{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-} module Graphics.Layout.Grid(Grid(..), Track(..), GridItem(..), GridItem'(..), Alignment(..), buildTrack, buildGrid, setCellBox, enumerate, gridItemBox, cellSize, trackMin, trackNat, gridEstWidth, sizeTrackMins, sizeTrackNats, sizeTrackMaxs, trackPosition, gridPosition, trackLayout, gridLayout) where import Data.Either (fromRight) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.List (intersperse) import Graphics.Layout.Box as B import Debug.Trace (trace) -- | An element which positions it's children within a grid. type Grid m n = Size (Track m) (Track n) -- | The sizes to which children are alonged on a single axis. data Track x = Track { -- | The desired size of each cell. -- If Left specifies ratio of excess space to use. cells :: [Either x Double], -- | The minimum amount of space each cell should take. trackMins :: [Double], -- | The ideal amount of space each cell should take. trackNats :: [Double], -- | How much space to add between cells. gap :: x } -- | Which cells a child should be aligned to. type GridItem = Size GridItem' GridItem' -- | How a grid child should be aligned per-axis. data GridItem' = GridItem { -- | On which cell should this child start. cellStart :: Int, -- | Before which cell should this child end. cellEnd :: Int, -- | How to redistribute excess space. alignment :: Alignment, -- | The minimum amount of space to allocate to this child. minSize :: Double, -- | The maximum aount of space to allocate to this child. natSize :: Double } -- | How to redistribute excess space. data Alignment = Start | Mid | End -- | Constructs a track with default (to-be-computed) values & given cell sizes. buildTrack :: CastDouble x => [Either x Double] -> Track x buildTrack cells = Track cells [] [] $ fromDouble 0 -- | Constructs a grid with default (to-be-computed) values & given cell sizes. buildGrid :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) => [Either m Double] -> [Either n Double] -> Grid m n buildGrid rows cols = Size (buildTrack cols) (buildTrack rows) -- | Verify that the track is properly formed & can be validly processed. verifyTrack :: Track x -> [GridItem'] -> Bool verifyTrack track cells' = and [ cellStart cell < length (cells track) && cellStart cell >= 0 && cellEnd cell < length (cells track) && cellEnd cell > cellStart cell | cell <- cells'] -- | Verify that the grid is properly formed & can be validly processed. verifyGrid :: Grid m n -> [GridItem] -> Bool verifyGrid grid cells = verifyTrack (inline grid) (map inline cells) && verifyTrack (block grid) (map block cells) -- | Compute the minimum size for the track given cell sizes. -- Refers to computed min sizes if cached. trackMin :: (n -> Double) -> Track n -> Double trackMin cb self@Track { trackMins = [] } = sum $ intersperse (cb $ gap self) [cb x | Left x <- cells self] trackMin cb self = sum $ intersperse (cb $ gap self) $ trackMins self -- | Compute the natural size for the track given cell sizes. -- Refers to compute natural sizes if cached. trackNat :: (n -> Double) -> Track n -> Double trackNat cb self@Track { trackNats = [] } = sum $ intersperse (cb $ gap self) [cb x | Left x <- cells self] trackNat cb self = sum $ intersperse (cb $ gap self) $ trackNats self -- | Selects all children entirely on the specified cell. cellsForIndex :: [GridItem'] -> Int -> [GridItem'] cellsForIndex cells ix = [cell | cell <- cells, cellStart cell == ix, cellStart cell == pred (cellEnd cell)] -- | Sets minimum & natural sizes from the given padded box. setCellBox :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) => GridItem -> PaddedBox m n -> GridItem setCellBox (Size x y) box = Size x { minSize = B.minWidth $ mapX' toDouble box, natSize = B.width $ mapX' toDouble box } y { minSize = B.minHeight $ mapY' toDouble box, natSize = B.height $ mapY' toDouble box } -- | Estimate grid width to inform proper width calculation. gridEstWidth :: Grid y Length -> [GridItem] -> Double gridEstWidth (Size cols _) childs = trackNat toDouble cols { trackMins = sizeTrackMins 0 cols $ map inline childs, trackNats = sizeTrackNats 0 cols $ map inline childs } -- | Calculate minimum sizes for all cells in the track. -- Sized to fit given children. sizeTrackMins :: Double -> Track Length -> [GridItem'] -> [Double] sizeTrackMins parent track childs = map inner $ enumerate $ cells track where inner (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x inner (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent inner arg@(ix, Left Preferred) = maximum $ (0:) $ map natSize $ cellsForIndex childs ix inner (ix, _) = maximum $ (0:) $ map minSize $ cellsForIndex childs ix -- | Compute natural sizes for all cells in the track. -- Sized to fit given children. sizeTrackNats :: Double -> Track Length -> [GridItem'] -> [Double] sizeTrackNats parent track childs = map inner $ enumerate $ cells track where inner (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x inner (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent inner arg@(ix, Left Min) = maximum $ (0:) $ map minSize $ cellsForIndex childs ix inner (ix, _) = maximum $ (0:) $ map natSize $ cellsForIndex childs ix -- | Compute maximum sizes for all cells in the track, sized to the parent element. sizeTrackMaxs :: Double -> Track Length -> [Double] sizeTrackMaxs parent track = map (inner fr) $ zip subsizes $ cells track where subsizes = zip (trackMins track) (trackNats track) fr = Prelude.max 0 fr' fr' = (parent - estimate)/(countFRs $ cells track) estimate = sum $ intersperse (lowerLength parent $ gap track) $ map (inner 0) $ zip subsizes $ cells track inner _ (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x inner _ (_, Left (Percent x)) = x*parent inner _ ((_, nat), Left Preferred) = nat inner _ ((min, _), Left Min) = min inner fr ((_, nat), Left Auto) = Prelude.min nat fr inner fr (_, Right x) = x*fr -- | Compute the position of all children within the grid. trackPosition :: Track Double -> [GridItem'] -> [Double] trackPosition self childs = map gridCellPosition childs where gridCellPosition child = track (cellStart child) + align whitespace (alignment child) where whitespace = track (cellEnd child) - track (cellStart child) - natSize child track = flip track' $ cells self track' ix (size:sizes) = fromRight 0 size + track' (pred ix) sizes track' 0 _ = 0 track' ix [] = trace "WARNING! Malformed input table!" 0 align _ Start = 0 align excess Mid = excess/2 align excess End = excess -- Compute the maximum size along an axis of a child, for it to be sized to. cellSize :: CastDouble x => Track x -> GridItem' -> Double cellSize self child = track (cellEnd child) - track (cellStart child) where track = flip track' $ cells self track' ix (size:sizes) = (toDouble $ fromRight (fromDouble 0) size) + track' (pred ix) sizes track' 0 _ = 0 track' ix [] = trace "WARNING! Malformed input table!" 0 -- | Compute the maximum size as a PaddedBox of a child, for it to be sized to. gridItemBox :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y) => Grid y x -> GridItem -> PaddedBox Double Double gridItemBox (Size cols rows) cell = size2box (cellSize cols (inline cell) `Size` cellSize rows (block cell)) where size2box size = zero { B.min = size, B.max = size, B.size = size } -- | Compute the position of all children in a grid. gridPosition :: Grid Double Double -> [GridItem] -> [(Double, Double)] gridPosition (Size cols rows) childs = trackPosition rows (map inline childs) `zip` trackPosition cols (map block childs) -- | Compute the track sizes & child positions along a single axis. trackLayout :: Double -> Double -> Track Length -> [GridItem'] -> (Track Double, [(Double, GridItem')]) trackLayout parent width self childs = (self', zip positions childs) where positions = trackPosition self' childs self' = self { cells = map Left sizes, trackMins = mins, trackNats = nats, gap = lowerLength width $ gap self } sizes = sizeTrackMaxs parent self { trackMins = mins, trackNats = nats } mins = sizeTrackMins parent self childs nats = sizeTrackNats parent self childs -- | Compute the track sizes & child positions along both axes. gridLayout :: Size Double Double -> Grid Length Length -> [GridItem] -> (Grid Double Double, [((Double, Double), GridItem)]) gridLayout parent (Size cols rows) childs = (self', zip positions childs) where positions = gridPosition self' childs self' = Size cols' { gap = lowerLength width $ gap cols } rows' (rows', _) = trackLayout (block parent) width rows $ map block childs width = trackNat id cols' (cols', _) = trackLayout (inline parent) 0 cols $ map inline childs -- | Utility for associate an index with each item in a list. enumerate = zip [0..] -- | Utility for summing the divisor used to compute the fr unit. countFRs (Left Auto:rest) = succ $ countFRs rest countFRs (Right x:rest) = x + countFRs rest countFRs (_:rest) = countFRs rest countFRs [] = 0