{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-} module Graphics.Text.Font.Render where import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap as IM import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import Linear.V2 (V2(..)) import Linear.V (toV, dim, Finite, Size) import FreeType.Core.Base (FT_Library, FT_Face, FT_FaceRec(..), ft_Load_Glyph, FT_GlyphSlotRec(..), FT_Glyph_Metrics(..), ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes, ft_Set_Char_Size, ft_New_Face, ft_With_FreeType, ft_Reference_Face, ft_Done_Face) import qualified FreeType.Core.Base as FT import FreeType.Core.Types (FT_Bitmap(..)) import Data.Text.Glyphize (GlyphInfo(..), GlyphPos(..), shape, Buffer(..), defaultBuffer, createFace, createFont) import Graphics.GL as GL import qualified Graphics.GL.Core32 as GL import Control.Monad (foldM, when) import Control.Exception (assert, Exception) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import GHC.TypeNats (KnownNat) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Linear.V3 (V3(..)) import Linear.V4 (V4(..)) import Linear.Matrix (M44, (!*!), identity, mkTransformationMat, mkTransformation) import Linear.Quaternion (axisAngle) import Linear.Projection (ortho) import Data.List (foldl') import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, nullPtr) import Foreign.C.String (withCString, peekCAStringLen) import Foreign.C.Types (CInt) import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray, allocaArray, withArray) import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..)) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Unbox) import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV ------ --- Atlas ------ data GlyphMetrics = GlyphMetrics { glyphTexBB :: (V2 Int, V2 Int), glyphTexSize :: V2 Int, glyphSize :: V2 Int } deriving (Show, Eq) data Atlas = Atlas { atlasTexture :: GLuint, atlasTextureSize :: V2 Int, atlasMetrics :: IntMap GlyphMetrics, atlasFilePath :: FilePath } deriving (Show) emptyAtlas t = Atlas t 0 mempty "" data AtlasMeasure = AM { amWH :: V2 Int, amXY :: V2 Int, rowHeight :: Int, amMap :: IntMap (V2 Int) } deriving (Show, Eq) emptyAM :: AtlasMeasure emptyAM = AM 0 (V2 1 1) 0 mempty spacing :: Int spacing = 1 glyphRetriever font glyph = do ft_Load_Glyph font (fromIntegral $ fromEnum glyph) FT.FT_LOAD_RENDER font' <- peek font slot <- peek $ frGlyph font' return (gsrBitmap slot, gsrMetrics slot) measure cb maxw am@AM{..} glyph | Just _ <- IM.lookup (fromEnum glyph) amMap = return am | otherwise = do let V2 x y = amXY V2 w h = amWH (bmp, _) <- cb glyph let bw = fromIntegral $ bWidth bmp bh = fromIntegral $ bRows bmp gotoNextRow = (x + bw + spacing >= maxw) rh = if gotoNextRow then 0 else max bh rowHeight nx = if gotoNextRow then 0 else x + bw + spacing nw = max w (x + bw + spacing) nh = max h (y + rh + spacing) ny = if gotoNextRow then nh else y am = AM { amWH = V2 nw nh, amXY = V2 nx ny, rowHeight = rh, amMap = IM.insert (fromEnum glyph) amXY amMap } return am texturize cb xymap atlas@Atlas{..} glyph | Just pos@(V2 x y) <- IM.lookup (fromIntegral $ fromEnum glyph) xymap = do (bmp, metrics) <- cb glyph glTexSubImage2D GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral $ bWidth bmp) (fromIntegral $ bRows bmp) GL.GL_RED GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE (castPtr $ bBuffer bmp) let vecwh = fromIntegral <$> V2 (bWidth bmp) (bRows bmp) canon = floor . (* 0.5) . (* 0.015625) . realToFrac . fromIntegral vecsz = canon <$> V2 (gmWidth metrics) (gmHeight metrics) vecxb = canon <$> V2 (gmHoriBearingX metrics) (gmHoriBearingY metrics) vecyb = canon <$> V2 (gmVertBearingX metrics) (gmVertBearingY metrics) vecad = canon <$> V2 (gmHoriAdvance metrics) (gmVertAdvance metrics) mtrcs = GlyphMetrics { glyphTexBB = (pos, pos + vecwh), glyphTexSize = vecwh, glyphSize = vecsz } return atlas { atlasMetrics = IM.insert (fromEnum glyph) mtrcs atlasMetrics } | otherwise = do putStrLn ("Cound not find glyph " ++ show glyph) return atlas allocAtlas :: (Int32 -> IO (FT_Bitmap, FT_Glyph_Metrics)) -> [Int32] -> IO Atlas allocAtlas cb glyphs = do AM {..} <- foldM (measure cb 512) emptyAM glyphs let V2 w h = amWH xymap = amMap [t] <- allocaArray 1 $ \ptr -> do glGenTextures 1 ptr peekArray 1 ptr glActiveTexture 0 glBindTexture GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D t glPixelStorei GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT 1 withCString (replicate (w * h) $ toEnum 0) $ glTexImage2D GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 GL.GL_RED (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 0 GL.GL_RED GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE . castPtr atlas <- foldM (texturize cb xymap) (emptyAtlas t) glyphs glGenerateMipmap GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D glTexParameteri GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D GL.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S GL.GL_REPEAT glTexParameteri GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D GL.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T GL.GL_REPEAT glTexParameteri GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D GL.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER GL.GL_LINEAR glTexParameteri GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D GL.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER GL.GL_LINEAR glBindTexture GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 glPixelStorei GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT 4 return atlas { atlasTextureSize = V2 w h } freeAtlas a = with (atlasTexture a) $ \ptr -> glDeleteTextures 1 ptr type Quads = (Float, Float, [(V2 Float, V2 Float)]) makeCharQuad :: Atlas -> Quads -> (GlyphInfo, GlyphPos) -> IO Quads makeCharQuad Atlas {..} (penx, peny, mLast) (GlyphInfo {codepoint=glyph}, GlyphPos {..}) = do let iglyph = fromEnum glyph case IM.lookup iglyph atlasMetrics of Nothing -> return (penx, peny, mLast) Just GlyphMetrics {..} -> do let x = penx + f x_offset y = peny + f y_offset V2 w h = f' <$> glyphSize V2 aszW aszH = f' <$> atlasTextureSize V2 texL texT = f' <$> fst glyphTexBB V2 texR texB = f' <$> snd glyphTexBB tl = (V2 (x) (y-h), V2 (texL/aszW) (texT/aszH)) tr = (V2 (x+w) (y-h), V2 (texR/aszW) (texT/aszH)) br = (V2 (x+w) y, V2 (texR/aszW) (texB/aszH)) bl = (V2 (x) y, V2 (texL/aszW) (texB/aszH)) return (penx + f x_advance/150, peny + f y_advance/150, mLast ++ [tl, tr, br, tl, br, bl]) where f :: Int32 -> Float f = fromIntegral f' :: Int -> Float f' = fromIntegral stringTris :: Atlas -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)] -> IO Quads stringTris atlas = foldM (makeCharQuad atlas) (0, 0, []) stringTris' :: Atlas -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)] -> IO [(V2 Float, V2 Float)] stringTris' atlas glyphs = do (_, _, ret) <- stringTris atlas glyphs return ret data AllocatedRendering t = AllocatedRendering { arDraw :: t -> V2 CInt -> IO () -- ^ Draw the text with some transformation in some monad. , arRelease :: IO () -- ^ Release the allocated draw function in some monad. , arSize :: V2 Int -- ^ The size (in pixels) of the drawn text. } makeDrawGlyphs = do let position = 0 uv = 1 vert <- liftGL $ compileOGLShader vertexShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER frag <- liftGL $ compileOGLShader fragmentShader GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER prog <- liftGL $ compileOGLProgram [ ("position", fromIntegral position), ("uv", fromIntegral uv) ] [vert, frag] glUseProgram prog glEnable GL_BLEND glBlendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA -- Get uniform locations pjU <- getUniformLocation prog "projection" mvU <- getUniformLocation prog "modelview" multU <- getUniformLocation prog "mult_color" texU <- getUniformLocation prog "tex" return $ \atlas glyphs -> do vao <- newBoundVAO pbuf <- newBuffer uvbuf <- newBuffer (ps, uvs) <- unzip <$> stringTris' atlas glyphs bufferGeometry position pbuf $ UV.fromList ps bufferGeometry uv uvbuf $ UV.fromList uvs glBindVertexArray 0 let draw ts wsz = do let (mv, multVal) = transformToUniforms ts glUseProgram prog let pj = orthoProjection wsz updateUniform prog pjU pj updateUniform prog mvU mv updateUniform prog multU multVal updateUniform prog texU (0 :: Int) glBindVertexArray vao withBoundTextures [atlasTexture atlas] $ do drawVAO prog vao GL_TRIANGLES (fromIntegral $ length ps) glBindVertexArray 0 release = do withArray [pbuf, uvbuf] $ glDeleteBuffers 2 withArray [vao] $ glDeleteVertexArrays 1 (tl, br) = boundingBox ps size = br - tl return AllocatedRendering { arDraw = draw, arRelease = release, arSize = round <$> size } vertexShader :: ByteString vertexShader = B8.pack $ unlines [ "#version 330 core" , "uniform mat4 projection;" , "uniform mat4 modelview;" , "in vec2 position;" , "in vec2 uv;" , "out vec2 fuv;" , "void main () {" , " fuv = uv;" , " gl_Position = projection * modelview * vec4(position.xy, 0.0, 1.0);" , "}" ] fragmentShader :: ByteString fragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [ "#version 330 core" , "in vec2 fuv;" , "out vec4 fcolor;" , "uniform sampler2D tex;" , "uniform vec4 mult_color;" , "void main () {" , " vec4 tcolor = texture(tex, fuv);" , " fcolor = vec4(mult_color.rgb, mult_color.a * tcolor.r);" , "}" ] ------ --- Transforms ------ data SpatialTransform = SpatialTransformTranslate (V2 Float) | SpatialTransformScale (V2 Float) | SpatialTransformRotate Float data TextTransform = TextTransformMultiply (V4 Float) | TextTransformSpatial SpatialTransform transformToUniforms :: [TextTransform] -> (M44 Float, V4 Float) transformToUniforms = foldl toUniform (identity, 1.0) where toUniform (mv, clr) (TextTransformMultiply c) = (mv, clr * c) toUniform (mv, clr) (TextTransformSpatial s) = let mv1 = case s of SpatialTransformTranslate (V2 x y) -> mv !*! mat4Translate (V3 x y 0) SpatialTransformScale (V2 x y) -> mv !*! mat4Scale (V3 x y 1) SpatialTransformRotate r -> mv !*! mat4Rotate r (V3 0 0 1) in (mv1, clr) mat4Translate :: Num a => V3 a -> M44 a mat4Translate = mkTransformationMat identity mat4Rotate phi v = mkTransformation (axisAngle v phi) (V3 0 0 0) mat4Scale :: Num a => V3 a -> M44 a mat4Scale (V3 x y z) = V4 (V4 x 0 0 0) (V4 0 y 0 0) (V4 0 0 z 0) (V4 0 0 0 1) orthoProjection :: Integral a => V2 a -> M44 Float orthoProjection (V2 ww wh) = let (hw,hh) = (fromIntegral ww, fromIntegral wh) in ortho 0 hw hh 0 0 1 ------ --- OpenGL Utilities ------ newBuffer :: IO GLuint newBuffer = do [b] <- allocaArray 1 $ \ptr -> do glGenBuffers 1 ptr peekArray 1 ptr return b -- | Buffer some geometry into an attribute. -- The type variable 'f' should be V0, V1, V2, V3 or V4. bufferGeometry :: ( Foldable f , Unbox (f Float) , Storable (f Float) , Finite f , KnownNat (Size f) ) => GLuint -- ^ The attribute location. -> GLuint -- ^ The buffer identifier. -> UV.Vector (f Float) -- ^ The geometry to buffer. -> IO () bufferGeometry loc buf as | UV.null as = return () | otherwise = do let v = UV.head as asize = UV.length as * sizeOf v n = fromIntegral $ dim $ toV v glBindBuffer GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buf SV.unsafeWith (convertVec as) $ \ptr -> glBufferData GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER (fromIntegral asize) (castPtr ptr) GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW glEnableVertexAttribArray loc glVertexAttribPointer loc n GL.GL_FLOAT GL.GL_FALSE 0 nullPtr clearErrors "bufferGeometry" convertVec :: (Unbox (f Float), Foldable f) => UV.Vector (f Float) -> SV.Vector GLfloat convertVec = SV.convert . UV.map realToFrac . UV.concatMap (UV.fromList . F.toList) clearErrors str = do err' <- glGetError when (err' /= 0) $ do putStrLn $ unwords [str, show err'] assert False $ return () compileOGLShader :: ByteString -- ^ The shader source -> GLenum -- ^ The shader type (vertex, frag, etc) -> IO (Either String GLuint) -- ^ Either an error message or the generated shader handle. compileOGLShader src shType = do shader <- glCreateShader shType if shader == 0 then return $ Left "Could not create shader" else do success <- do withCString (B8.unpack src) $ \ptr -> with ptr $ \ptrptr -> glShaderSource shader 1 ptrptr nullPtr glCompileShader shader with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do glGetShaderiv shader GL_COMPILE_STATUS ptr peek ptr if success == GL_FALSE then do err <- do infoLog <- with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do glGetShaderiv shader GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr logsize <- peek ptr allocaArray (fromIntegral logsize) $ \logptr -> do glGetShaderInfoLog shader logsize nullPtr logptr peekArray (fromIntegral logsize) logptr return $ unlines [ "Could not compile shader:" , B8.unpack src , map (toEnum . fromEnum) infoLog ] return $ Left err else return $ Right shader compileOGLProgram :: [(String, Integer)] -> [GLuint] -> IO (Either String GLuint) compileOGLProgram attribs shaders = do (program, success) <- do program <- glCreateProgram F.forM_ shaders (glAttachShader program) F.forM_ attribs $ \(name, loc) -> withCString name $ glBindAttribLocation program $ fromIntegral loc glLinkProgram program success <- with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do glGetProgramiv program GL_LINK_STATUS ptr peek ptr return (program, success) if success == GL_FALSE then with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do glGetProgramiv program GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr logsize <- peek ptr infoLog <- allocaArray (fromIntegral logsize) $ \logptr -> do glGetProgramInfoLog program logsize nullPtr logptr peekArray (fromIntegral logsize) logptr return $ Left $ unlines [ "Could not link program" , map (toEnum . fromEnum) infoLog ] else do F.forM_ shaders glDeleteShader return $ Right program newBoundVAO :: IO GLuint newBoundVAO = do [vao] <- allocaArray 1 $ \ptr -> do glGenVertexArrays 1 ptr peekArray 1 ptr glBindVertexArray vao return vao drawVAO :: GLuint -- ^ The program -> GLuint -- ^ The vao -> GLenum -- ^ The draw mode -> GLsizei -- ^ The number of vertices to draw -> IO () drawVAO program vao mode num = do glUseProgram program glBindVertexArray vao clearErrors "drawBuffer:glBindVertex" glDrawArrays mode 0 num clearErrors "drawBuffer:glDrawArrays" withBoundTextures :: [GLuint] -> IO a -> IO a withBoundTextures ts f = do mapM_ (uncurry bindTex) (zip ts [GL_TEXTURE0 ..]) a <- f glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 return a where bindTex tex u = glActiveTexture u >> glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D tex --- getUniformLocation :: GLuint -> String -> IO GLint getUniformLocation program ident = withCString ident $ glGetUniformLocation program class UniformValue a where updateUniform :: GLuint -- ^ The program -> GLint -- ^ The uniform location -> a -- ^ The value. -> IO () clearUniformUpdateError :: Show a => GLuint -> GLint -> a -> IO () clearUniformUpdateError prog loc val = glGetError >>= \case 0 -> return () e -> do let buf = replicate 256 ' ' ident <- withCString buf $ \strptr -> with 0 $ \szptr -> do glGetActiveUniformName prog (fromIntegral loc) 256 szptr strptr sz <- peek szptr peekCAStringLen (strptr, fromIntegral sz) putStrLn $ unwords [ "Could not update uniform" , ident , "with value" , show val , ", encountered error (" ++ show e ++ ")" , show (GL_INVALID_OPERATION :: Integer, "invalid operation" :: String) , show (GL_INVALID_VALUE :: Integer, "invalid value" :: String) ] assert False $ return () instance UniformValue Bool where updateUniform p loc bool = do glUniform1i loc $ if bool then 1 else 0 clearUniformUpdateError p loc bool instance UniformValue Int where updateUniform p loc enum = do glUniform1i loc $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum enum clearUniformUpdateError p loc enum instance UniformValue Float where updateUniform p loc float = do glUniform1f loc $ realToFrac float clearUniformUpdateError p loc float instance UniformValue Double where updateUniform p loc d = do glUniform1f loc $ realToFrac d clearUniformUpdateError p loc d instance UniformValue (V2 Float) where updateUniform p loc v = do let V2 x y = fmap realToFrac v glUniform2f loc x y clearUniformUpdateError p loc v instance UniformValue (V3 Float) where updateUniform p loc v = do let V3 x y z = fmap realToFrac v glUniform3f loc x y z clearUniformUpdateError p loc v instance UniformValue (V4 Float) where updateUniform p loc v = do let (V4 r g b a) = realToFrac <$> v glUniform4f loc r g b a clearUniformUpdateError p loc v instance UniformValue (M44 Float) where updateUniform p loc val = do with val $ glUniformMatrix4fv loc 1 GL_TRUE . castPtr clearUniformUpdateError p loc val instance UniformValue (V2 Int) where updateUniform p loc v = do let V2 x y = fmap fromIntegral v glUniform2i loc x y clearUniformUpdateError p loc v instance UniformValue (Int,Int) where updateUniform p loc = updateUniform p loc . uncurry V2 liftGL :: IO (Either String a) -> IO a liftGL n = do let lft (Left msg) = error msg lft (Right a) = return a n >>= lft boundingBox [] = (0,0) boundingBox vs = foldl' f (br,tl) vs where mn a = min a . realToFrac mx a = max a . realToFrac f (a, b) c = (mn <$> a <*> c, mx <$> b <*> c) inf = 1/0 ninf = (-1)/0 tl = V2 ninf ninf br = V2 inf inf ------ --- Simple API (Abstracting Harfbuzz) ------ data GlyphSize = CharSize Float Float Int Int | PixelSize Int Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) makeDrawText lib filepath index fontsize features sampletext = do font <- ft_New_Face lib filepath index case fontsize of PixelSize w h -> ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes font (toEnum $ x2 w) (toEnum $ x2 h) CharSize w h dpix dpiy -> ft_Set_Char_Size font (floor $ 26.6 * 2 * w) (floor $ 26.6 * 2 * h) (toEnum dpix) (toEnum dpiy) bytes <- B.readFile filepath let font' = createFont $ createFace bytes $ toEnum $ fromEnum index let glyphs = map (codepoint . fst) $ shape font' defaultBuffer { text = sampletext } features let glyphs' = map toEnum $ IS.toList $ IS.fromList $ map fromEnum glyphs atlas <- allocAtlas (glyphRetriever font) glyphs' ft_Done_Face font drawGlyphs <- makeDrawGlyphs return $ \string -> drawGlyphs atlas $ shape font' defaultBuffer { text = string } features where x2 = (*2) makeDrawText' a b c d e = ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> makeDrawText ft a b c d e