{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Evaluates CSS selectors over an element. -- INTERNAL MODULE. module Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Interpret( compile, SelectorFunc, InterpretedRuleStore(..) ) where import Data.CSS.Style.Common import Data.Text (unpack) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Bits (xor) -- For pseudoclasses import Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector (parseSelectors) import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..)) -- | A compiled(?) CSS selector. type SelectorFunc = Element -> Bool type AttrsFunc = [Attribute] -> Bool -- Mostly here for the sake of pseudoclasses. data IL = Tagname Text | NS Text | Fail | Recursive Bool [Selector] | Nth Bool Integer Integer | Root -- | Converts a parsed CSS selector into a callable function. compile :: Selector -> SelectorFunc compile (Element sel) = compileInner sel compile (Child upSel sel) = direct parent (compile upSel) $ compileInner sel compile (Descendant up sel) = indirect parent (compile up) $ compileInner sel compile (Adjacent up sel) = direct previous (compile up) $ compileInner sel compile (Sibling up sel) = indirect previous (compile up) $ compileInner sel compileInner :: [SimpleSelector] -> SelectorFunc compileInner sel = compileInner' $ lowerInner sel compileInner' :: ([IL], [(Text, Maybe Text, String -> Bool)]) -> SelectorFunc compileInner' (Tagname tag:tests, attrs) = testTag tag $ compileInner' (tests, attrs) compileInner' (NS ns:tests, attrs) = testNS ns $ compileInner' (tests, attrs) compileInner' (Fail:_, _) = \_ -> False compileInner' (Recursive negate' sels:tests, attrs) = recursiveSelect negate' (map compile sels) $ compileInner' (tests, attrs) compileInner' (Nth ofType n 0:tests, attrs) = nthChild ofType (fromInteger n) $ compileInner' (tests, attrs) compileInner' (Nth ofType a b:tests, attrs) = nthChild' ofType (fromInteger a) (fromInteger b) $ compileInner' (tests, attrs) compileInner' (Root:tests, attrs) = testRoot $ compileInner' (tests, attrs) compileInner' ([], attrs) = testAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attrs) matched compileAttrs :: [(Text, Maybe Text, String -> Bool)] -> AttrsFunc compileAttrs ((tag, Nothing, test):attrs) = testAttr tag test $ compileAttrs attrs compileAttrs ((tag, Just ns, test):attrs) = testAttrNS ns tag test $ compileAttrs attrs compileAttrs [] = matched lowerInner :: [SimpleSelector] -> ([IL], [(Text, Maybe Text, String -> Bool)]) lowerInner (Namespace ns:sel) = (NS ns:tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner sel lowerInner (Tag tag:sel) = (Tagname tag:tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner sel lowerInner (Id i:s) = (tests, ("id", Nothing, hasWord $ unpack i):attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s lowerInner (Class c:s) = (tests, ("class", Nothing, hasWord $ unpack c):attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s lowerInner (Property ns prop test:s) = (tests, (prop, ns, compileAttrTest test):attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s -- psuedos, TODO handle argumented psuedoclasses. lowerInner (Psuedoclass c args:s) | c `elem` ["is", "where"], (sels, []) <- parseSelectors args = (Recursive False sels:tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s lowerInner (Psuedoclass "not" args:s) | (sels, []) <- parseSelectors args = (Recursive True sels:tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s lowerInner (Psuedoclass "nth-child" args:s) = (parseNth False (filter (== Whitespace) args):tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s lowerInner (Psuedoclass "nth-of-type" args:s) = (parseNth True (filter (== Whitespace) args):tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s lowerInner (Psuedoclass "root" []:s) = (Root:tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s lowerInner (Psuedoclass c []:s) = (tests, ("", Nothing, hasWord $ unpack c):attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s lowerInner (Psuedoclass _ _:_) = ([Fail], []) lowerInner [] = ([], []) compileAttrTest :: PropertyTest -> String -> Bool compileAttrTest Exists = matched compileAttrTest (Equals val) = (== (unpack val)) compileAttrTest (Suffix val) = isSuffixOf $ unpack val compileAttrTest (Prefix val) = isPrefixOf $ unpack val compileAttrTest (Substring val) = isInfixOf $ unpack val compileAttrTest (Include val) = hasWord $ unpack val compileAttrTest (Dash val) = hasLang $ unpack val sortAttrs :: [(Text, Maybe Text, b)] -> [(Text, Maybe Text, b)] sortAttrs = sortBy compareAttrs where compareAttrs (x, x', _) (y, y', _) = (x, x') `compare` (y, y') -------- ---- Runtime -------- testTag :: Text -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc testTag tag success el | name el == tag = success el | otherwise = False testNS :: Text -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc testNS ns success el | namespace el == ns = success el | otherwise = False testAttrs :: AttrsFunc -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc testAttrs attrsTest success el | attrsTest $ attributes el = success el | otherwise = False direct :: (Element -> Maybe Element) -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc direct traverser upTest test el | Just up <- traverser el = test el && upTest up | otherwise = False indirect :: (Element -> Maybe Element) -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc indirect traverser upTest test el | Nothing <- traverser el = False | not $ test el = False | upTest (fromJust $ traverser el) = True | otherwise = indirect traverser upTest test $ fromJust $ traverser el matched :: t -> Bool matched _ = True testAttr :: Text -> (String -> Bool) -> AttrsFunc -> AttrsFunc testAttr expected test next attrs@(Attribute attr _ value : attrs') | attr < expected = testAttr expected test next attrs' | attr > expected = False | attr == expected && test value = next attrs | otherwise = False testAttr _ _ _ [] = False testAttrNS :: Text -> Text -> (String -> Bool) -> AttrsFunc -> AttrsFunc testAttrNS expectedNS expected test next attrs@(Attribute attr ns value : attrs') | (attr, ns) < (expected, expectedNS) = testAttrNS expectedNS expected test next attrs' | (attr, ns) > (expected, expectedNS) = False | (attr, ns) == (expected, expectedNS) && test value = next attrs | otherwise = False testAttrNS _ _ _ _ [] = False hasWord :: String -> String -> Bool hasWord expected value = expected `elem` words value hasLang :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool hasLang expected value = expected == value || isPrefixOf (expected ++ "-") value --- Pseudoclasses recursiveSelect :: Bool -> [SelectorFunc] -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc recursiveSelect negate' sels success el | negate' `xor` any ($ el) sels = success el | otherwise = False parseNth :: Bool -> [Token] -> IL parseNth ofType [Ident "odd"] = Nth ofType 2 1 parseNth ofType [Ident "even"] = Nth ofType 2 0 parseNth x [Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n", Number _ (NVInteger b)] = Nth x a b parseNth x [Number _ (NVInteger b), Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n"] = Nth x a b parseNth x [Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n", Delim '+', Number _ (NVInteger b)] = Nth x a b parseNth x [Number _ (NVInteger b), Delim '+', Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n"] = Nth x a b parseNth x [Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n", Delim '-', Number _ (NVInteger b)] = Nth x a $ negate b parseNth x [Number _ (NVInteger b), Delim '-', Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n"] = Nth x a $ negate b parseNth _ _ = Fail nthChild :: Bool -> Int -> (Element -> Bool) -> Element -> Bool nthChild ofType n success el | countPrev ofType el == n = success el | otherwise = False nthChild' :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> (Element -> Bool) -> Element -> Bool nthChild' ofType a b success el | countPrev ofType el `rem` a == b = success el | otherwise = False countPrev :: Bool -> Element -> Int countPrev ofType el = length [el' | el' <- maybeStar previous el, name el == name el' || not ofType] maybeStar :: (t -> Maybe t) -> t -> [t] maybeStar cb x | Just y <- cb x = x : maybeStar cb y | otherwise = [x] testRoot :: (Element -> Bool) -> Element -> Bool testRoot cb el | Just _ <- parent el = cb el | otherwise = False -------- ---- RuleStore wrapper -------- -- | Compiles & fully evaluates CSS selectors. data InterpretedRuleStore inner = InterpretedRuleStore inner instance RuleStore inner => RuleStore (InterpretedRuleStore inner) where new = InterpretedRuleStore new addStyleRule (InterpretedRuleStore self) priority rule = InterpretedRuleStore $ addStyleRule self priority $ rule { compiledSelector = compile $ selector rule } lookupRules (InterpretedRuleStore self) el = filter call $ lookupRules self el where call (StyleRule' _ test _) = test el