{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Applies CSS selection, cascade, & inheritance. -- INTERNAL MODULE. module Data.CSS.Style.Cascade( query, cascade, TrivialPropertyParser(..), PropertyParser(..), Props ) where import Data.CSS.Style.Common import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens -- TODO do performance tests to decide beside between strict/lazy, -- or is another Map implementation better? import Data.HashMap.Strict import Data.Text (unpack, pack, isPrefixOf) -- | Defines how to parse CSS properties into an output "style" format. class PropertyParser a where -- | Default styles. temp :: a -- | Creates a style inherited from a parent style. inherit :: a -> a inherit = id -- | Expand a shorthand property into longhand properties. shorthand :: a -> Text -> [Token] -> [(Text, [Token])] shorthand self key value | Just _ <- longhand self self key value = [(key, value)] | otherwise = [] -- longhand parent self name value longhand :: a -> a -> Text -> [Token] -> Maybe a -- | Retrieve stored variables, optional. getVars :: a -> Props getVars _ = [] -- | Save variable values, optional. setVars :: Props -> a -> a setVars _ = id -- | Gather properties into a hashmap. data TrivialPropertyParser = TrivialPropertyParser (HashMap String [Token]) instance PropertyParser TrivialPropertyParser where temp = TrivialPropertyParser empty longhand _ (TrivialPropertyParser self) key value = Just $ TrivialPropertyParser $ insert (unpack key) value self -- | "key: value;" entries to be parsed into an output type. type Props = [(Text, [Token])] -------- ---- Query/Psuedo-elements -------- -- | Looks up style rules for an element, grouped by psuedoelement. query :: RuleStore s => s -> Element -> HashMap Text [StyleRule'] query self el = Prelude.foldr yield empty $ lookupRules self el where yield rule store = insertWith (++) (psuedoElement rule) [resolveAttr rule el] store -------- ---- Cascade/Inheritance -------- -- | Applies cascade for the given `StyleRule'`s & explicit styles, -- parsed to a value of the same `PropertyParser` type passed in & inheriting from it. cascade :: PropertyParser p => [StyleRule'] -> Props -> p -> p cascade styles overrides base = construct base $ toList $ cascadeRules (getVars base ++ overrides) styles cascadeRules :: Props -> [StyleRule'] -> HashMap Text [Token] cascadeRules overrides rules = cascadeProperties overrides $ concat $ Prelude.map properties rules cascadeProperties :: Props -> Props -> HashMap Text [Token] cascadeProperties overrides props = fromList (props ++ overrides) construct :: PropertyParser p => p -> Props -> p construct base props = dispatch base child props where child = setVars [item | item@(n, _) <- props, isPrefixOf "--" n] $ inherit base dispatch :: PropertyParser p => p -> p -> Props -> p dispatch base child ((key, value):props) | Just child' <- longhand base child key value = dispatch base child' props | otherwise = dispatch base child props dispatch _ child [] = child -------- ---- attr() -------- resolveAttr :: StyleRule' -> Element -> StyleRule' resolveAttr self el = self { inner = StyleRule sel [(n, resolveAttr' v $ attrs2Dict el) | (n, v) <- attrs] psuedo } where StyleRule sel attrs psuedo = inner self attrs2Dict :: Element -> HashMap Text String attrs2Dict el = fromList [(a, b) | Attribute a b <- attributes el] resolveAttr' :: [Token] -> HashMap Text String -> [Token] resolveAttr' (Function "attr":Ident attr:RightParen:toks) attrs = String (pack $ lookupDefault "" attr attrs) : resolveAttr' toks attrs resolveAttr' (tok:toks) attrs = tok : resolveAttr' toks attrs resolveAttr' [] _ = []