-- NOTE: Not tested module FreeType.FontConfig (ftCharIndex, ftCharSet, ftCharSetAndSpacing, ftQuery, ftQueryAll, ftQueryFace, FTFC_Instance(..), FTFC_Metrics(..), FTFC_Subpixel(..), instantiatePattern, FTFC_Glyph(..), glyphForIndex) where import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.CharSet (CharSet, CharSet_, thawCharSet, thawCharSet_) import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern (Pattern, Pattern_, thawPattern, thawPattern_) import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet (FontSet, FontSet_, withFontSet, thawFontSet) import FreeType.Core.Base (FT_Face(..)) import Data.Word (Word32, Word) import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr, Ptr) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..)) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca) import Foreign.C.String (CString, withCString) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Control.Exception (throw, catch) import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result (Error(ErrTypeMismatch)) -- For FcFt transliteration import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Value (Value(..)) import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern (getValue', getValue0, getValue, getValues') import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Linear.V2 (V2(..)) import Linear.Matrix(M22) import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import FreeType.Core.Base import FreeType.Support.Outline (ft_Outline_Embolden) import FreeType.Control.Subpixel (FT_LcdFilter, ft_Library_SetLcdFilter) import FreeType.Core.Types import FreeType.Exception (FtError(..)) c2w :: Char -> Word32 c2w = fromIntegral . fromEnum -- | Maps a Unicode char to a glyph index. -- This function uses information from several possible underlying encoding -- tables to work around broken fonts. As a result, this function isn't designed -- to be used in performance sensitive areas; results from this function are -- intended to be cached by higher level functions. ftCharIndex :: FT_Face -> Char -> Word ftCharIndex face = fcFreeTypeCharIndex face . c2w foreign import ccall "FcFreeTypeCharIndex" fcFreeTypeCharIndex :: FT_Face -> Word32 -> Word -- | Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. ftCharSet :: FT_Face -> CharSet ftCharSet face = unsafePerformIO $ thawCharSet_ $ fcFreeTypeCharSet face nullPtr foreign import ccall "FcFreeTypeCharSet" fcFreeTypeCharSet :: FT_Face -> Ptr () -> IO CharSet_ -- 2nd arg's deprecated! -- | How consistant are the widths of the chars in a font. data Spacing = Proportional -- ^ Where the font has glyphs of many widths. | Dual -- ^ Where the font has glyphs in precisely two widths. | Mono -- ^ Where all glyphs have the same width. -- | Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. -- `snd` receives the computed spacing type of the font. ftCharSetAndSpacing :: FT_Face -> (CharSet, Spacing) ftCharSetAndSpacing face = unsafePerformIO $ alloca $ \spacing' -> do chars <- thawCharSet_ $ fcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing face nullPtr spacing' spacing_ <- peek spacing' let spacing = case spacing_ of{ 0 -> Proportional; 90 -> Dual; 100 -> Mono; _ -> throw ErrTypeMismatch} return (chars, spacing) foreign import ccall "FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing" fcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing :: FT_Face -> Ptr () -> Ptr Int -> IO CharSet_ -- 2nd arg's deprecated! -- | Constructs a pattern representing the 'id'th face in 'fst'. -- The number of faces in 'file' is returned in 'snd'. ftQuery :: FilePath -> Int -> IO (Pattern, Int) ftQuery filename id = withCString filename $ \filename' -> alloca $ \count' -> do pattern <- thawPattern_ $ fcFreeTypeQuery filename' id nullPtr count' count <- peek count' return (pattern, count) foreign import ccall "FcFreeTypeQuery" fcFreeTypeQuery :: CString -> Int -> Ptr () -> Ptr Int -> IO Pattern_ -- 3rd arg's deprecated! -- | Constructs patterns found in 'filename'. -- If id is -1, then all patterns found in 'filename' are added to 'fst'. -- Otherwise, this function works exactly like `ftQuery`. -- The number of faces in 'filename' is returned in 'snd'. ftQueryAll :: FilePath -> Int -> IO (FontSet, Int) ftQueryAll filename id = withCString filename $ \filename' -> alloca $ \count' -> withFontSet [] $ \fonts' -> do fcFreeTypeQueryAll filename' id nullPtr count' fonts' fonts <- thawFontSet fonts' count <- peek count' return (fonts, count) foreign import ccall "FcFreeTypeQueryAll" fcFreeTypeQueryAll :: CString -> Int -> Ptr () -> Ptr Int -> FontSet_ -> IO Word -- 2nd arg's deprecated! -- | Constructs a pattern representing 'face'. -- 'filename' and 'id' are used solely as data for pattern elements. ftQueryFace :: FT_Face -> FilePath -> Int -> IO Pattern ftQueryFace face filename id = withCString filename $ \filename' -> thawPattern_ $ fcFreeTypeQueryFace face filename' id nullPtr foreign import ccall "FcFreeTypeQueryFace" fcFreeTypeQueryFace :: FT_Face -> CString -> Int -> Ptr () -> IO Pattern_ -- Final arg's deprecated! ------ --- Transliterated from FcFt --- https://codeberg.org/dnkl/fcft/ --- Untested ------ -- | A `FT_Face` queried from FontConfig with glyph-loading parameters. data FTFC_Instance = Instance { fontName :: Maybe String, fontPath :: Maybe String, fontFace :: FT_Face, fontLoadFlags :: Int, fontAntialias :: Bool, fontEmbolden :: Bool, fontIsColor :: Bool, fontRenderFlags :: Int, fontRenderFlagsSubpixel :: Int, fontPixelSizeFixup :: Double, fontPixelFixupEstimated :: Bool, fontBGR :: Bool, fontLCDFilter :: FT_LcdFilter, fontFeats :: [String], -- Callers probably want to validate via harfbuzz fontMetrics :: FTFC_Metrics } -- | Results queried from FontConfig with caller-relevant properties, -- notably relating to layout. data FTFC_Metrics = Metrics { height :: Int, descent :: Int, ascent :: Int, maxAdvance :: (Int, Int), -- Width/height of font's widest glyph. metricsAntialias :: Bool, metricsSubpixel :: FTFC_Subpixel, metricsName :: Maybe String } -- | Defines subpixel order to use. -- Note that this is *ignored* if antialiasing has been disabled. data FTFC_Subpixel = SubpixelNone -- ^ From FontConfig. | SubpixelHorizontalRGB | SubpixelHorizontalBGR | SubpixelVerticalRGB | SubpixelVerticalBGR | SubpixelDefault -- ^ Disable subpixel antialiasing. -- | Converts the results of a FontConfig query requesting a specific size -- into a `FT_Face` & related properties. -- Throw exceptions. instantiatePattern :: FT_Library -> Pattern -> (Double, Double) -> IO FTFC_Instance instantiatePattern ftlib pattern (req_pt_size, req_px_size) = do let dpi = fromMaybe 75 $ getValue' "dpi" pattern :: Double ft_face <- case getValue "ftface" pattern of ValueFTFace x -> return x _ -> ft_New_Face ftlib (getValue0 "file" pattern) -- is a mutex needed? (toEnum $ fromMaybe 0 $ getValue' "index" pattern) ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes ft_face 0 $ toEnum $ fromEnum $ fromMaybe req_px_size $ getValue' "pixelsize" pattern let scalable = fromMaybe True $ getValue' "scalable" pattern let outline = fromMaybe True $ getValue' "outline" pattern (pixel_fixup, fixup_estimated) <- case getValue "pixelsizefixupfactor" pattern of ValueDouble x -> return (x, False) _ | scalable && not outline -> do let px_size = if req_px_size < 0 then req_pt_size * dpi / 72 else req_px_size ft_face' <- peek ft_face size' <- peek $ frSize ft_face' return (px_size / (fromIntegral $ smY_ppem $ srMetrics size'), True) _ -> return (1, False) let hinting = fromMaybe True $ getValue' "hinting" pattern let antialias = fromMaybe True $ getValue' "antialias" pattern let hintstyle = fromMaybe 1 $ getValue' "hintstyle" pattern :: Int let rgba = fromMaybe 0 $ getValue' "rgba" pattern :: Int let load_flags | not antialias && (not hinting || hintstyle == 0) = ft_LOAD_NO_HINTING .|. ft_LOAD_MONOCHROME | not antialias = ft_LOAD_MONOCHROME | not hinting || hintstyle == 0 = ft_LOAD_NO_HINTING | otherwise = ft_LOAD_DEFAULT let load_target | not antialias && hinting && hintstyle /= 0 = ft_LOAD_TARGET_MONO | not antialias = ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL | not hinting || hintstyle == 0 = ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL | hintstyle == 1 = ft_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT | hintstyle == 2 = ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL | rgba `elem` [1, 2] = ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD | rgba `elem` [3, 4] = ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V | otherwise = ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL let embedded_bitmap = fromMaybe True $ getValue' "embeddedbitmap" pattern let load_flags1 | embedded_bitmap = load_flags .|. ft_LOAD_NO_BITMAP | otherwise = load_flags let autohint = fromMaybe False $ getValue' "autohint" pattern let load_flags2 | autohint = load_flags .|. ft_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT | otherwise = load_flags let render_flags_normal | not antialias = ft_RENDER_MODE_MONO | otherwise = ft_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL let render_flags_subpixel | not antialias = ft_RENDER_MODE_MONO | rgba `elem` [1, 2] = ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD | rgba `elem` [3, 4] = ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V | otherwise = ft_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL let lcdfilter = case fromMaybe 1 $ getValue' "lcdfilter" pattern :: Int of { 3 -> 16; x -> x} case getValue "matrix" pattern of ValueMatrix m -> ft_Set_Transform ft_face (Just $ m22toFt m) Nothing _ -> return () ft_face' <- peek ft_face size' <- peek $ frSize ft_face' let metrics' = srMetrics size' let c x = fromIntegral x / 64 * pixel_fixup return Instance { fontName = getValue' "fullname" pattern, fontPath = getValue' "file" pattern, fontFace = ft_face, fontLoadFlags = load_target .|. load_flags .|. ft_LOAD_COLOR, fontAntialias = antialias, fontEmbolden = fromMaybe False $ getValue' "embolden" pattern, fontIsColor = fromMaybe False $ getValue' "color" pattern, fontRenderFlags = render_flags_normal, fontRenderFlagsSubpixel = render_flags_subpixel, fontPixelSizeFixup = pixel_fixup, fontPixelFixupEstimated = fixup_estimated, fontBGR = rgba `elem` [2, 4], fontLCDFilter = toEnum lcdfilter, fontFeats = getValues' "fontfeatures" pattern, fontMetrics = Metrics { height = fromEnum $ c $ smHeight metrics', descent = fromEnum $ c $ smDescender metrics', ascent = fromEnum $ c $ smAscender metrics', maxAdvance = (fromEnum $ c $ smMax_advance metrics', fromEnum $ c $ smHeight metrics'), metricsAntialias = antialias, metricsSubpixel = case rgba of _ | not antialias -> SubpixelNone 1 -> SubpixelHorizontalRGB 2 -> SubpixelHorizontalBGR 3 -> SubpixelVerticalRGB 4 -> SubpixelVerticalBGR _ -> SubpixelNone, metricsName = getValue' "fullname" pattern } } -- | Results from `glyphForIndex`. data FTFC_Glyph a = Glyph { glyphFontName :: Maybe String, glyphImage :: a, glyphAdvance :: (Double, Double), glyphSubpixel :: FTFC_Subpixel } -- | Looks up a given glyph in a `FTFC_Instance` & its underlying `FT_Face` -- Taking into account additional properties from FontConfig. -- Runs a provided callback to render the glyph into a reusable datastructure. -- The `FT_Bitmap` given to this callback must not be used outside it. -- Throws exceptions. glyphForIndex :: FTFC_Instance -> Word32 -> FTFC_Subpixel -> (FT_Bitmap -> IO a) -> IO (FTFC_Glyph a) glyphForIndex font index subpixel cb = do ft_Load_Glyph (fontFace font) index (toEnum $ fontLoadFlags font) face' <- peek $ fontFace font size' <- peek $ frSize face' -- Formula from old FreeType function `FT_GlyphSlotEmbolden`. -- Approximate as fallback for fonts not using fontsets or variables axis. let strength = fromIntegral (frUnits_per_EM face')*smY_scale (srMetrics size')`div`24 glyph' <- peek $ frGlyph face' glyph1' <- case gsrFormat glyph' of FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE | fontEmbolden font -> do outline <- withPtr (gsrOutline glyph') $ flip ft_Outline_Embolden strength return glyph' { gsrOutline = outline } _ -> return glyph' let render_flags = case subpixel of { -- FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_SVG is not exposed by our language bindings, -- Should be largely irrelevant now... Certain FreeType versions required this flag. -- _ | FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_SVG <- gsrFormat glyph1' -> ft_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL; _ | not $ fontAntialias font -> fontRenderFlags font; SubpixelNone -> fontRenderFlags font; SubpixelHorizontalRGB -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD; SubpixelHorizontalBGR -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD; SubpixelVerticalRGB -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V; SubpixelVerticalBGR -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V; SubpixelDefault -> fontRenderFlagsSubpixel font} let bgr = case subpixel of { _ | not $ fontAntialias font -> False; SubpixelNone -> False; SubpixelHorizontalRGB -> False; SubpixelHorizontalBGR -> True; SubpixelVerticalRGB -> False; SubpixelVerticalBGR -> True; SubpixelDefault -> fontBGR font} can_set_lcd_filter <- isSuccess $ ft_Library_SetLcdFilter (gsrLibrary glyph1') 0 -- FIXME: Do we need a mutex? let set_lcd_filter = ft_Library_SetLcdFilter (gsrLibrary glyph1') $ fontLCDFilter font case render_flags of { FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD | can_set_lcd_filter -> set_lcd_filter; FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V | can_set_lcd_filter -> set_lcd_filter; _ -> return ()} glyph2' <- case gsrFormat glyph1' of { FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP -> return glyph1'; _ -> withPtr glyph1' $ flip ft_Render_Glyph $ toEnum render_flags} -- If set_lcd_filter requires mutex, release it here. case gsrFormat glyph2' of { FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP -> return (); _ -> throw $ FtError "glyphForIndex" 2 } img <- cb $ gsrBitmap glyph2' return Glyph { glyphFontName = fontName font, glyphImage = img, glyphAdvance = (fromIntegral (vX $ gsrAdvance glyph2') / 64 * if fontPixelFixupEstimated font then fontPixelSizeFixup font else 1, fromIntegral (vY $ gsrAdvance glyph2') / 64 * if fontPixelFixupEstimated font then fontPixelSizeFixup font else 1), glyphSubpixel = subpixel } withPtr :: Storable a => a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO a withPtr a cb = alloca $ \a' -> do poke a' a cb a' peek a' isSuccess :: IO a -> IO Bool isSuccess cb = do cb return True `catch` \(FtError _ _) -> return False m22toFt :: M22 Double -> FT_Matrix m22toFt (V2 (V2 xx xy) (V2 yx yy)) = FT_Matrix { mXx = c xx * 0x10000, mXy = c xy * 0x10000, mYx = c yx * 0x10000, mYy = c yy * 0x10000 } where c = toEnum . fromEnum -- Taken from FreeType language bindings, -- but converted to constants rather than pattern synonyms. ft_LOAD_DEFAULT, ft_LOAD_NO_SCALE, ft_LOAD_NO_HINTING, ft_LOAD_RENDER, ft_LOAD_NO_BITMAP, ft_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT, ft_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT, ft_LOAD_CROP_BITMAP, ft_LOAD_PEDANTIC, ft_LOAD_IGNORE_GLOBAL_ADVANCE_WIDTH, ft_LOAD_NO_RECURSE, ft_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM, ft_LOAD_MONOCHROME, ft_LOAD_LINEAR_DESIGN, ft_LOAD_NO_AUTOHINT, ft_LOAD_COLOR, ft_LOAD_COMPUTE_METRICS, ft_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY :: Int ft_LOAD_DEFAULT = 0 ft_LOAD_NO_SCALE = 1 ft_LOAD_NO_HINTING = 2 ft_LOAD_RENDER = 4 ft_LOAD_NO_BITMAP = 8 ft_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT = 16 ft_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT = 32 ft_LOAD_CROP_BITMAP = 64 ft_LOAD_PEDANTIC = 128 ft_LOAD_IGNORE_GLOBAL_ADVANCE_WIDTH = 512 ft_LOAD_NO_RECURSE = 1024 ft_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM = 2048 ft_LOAD_MONOCHROME = 4096 ft_LOAD_LINEAR_DESIGN = 8192 ft_LOAD_NO_AUTOHINT = 32768 ft_LOAD_COLOR = 1048576 ft_LOAD_COMPUTE_METRICS = 2097152 ft_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY = 4194304 ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL, ft_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT, ft_LOAD_TARGET_MONO, ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD, ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V :: Int ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL = 0 ft_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT = 65536 ft_LOAD_TARGET_MONO = 131072 ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD = 196608 ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V = 262144 ft_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, ft_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT, ft_RENDER_MODE_MONO, ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD, ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V :: Int ft_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL = 0 ft_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT = 1 ft_RENDER_MODE_MONO = 2 ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD = 3 ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V = 4