{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Bindings from `xml-conduit` to `haskell-stylist`. module Data.HTML2CSS( externalStyles, externalStylesForURL, internalStyles, internalStylesForURL, -- legacy html2css, cssPriorityAgent, cssPriorityUser, cssPriorityAuthor, -- parsing traverseStyles, traversePrepopulatedStyles, traverseStyles', elToStylish -- application ) where import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Text as Txt import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Text.XML as XML import Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet import Data.CSS.Style import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (tokenize) import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions.Expr as Query import Network.URI ---- Constants -- | Set the priority for a CSS stylesheet being parsed. cssPriorityAgent, cssPriorityUser, cssPriorityAuthor :: StyleSheet s => s -> s cssPriorityAgent = setPriority 1 cssPriorityUser = setPriority 2 cssPriorityAuthor = setPriority 3 ---- Parsing -- | Converts a parsed XML or HTML file to a `ConditionalStyles` `StyleSheet`. html2css :: PropertyParser p => XML.Document -> URI -> ConditionalStyles p html2css xml url = testIsStyled $ ConditionalStyles { hostURL = url, mediaDocument = "document", isUnstyled = False, rules = Priority 3 : html2css' (XML.documentRoot xml) (conditionalStyles url "document"), propertyParser = temp } html2css' :: PropertyParser p => XML.Element -> ConditionalStyles p -> [ConditionalRule p] html2css' (XML.Element (XML.Name "style" _ _) attrs children) base = [Internal (parseMediaQuery attrs) (parseForURL base (hostURL base) $ strContent children)] html2css' (XML.Element (XML.Name "link" _ _) attrs _) base | Just link <- "href" `M.lookup` attrs, Just "stylesheet" <- "rel" `M.lookup` attrs, Just uri <- parseURIReference $ Txt.unpack link = [External (parseMediaQuery attrs) (relativeTo uri $ hostURL base)] html2css' (XML.Element _ _ children) base = concat [html2css' el base | XML.NodeElement el <- children] parseMediaQuery :: M.Map XML.Name Txt.Text -> Query.Expr parseMediaQuery attrs | Just text <- "media" `M.lookup` attrs = Query.parse' (tokenize text) [] | otherwise = [] ---- Parsing (legacy) -- | LEGACY: Extract relative links to external stylesheets. externalStyles :: StyleSheet s => s -> (M.Map XML.Name Txt.Text -> Bool) -> XML.Element -> (URI -> IO Txt.Text) -> IO s externalStyles a b c d = externalStylesForURL a b c nullURI d -- | LEGACY: Extract absolutized links to external stylesheets. externalStylesForURL stylesheet testMedia html base loadURL = do css <- externalStyles' testMedia html base loadURL return $ foldl (\a (b, c) -> parseForURL a b c) (cssPriorityAuthor stylesheet) css externalStyles' testMedia html base loadURL = go $ linkedStyles' testMedia html where -- TODO parallelise loads go (link:links) = do response <- loadURL $ relativeTo link base rest <- go links return $ (relativeTo link base, response) : rest go [] = return [] linkedStyles' testMedia (XML.Element (XML.Name "link" _ _) attrs _) | Just link <- "href" `M.lookup` attrs, Just "stylesheet" <- "rel" `M.lookup` attrs, testMedia attrs, Just uri <- parseURIReference $ Txt.unpack link = [uri] linkedStyles' testMedia (XML.Element _ _ children) = concat [linkedStyles' testMedia el | XML.NodeElement el <- children] -- | LEGACY: Extract internally embedded CSS stylesheets. internalStyles a b c = internalStylesForURL a b nullURI c -- | LEGACY: Extract internally embedded CSS stylesheets, with absolutized URLs. internalStylesForURL testMedia stylesheet base html = foldl (\s -> parseForURL s base) (cssPriorityAuthor stylesheet) $ internalStyles' testMedia html internalStyles' testMedia (XML.Element (XML.Name "style"_ _) attrs children) | testMedia attrs = [strContent children] internalStyles' testMedia (XML.Element _ _ children) = concat [internalStyles' testMedia el | XML.NodeElement el <- children] strContent :: [XML.Node] -> Txt.Text strContent (XML.NodeContent text : rest) = text `Txt.append` strContent rest -- We do want to read in comments for CSS, just not for display. strContent (XML.NodeComment text : rest) = text `Txt.append` strContent rest strContent (XML.NodeElement (XML.Element _ _ children):rest) = strContent children `Txt.append` strContent rest strContent (_:rest) = strContent rest strContent [] = "" ---- Styling -- | Converts a parsed XML or HTML document to a specified style tree type. traverseStyles :: PropertyParser s => (s -> [o] -> o) -> (s -> Txt.Text -> o) -> QueryableStyleSheet s -> XML.Element -> o traverseStyles = traverseStyles' Nothing temp Nothing (\x y -> Nothing) -- | Converts a parsed XML or HTML document to a specified style tree type, -- with a routine to compute alternative contents based on the raw element or computed styles. traversePrepopulatedStyles :: PropertyParser s => (s -> XML.Element -> Maybe [o]) -> (s -> [o] -> o) -> (s -> Txt.Text -> o) -> QueryableStyleSheet s -> XML.Element -> o traversePrepopulatedStyles = traverseStyles' Nothing temp Nothing -- | Full routine for converting a parsed XML or HTML document to a specified style tree type. traverseStyles' :: PropertyParser s => Maybe Element -> s -> Maybe Element -> (s -> XML.Element -> Maybe [o]) -> (s -> [o] -> o) -> (s -> Txt.Text -> o) -> QueryableStyleSheet s -> XML.Element -> o traverseStyles' parent parentStyle previous prepopulate builder textBuilder stylesheet el@( XML.Element _ attrs children ) = builder style traverseChildren where stylishEl = elToStylish el parent previous maybeEl = Just stylishEl rules = queryRules stylesheet stylishEl style = cascade' (HM.lookupDefault [] "" rules) overrides parentStyle overrides | Just styleAttr <- "style" `M.lookup` attrs = fst $ parseProperties' $ tokenize styleAttr | otherwise = [] traverseChildren = traversePsuedo' "before" ++ fromMaybe (traverseChildren' Nothing children) (prepopulate style el) ++ traversePsuedo' "after" traversePsuedo' psuedo = traversePsuedo rules psuedo style builder traverseChildren' prev (XML.NodeContent txt:nodes) = textBuilder style txt : traverseChildren' prev nodes traverseChildren' prev (XML.NodeElement el:nodes) = traverseStyles' maybeEl style prev prepopulate builder textBuilder stylesheet el : traverseChildren' (Just $ elToStylish el maybeEl prev) nodes traverseChildren' prev (_:nodes) = traverseChildren' prev nodes traverseChildren' _ [] = [] traversePsuedo rules psuedo parentStyle builder | Just rules' <- HM.lookup psuedo rules = [builder (cascade' rules' [] parentStyle) []] | otherwise = [] -- | Converts a xml-conduit Element to a stylist Element. elToStylish (XML.Element (XML.Name name ns _) attrs _) parent previous = ElementNode { name = name, namespace = fromMaybe "" ns, attributes = L.sort [ Attribute name (fromMaybe "" ns) (Txt.unpack value) | (XML.Name name ns _, value) <- M.toList attrs ], parent = parent, previous = previous } addPsuedoclasses el psuedoclasses | (Attribute "" "" value : attrs) <- attributes el = el { attributes = Attribute "" "" (psuedoclasses ++ value) : attrs } | otherwise = el { attributes = Attribute "" "" psuedoclasses : attributes el }