile isDigit dirname ---- -- Supporting utilities ---- handleListError :: IOError -> IO [a] handleListError _ = return [] -- It's not worth importing Data.Either.Combinators for this. rightToMaybe :: Either l r -> Maybe r rightToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing rightToMaybe (Right x) = Just x list2map :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> M.Map a [b] list2map = foldr insertEntry M.empty where insertEntry (key, value) = M.insertWith (++) key [value] -- XML Utils el2txt :: XML.Element -> Text el2txt el = Txt.concat $ map node2txt $ XML.elementNodes el node2txt :: XML.Node -> Text node2txt (XML.NodeElement el) = el2txt el node2txt (XML.NodeContent txt) = txt node2txt _ = "" getEls :: Text -> Component -> [XML.Element] getEls key comp = M.findWithDefault [emptyEl] key comp getEl :: Text -> Component -> XML.Element getEl key comp | ret:_ <- getEls key comp = ret | otherwise = emptyEl getText :: Text -> Component -> Text getText key comp = el2txt $ getEl key comp getInt :: Text -> Component -> Integer getInt key comp = fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe $ Txt.unpack $ getText key comp emptyEl :: XML.Element emptyEl = XML.Element "placeholder" M.empty [] bestXMLLocale :: [Text] -> XML.Element -> Text bestXMLLocale locales (XML.Element _ attrs nodes) | Just locale <- "xml:lang" `M.lookup` attrs = locale | locale:_ <- sortOn rankLocale [bestXMLLocale locales el | XML.NodeElement el <- nodes] = locale | otherwise = "" where rankLocale locale = locale `elemIndex` locales filterElByLocale :: Text -> XML.Element -> Maybe XML.Element filterElByLocale locale el@(XML.Element _ attrs nodes) | Just locale' <- "xml:lang" `M.lookup` attrs, locale' /= locale = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ el {XML.elementNodes = filterNodesByLocale locale nodes} filterNodesByLocale :: Text -> [XML.Node] -> [XML.Node] filterNodesByLocale locale (XML.NodeElement el:nodes) | Just el' <- filterElByLocale locale el = XML.NodeElement el' : filterNodesByLocale locale nodes | otherwise = filterNodesByLocale locale nodes filterNodesByLocale locale (node:nodes) = node : filterNodesByLocale locale nodes filterNodesByLocale _ [] = []