{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Lowers certain CSS properties to plain text. module Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text( TextStyle, resolve, resolveWithCounterStyles, CounterStore'(..)) where import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..)) import Stylist (parseUnorderedShorthand, PropertyParser(..)) import Stylist.Parse (scanBlock) import Data.CSS.StyleTree import qualified Data.Text as Txt import Data.Text (Text) import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle (parseCounter, counterRender, CounterStore'(..), decimalCounter, defaultCounterStore, CounterStore, CounterStyle(..), speakAs') import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Char (isSpace) type Counters = [(Text, Int)] -- | `PropertyParser` decorator that parses & lowers certain CSS properties to plain text. data TextStyle p = TextStyle { inner :: p, counterProps :: [(Text, [Token])], counterReset :: Counters, counterIncrement :: Counters, counterSet :: Counters, whiteSpaceCollapse :: Bool, newlineCollapse :: Bool, isListItem :: Bool, listStyleImage :: [Token], listStyleType :: [Token], listPosInside :: Bool, markerIsRight :: Maybe Bool, isRTL :: Bool, beforePseudo :: Maybe (TextStyle p), afterPseudo :: Maybe (TextStyle p), markerPseudo :: Maybe (TextStyle p) } instance PropertyParser p => PropertyParser (TextStyle p) where temp = TextStyle { inner = temp, counterProps = [], counterReset = [], counterIncrement = [], counterSet = [], whiteSpaceCollapse = True, newlineCollapse = True, isListItem = False, listStyleImage = [], listStyleType = [Ident "disc"], listPosInside = False, markerIsRight = Nothing, isRTL = False, beforePseudo = Nothing, afterPseudo = Nothing, markerPseudo = Nothing } inherit parent = TextStyle { inner = inherit $ inner parent, counterProps = [], counterReset = [], counterIncrement = [], counterSet = [], whiteSpaceCollapse = whiteSpaceCollapse parent, newlineCollapse = newlineCollapse parent, isListItem = False, listStyleImage = listStyleImage parent, listStyleType = listStyleType parent, listPosInside = listPosInside parent, markerIsRight = if isJust $ markerIsRight parent then Just $ isRTL parent else Nothing, isRTL = isRTL parent, beforePseudo = Nothing, afterPseudo = Nothing, markerPseudo = Nothing } shorthand _ key value | key `elem` ["counter-reset", "counter-increment", "counter-set"], Just _ <- parseCounters 0 value = [(key, value)] shorthand self "white-space" [Ident val] | val `elem` ["normal", "pre", "pre-wrap", "pre-line"] = [("white-space", [Ident val])] | otherwise = shorthand (inner self) "white-space" [Ident val] shorthand self "list-style" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self subprops toks where subprops = ["list-style-image", "list-style-type", "list-style-position"] shorthand TextStyle { inner = s } k v | Just _ <- longhand s s k $ removeCounters v = [(k, v)] | otherwise = shorthand s k v longhand _ self "counter-reset" value = (\v -> self {counterReset = v}) <$> parseCounters 0 value longhand _ self "counter-increment" value = (\v -> self {counterIncrement = v}) <$> parseCounters 1 value longhand _ self "counter-set" value = (\v -> self {counterSet = v}) <$> parseCounters 0 value longhand p self "white-space" [Ident "initial"] = setWhiteSpace p self True True "normal" longhand p self "white-space" [Ident "normal"] = setWhiteSpace p self True True "normal" longhand p self "white-space" [Ident "pre"] = setWhiteSpace p self False False "nowrap" longhand p self "white-space" [Ident "nowrap"] = setWhiteSpace p self True True "nowrap" longhand p self "white-space" [Ident "pre-wrap"] = setWhiteSpace p self False False "normal" longhand p self "white-space" [Ident "pre-line"] = setWhiteSpace p self True False "normal" longhand p self@TextStyle {inner=self'} "display" [Ident "list-item"] = Just self { isListItem = True, inner = fromMaybe self' $ longhand (inner p) self' "display" [Ident "block"] } longhand TextStyle {inner=p'} self@TextStyle {inner = self'} "display" value | Just ret <- longhand p' self' "display" value = Just self { isListItem = False, inner = ret } | otherwise = Nothing longhand _ self "list-style-image" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["initial", "none"] = Just self { listStyleImage = [] } longhand TextStyle { inner = p' } self@TextStyle { inner = self' } "list-style-image" value | Just _ <- longhand p' self' "background-image" value = Just self { listStyleImage = value -- This is a valid image according to caller. } | otherwise = Nothing longhand _ self "list-style-type" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { listStyleType = [Ident "disc"] } longhand _ self "list-style-type" toks | Just _ <- parseCounter M.empty toks = Just self { listStyleType = toks } longhand _ self "list-style-position" [Ident "inside"] = Just self { listPosInside = True } longhand _ self "list-style-position" [Ident "outside"] = Just self { listPosInside = False } longhand _ self "list-style-position" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { listPosInside = False } longhand _ self "marker-side" [Ident "match-self"] = Just self { markerIsRight = Nothing } longhand parent self "marker-side" [Ident "match-parent"] = Just self { markerIsRight = Just $ isRTL parent } longhand _ self "marker-side" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { markerIsRight = Nothing } longhand _ self k@"direction" v@[Ident "ltr"] = Just self { isRTL = False, counterProps = insertList k v $ counterProps self } longhand _ self k@"direction" v@[Ident "rtl"] = Just self { isRTL = True, counterProps = insertList k v $ counterProps self } longhand _ self k@"direction" v@[Ident "initial"] = Just self { isRTL = False, counterProps = insertList k v $ counterProps self } -- Capture `content` properties & anything else using counter(s) functions. -- This is important in Rhapsode for the sake of navigational markers. -- Ignoring invalid properties. longhand TextStyle { inner = p' } TextStyle { inner = self' } key value | Nothing <- longhand p' self' key $ removeCounters value = Nothing longhand _ self "content" [Ident "normal"] = Just self { counterProps = [(k, val) | (k, val) <- counterProps self, k /= "content"] } longhand parent self key value | key == "content" || Function "counter" `elem` value || Function "counters" `elem` value = Just $ self { counterProps = insertList key value $ counterProps self } | otherwise = (\v -> self {inner = v}) <$> longhand (inner parent ) (inner self) key value pseudoEl self "before" calc = self { beforePseudo = Just $ calc self Nothing } pseudoEl self "after" calc = self { afterPseudo = Just $ calc self Nothing } pseudoEl self "marker" calc = self { markerPseudo = Just $ calc self Nothing } pseudoEl self sel calc = self { inner = pseudoEl (inner self) sel calc' } where calc' parent (Just base) = inner $ calc temp { inner = parent } $ Just temp { inner = base } calc' parent Nothing = inner $ calc temp { inner = parent } Nothing insertList :: Eq a => a -> b -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] insertList key value list | Nothing <- lookup key list = (key, value) : list | otherwise = [(k, if k == key then value else v) | (k, v) <- list] removeCounters :: [Token] -> [Token] removeCounters (Function "counter":Ident _:RightParen:toks) = String "" : removeCounters toks removeCounters (Function "counter":Ident _:Comma:toks) | Just (_, RightParen:toks') <- parseCounter0 toks = String "" : removeCounters toks' removeCounters (Function "counters":Ident _:Comma:String _:RightParen:toks) = String "" : removeCounters toks removeCounters (Function "counters":Ident _:Comma:String _:Comma:toks) | Just (_, RightParen:toks') <- parseCounter0 toks = String "" : removeCounters toks' removeCounters (tok:toks) = tok : removeCounters toks removeCounters [] = [] parseCounter0 :: [Token] -> Maybe (CounterStyle, [Token]) parseCounter0 = parseCounter M.empty setWhiteSpace :: PropertyParser p => TextStyle p -> TextStyle p -> Bool -> Bool -> Text -> Maybe (TextStyle p) setWhiteSpace parent self collapse noNewlines lowered = Just $ self { inner = inner self `fromMaybe` longhand (inner parent) (inner self) "white-space" [Ident lowered], whiteSpaceCollapse = collapse, newlineCollapse = noNewlines } parseCounters :: Int -> [Token] -> Maybe [(Text, Int)] parseCounters _ [Ident "none"] = Just [] parseCounters _ [Ident "initial"] = Just [] parseCounters _ [] = Just [] parseCounters x (Ident counter : Number _ (NVInteger count') : toks) = (:) (counter, fromIntegral count') <$> parseCounters x toks parseCounters x (Ident counter : toks) = (:) (counter, x) <$> parseCounters x toks parseCounters _ _ = Nothing -- | Returns inner `PropertyParser` with text properties applied. resolve :: PropertyParser p => StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree p resolve = resolveWithCounterStyles defaultCounterStore resolveWithCounterStyles :: PropertyParser p => CounterStore' -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree p resolveWithCounterStyles (CounterStore counters) = resolve' . collapseWS . applyCounters counters . insertPseudos counters resolve' :: PropertyParser p => StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree p resolve' = treeMap $ \TextStyle {inner = inner', counterProps = props} -> foldl resolveProp inner' props resolveProp :: PropertyParser p => p -> (Text, [Token]) -> p resolveProp sty (key, value) = sty `fromMaybe` longhand temp sty key value -------- ---- Lists & pseudo-elements -------- insertPseudos :: PropertyParser p => CounterStore -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) insertPseudos s (StyleTree self@TextStyle { afterPseudo = Just child } childs) = insertPseudos s $ StyleTree self { afterPseudo = Nothing } (childs ++ [t Nothing child]) insertPseudos s (StyleTree self@TextStyle { beforePseudo = Just child } childs) = insertPseudos s $ StyleTree self { beforePseudo = Nothing } (t Nothing child:childs) insertPseudos s (StyleTree self@TextStyle { markerPseudo = Nothing } childs) = insertPseudos s $ StyleTree self { markerPseudo = Just temp } childs insertPseudos s self@(StyleTree TextStyle { markerPseudo = Just child} _) | Just text <- lookup "content" $ counterProps child = addBullet self s Nothing text insertPseudos s self@(StyleTree TextStyle { listStyleImage = bullet@(_:_) } _) = addBullet self s Nothing (bullet ++ [String " "]) insertPseudos s self@(StyleTree TextStyle { listStyleType = bullet@(_:_) } _) | Just (cstyle, _) <- parseCounter s bullet = addBullet self s (Just cstyle) $ text cstyle where text counter = String (prefix counter): Function "counter":Ident "list-item":Comma:bullet ++ [String $ suffix counter] insertPseudos store (StyleTree self childs) = StyleTree self $ map (insertPseudos store) childs addBullet :: PropertyParser p => StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> CounterStore -> Maybe CounterStyle -> [Token] -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) addBullet (StyleTree self@TextStyle { counterIncrement = counters, isListItem = True } childs) store cstyle txt | Nothing <- lookup "list-item" counters = addBullet (StyleTree self { counterIncrement = ("list-item", 1):counterIncrement self } childs) store cstyle txt addBullet (StyleTree self@TextStyle { isListItem = True, listPosInside = True, markerPseudo = Just child } childs) store cstyle txt = insertPseudos store $ StyleTree self { isListItem = False } (t cstyle child { counterProps = insertList "content" txt $ counterProps child } : childs) addBullet (StyleTree s@TextStyle {markerIsRight=Nothing} childs) store cstyle txt = addBullet (StyleTree s { markerIsRight = Just $ isRTL s } childs) store cstyle txt addBullet (StyleTree self@TextStyle { markerIsRight = Just False, isListItem = True, listPosInside = False, markerPseudo = Just child } childs) store cstyle txt = insertPseudos store $ StyleTree self { isListItem = False, -- Flex lays out children horizontally at min size. counterProps=insertList "display" [Ident "flex"] $ counterProps child } [ t cstyle child { counterProps = insertList "content" txt $ counterProps child }, -- Generate a new layout box for the bullet to sit outside of. StyleTree temp childs ] addBullet (StyleTree self@TextStyle { markerIsRight = Just True, isListItem = True, listPosInside = False, markerPseudo = Just child } childs) store cstyle txt = insertPseudos store $ StyleTree self { isListItem = False, counterProps=insertList "display" [Ident "flex"] $ counterProps child } [ StyleTree temp childs, t cstyle child { counterProps = insertList "content" txt $ counterProps child } ] addBullet (StyleTree self childs) store _ _ = insertPseudos store $ StyleTree self { isListItem = False, listStyleImage = [], listStyleType = [] } childs t :: Maybe CounterStyle -> TextStyle p -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) t (Just cstyle) self = StyleTree self { counterProps = insertList "speak-as" [Ident $ speakAs' cstyle] $ counterProps self } [] t Nothing self = StyleTree self [] -------- ---- Counters -------- type Context = M.HashMap Text [([Integer], Int)] inheritCounters :: Context -> Context -> Context inheritCounters counterSource valueSource = M.unionWith cb valueSource counterSource -- indexed by name & el-path where cb val source = [counter | counter@(path, _) <- val, path `elem` [p | (p, _) <- source]] instantiateCounter :: Context -> Path -> Text -> Int -> Context instantiateCounter counters path name val = M.insertWith appendCounter name [(path, val)] counters where appendCounter new (old@((_:oldPath), _):olds) | oldPath == tail path = new ++ olds | otherwise = new ++ (old:olds) appendCounter new [] = new appendCounter new (_:olds) = new ++ olds instantiateCounters :: Path -> Counters -> Context -> Context instantiateCounters path instruct counters = foldl cb counters instruct where cb counters' (name, value) = instantiateCounter counters' path name value incrementCounter :: Context -> Path -> Text -> Int -> Context incrementCounter counters path name val = M.insertWith addCounter name [(path, val)] counters where addCounter ((_, new):_) ((path', old):rest) = (path', new + old):rest addCounter [] old = old addCounter new [] = new incrementCounters :: Path -> Counters -> Context -> Context incrementCounters path instruct counters = foldl cb counters instruct where cb counters' (name, value) = incrementCounter counters' path name value setCounter :: Context -> Path -> Text -> Int -> Context setCounter counters path name val = M.insertWith setCounter' name [(path, val)] counters where setCounter' ((_, val'):_) ((path', _):rest) = (path', val'):rest setCounter' [] old = old setCounter' new [] = new setCounters :: Path -> Counters -> Context -> Context setCounters path instruct counters = foldl cb counters instruct where cb counters' (name, value) = setCounter counters' path name value renderCounters :: CounterStore -> Context -> [Token] -> [Token] renderCounters store counters (Function "counter":Ident name:RightParen:toks) | Just ((_, count):_) <- name `M.lookup` counters = String (counterRender decimalCounter count) : renderCounters store counters toks | otherwise = renderCounters store counters toks renderCounters store counters (Function "counter":Ident name:Comma:toks) | Just ((_, count):_) <- name `M.lookup` counters, Just (cstyle, RightParen:toks') <- parseCounter store toks = String (counterRender cstyle count) : renderCounters store counters toks' | otherwise = renderCounters store counters $ skipBlock toks renderCounters store counters (Function "counters":Ident name:Comma:String sep:RightParen:toks) | Just counter <- name `M.lookup` counters = String (Txt.intercalate sep [ counterRender decimalCounter count | (_, count) <- reverse counter ]) : renderCounters store counters toks | otherwise = renderCounters store counters toks renderCounters store counters (Function "counters":Ident name:Comma:String sep:Comma:toks) | Just counter <- name `M.lookup` counters, Just (cstyle, RightParen:toks') <- parseCounter store toks = String (Txt.intercalate sep [ counterRender cstyle count | (_, count) <- reverse counter ]) : renderCounters store counters toks' | otherwise = renderCounters store counters toks renderCounters store counters (tok:toks) = tok : renderCounters store counters toks renderCounters _ _ [] = [] skipBlock :: [Token] -> [Token] skipBlock = snd . scanBlock applyCounters :: CounterStore -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) applyCounters counters = treeOrder (applyCounters0 counters) M.empty applyCounters0 :: CounterStore -> Context -> Context -> Path -> TextStyle p -> (Context, TextStyle p) applyCounters0 store counterSource valueSource path node = let counters = inheritCounters counterSource valueSource & instantiateCounters path (counterReset node) & incrementCounters path (counterIncrement node) & setCounters path (counterSet node) in (counters, node { counterProps = [(k, renderCounters store counters v) | (k, v) <- counterProps node] }) -------- ---- white-space -------- content :: TextStyle p -> [Token] content = fromMaybe [] . lookup "content" . counterProps setContent :: [Token] -> TextStyle p -> TextStyle p setContent value self = self { counterProps = [(k, if k == "content" then value else v) | (k, v) <- counterProps self] } collapseWS :: StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) collapseWS = treeOrder collapseWS0 True collapseWS0 :: Bool -> Bool -> Path -> TextStyle p -> (Bool, TextStyle p) collapseWS0 _ _ _ node@(TextStyle { whiteSpaceCollapse = False, newlineCollapse = False }) = (False, node) collapseWS0 _ inSpace _ node@(TextStyle { whiteSpaceCollapse = wsCollapse, newlineCollapse = nlCollapse }) = (trailingSpace, setContent content' node) where (trailingSpace, content') = collapseWSToks inSpace wsCollapse nlCollapse $ content node collapseWSToks :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> [Token] -> (Bool, [Token]) collapseWSToks stripStart wsCollapse nlCollapse (String txt:toks) = let (trailingSpace, str') = collapseWSStr stripStart wsCollapse nlCollapse $ Txt.unpack txt (trailingSpace', toks') = collapseWSToks trailingSpace wsCollapse nlCollapse toks in (trailingSpace', String (Txt.pack str'):toks') collapseWSToks _ wsCollapse nlCollapse (tok:toks) = let (trailingSpace, toks') = collapseWSToks False wsCollapse nlCollapse toks in (trailingSpace, tok:toks') collapseWSToks trailingWS _ _ [] = (trailingWS, []) collapseWSStr, collapseWSStr' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> (Bool, String) collapseWSStr _ wsCollapse False str@('\n':_) = collapseWSStr' True wsCollapse False str collapseWSStr True True nlCollapse (ch:str) | isSpace ch = collapseWSStr True True nlCollapse str collapseWSStr False True nlCollapse str@(ch:_) | isSpace ch = collapseWSStr' True True nlCollapse str collapseWSStr _ wsCollapse nlCollapse str = collapseWSStr' False wsCollapse nlCollapse str collapseWSStr' a b c (d:ds) = let (trailing, ds') = collapseWSStr a b c ds in (trailing, d:ds') collapseWSStr' a _ _ [] = (a, [])