{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.HTML.Form.WebApp (renderPage, Form(..)) where
import Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Text.Encoding as Txt
import Data.List as L
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Network.URI (unEscapeString)
import System.IO (readFile')
import System.FilePath ((>), normalise)
import System.Directory (XdgDirectory(..), getXdgDirectory, doesFileExist,
doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory, getHomeDirectory)
import Text.HTML.Form (Form(..), Input(..))
import Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger (template, template', resolveSource, list')
import Text.HTML.Form.Query (renderQueryString, renderQuery')
import Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger.Hourglass (timeData, modifyTime', timeParseOrNow,
gSeqTo, gPad2)
import Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger.TZ (tzdata, continents)
import Text.Ginger.GVal as V (GVal(..), toGVal, orderedDict, (~>), fromFunction)
import Text.Ginger.Html (html)
import Data.Hourglass (Elapsed(..), Seconds(..), timeGetElapsed, localTimeToGlobal)
type Query = [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)]
renderPage :: Form -> [Text] -> Query -> IO (Maybe (Either Query Text))
renderPage form (n:path) query
| Just ix <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack n, ix < Prelude.length (inputs form) =
renderInput form ix (inputs form !! ix) path query
renderPage form [] _ = return $ Just $ Right $ Txt.concat [
renderPage _ _ _ = return Nothing
renderInput :: Form -> Int -> Input -> [Text] -> [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)] ->
IO (Maybe (Either Query Text))
renderInput form ix input [""] qs = renderInput form ix input [] qs
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "date", inputName = name } ["year", p] qs
| Just t <- modifyTime' (Txt.pack $ "year/" ++ Txt.unpack p) $ get name qs = do
t' <- timeParseOrNow t
template' "cal/year-numpad.html" form ix input (set name (Txt.pack t) qs) $
\prop -> case prop of
"T" -> timeData t'
_ -> toGVal ()
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "date", inputName = name } ["zone", p] qs = do
t <- timeParseOrNow $ get name qs
let Elapsed (Seconds t') = timeGetElapsed $ localTimeToGlobal t
template' "cal/timezone.html" form ix input qs $ \prop -> case prop of
"T" -> timeData t
"zones" -> tzdata t' $ unEscapeString $ Txt.unpack p
"continents" -> continents
_ -> toGVal ()
renderInput form ix input@Input { multiple = True } [p] qs
| '=':v' <- Txt.unpack p,
(utf8 $ inputName input, Just $ utf8' v') `Prelude.elem` qs =
renderInput form ix input [] $
unset (inputName input) (Txt.pack $ unEscapeString v') qs
| '=':v' <- Txt.unpack p = renderInput form ix input [] $
(utf8 $ inputName input, Just $ utf8' $ unEscapeString v'):qs
renderInput form ix input [p] qs
| '=':v' <- Txt.unpack p = renderInput form ix input [] $
set (inputName input) (Txt.pack $ unEscapeString v') qs
| ':':v' <- Txt.unpack p = renderInput form ix input [] $
set (inputName input)
(Txt.pack (get (inputName input) qs ++ v')) qs
| "-" <- Txt.unpack p, v'@(_:_) <- get (inputName input) qs =
renderInput form ix input [] $ set (inputName input)
(Txt.pack $ Prelude.init v') qs
| "-" <- Txt.unpack p = renderInput form ix input [] qs
| '+':x' <- Txt.unpack p, Just x <- readMaybe x' :: Maybe Double,
Just y <- readMaybe $ get (inputName input) qs =
renderInput form ix input [] $
set (inputName input) (Txt.pack $ show $ x + y) qs
| '+':x' <- Txt.unpack p, Just _ <- readMaybe x' :: Maybe Double =
renderInput form ix input [] $ set (inputName input) (Txt.pack x') qs
renderInput form ix input [x, p] qs
| '=':v' <- Txt.unpack p = renderInput form ix input [x] $
set (inputName input) (Txt.pack $ unEscapeString v') qs
| ':':v' <- Txt.unpack p = renderInput form ix input [x] $
set (inputName input)
(Txt.pack (get (inputName input) qs ++ v')) qs
| "-" <- Txt.unpack p, v'@(_:_) <- get (inputName input) qs =
renderInput form ix input [x] $ set (inputName input)
(Txt.pack $ Prelude.init v') qs
| "-" <- Txt.unpack p = renderInput form ix input [x] qs
| '+':z' <- Txt.unpack p, Just z <- readMaybe z' :: Maybe Double,
Just y <- readMaybe $ get (inputName input) qs =
renderInput form ix input [x] $
set (inputName input) (Txt.pack $ show $ z + y) qs
| '+':x' <- Txt.unpack p, Just _ <- readMaybe x' :: Maybe Double =
renderInput form ix input [x] $ set (inputName input) (Txt.pack x') qs
renderInput form ix input@Input {inputType="checkbox", inputName=k', value=v'} [] qs
| (utf8 k', Just $ utf8 v') `Prelude.elem` qs =
template "checkbox.html" form ix input $ unset k' v' qs
| v' == "", (utf8 k', Nothing) `Prelude.elem` qs =
template "checkbox.html" form ix input [
q | q@(k, v) <- qs, not (k == utf8 k' && v == Nothing)]
| otherwise =
template "checkbox.html" form ix input $ (utf8 k', Just $ utf8 v'):qs
renderInput form ix input@Input {inputType="radio", inputName=k', value=v'} [] qs =
template "checkbox.html" form ix input $ set k' v' qs
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType="