module Graphics.Layout.Flow(flowMinWidth, flowNatWidth, flowMaxWidth, flowWidth, flowNatHeight, flowMinHeight, flowMaxHeight, flowHeight, positionFlow, layoutFlow) where import Graphics.Layout.Box as B -- | Compute the minimum width of a block element with children of the given sizes. flowMinWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox a Length -> [PaddedBox b Double] -> Double flowMinWidth _ PaddedBox {B.min = Size (Pixels x) _} _ = x flowMinWidth parent PaddedBox {B.min = Size (Percent x) _} _ = x * parent flowMinWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.min = Size Preferred _} childs = flowNatWidth parent self childs flowMinWidth _ _ childs = maximum $ (0:) $ map minWidth childs -- | Compute the natural width of a block element with children of the given sizes. flowNatWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox a Length -> [PaddedBox b Double] -> Double flowNatWidth _ PaddedBox {size = Size (Pixels x) _} _ = x flowNatWidth parent PaddedBox {size = Size (Percent x) _} _ = x * parent flowNatWidth parent self@PaddedBox {size = Size Min _, B.min = Size x _} childs -- Avoid infinite loops! | x /= Preferred = flowMinWidth parent self childs flowNatWidth parent _ childs = maximum $ (0:) $ map maxWidth childs -- | Compute the maximum width of a block element inside the given parent size. flowMaxWidth :: PaddedBox a Double -> PaddedBox b Length -> Double flowMaxWidth _ PaddedBox {B.max = Size (Pixels x) _} = x flowMaxWidth parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size (Percent x) _} = x * (inline $ size parent) flowMaxWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size Auto _} = inline (size parent) - ws where ws = l2d (left $ margin self) + l2d (left $ border self) + l2d (left $ padding self) + l2d (right $ padding self) + l2d (right $ border self) + l2d (right $ margin self) l2d = lowerLength $ inline $ size parent flowMaxWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size Preferred _} = flowNatWidth (inline $ size parent) self [] flowMaxWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size Min _} = flowMinWidth (inline $ B.min parent) self [] -- | Compute final block element width based on cached width computations & -- parent size. flowWidth :: PaddedBox a Double -> PaddedBox b Length -> Double flowWidth parent self | small > large = small | natural > large = large | inline (size self) == Auto = large -- specialcase | natural >= small = natural | otherwise = small where small = flowMinWidth (inline $ B.min parent) self [] natural = flowNatWidth (inline $ size parent) self [] large = flowMaxWidth parent self -- | Compute natural block element height at cached width. flowNatHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> [PaddedBox Double Double] -> Double flowNatHeight _ PaddedBox {size = Size _ (Pixels y)} _ = y flowNatHeight parent PaddedBox {size = Size _ (Percent y)} _ = y * parent flowNatHeight _ PaddedBox {size = Size _ Min} childs = sum $ map minHeight $ marginCollapse childs flowNatHeight _ PaddedBox {size = Size owidth _} childs = sum $ map height $ marginCollapse childs -- | Compute minimum block height at cached width. flowMinHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> Double flowMinHeight _ PaddedBox {B.min = Size _ (Pixels y)} = y flowMinHeight parent PaddedBox {B.min = Size _ (Percent y)} = y * parent flowMinHeight parent self = flowNatHeight parent self [] -- | Compute maximum block height at cached width. flowMaxHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> Double flowMaxHeight _ PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ (Pixels y)} = y flowMaxHeight parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ (Percent y)} = y * parent flowMaxHeight parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Auto} = parent flowMaxHeight parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Preferred} = flowNatHeight parent self [] flowMaxHeight parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Min} = flowMinHeight parent self -- | Compute final block height at cached width. flowHeight :: PaddedBox Double Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> Double flowHeight parent self | small > large = small | natural > large = large | natural >= small = natural | otherwise = small where small = flowMinHeight (block $ B.min parent) self natural = flowNatHeight (block $ B.nat parent) self [] large = flowMaxHeight (block $ B.max parent) self -- | Compute position of all children relative to this block element. positionFlow :: [PaddedBox Double Double] -> [Size Double Double] positionFlow childs = scanl inner (Size 0 0) $ marginCollapse childs where inner (Size x y) self = Size x $ height self -- | Compute size given block element in given parent, -- & position of given children. layoutFlow :: PaddedBox Double Double -> PaddedBox Length Length -> [PaddedBox Length Double] -> (PaddedBox Double Double, [(Size Double Double, PaddedBox Double Double)]) layoutFlow parent self childs = (self', zip positions' childs') where positions' = positionFlow childs' childs' = map layoutZooko childs self' = self0 { B.min = (B.min self0) { block = flowMinHeight (block $ B.min parent) self0 }, size = (size self0) { block = flowHeight parent self0 }, B.max = (B.max self0) { block = flowMaxHeight (block $ B.max parent) self0 }, padding = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ padding self0, border = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ border self0, margin = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ margin self0 } self0 = self1 { size = (size self1) { block = Pixels $ flowNatHeight oheight self1 childs'} } self1 = self2 { size = (size self2) { inline = width' }, B.max = (B.max self2) { inline = flowMaxWidth parent self2 }, B.min = (B.min self2) { inline = flowMinWidth owidth self2 [] }, padding = mapX (lowerLength owidth) $ padding self2, border = mapX (lowerLength owidth) $ border self2, margin = lowerMargin owidth (owidth - width') $ margin self2 } width' = flowWidth parent self self2 = self { size = (size self) { inline = Pixels $ flowNatWidth owidth self childs }, B.min = (B.min self) { inline = Pixels $ flowMinWidth owidth self childs } } owidth = inline $ size parent oheight = block $ size parent layoutZooko child = child { B.min = Size (inline $ B.min child) (flowMinHeight (block $ B.min self') child), size = Size (inline $ size child) (flowHeight self' child), B.max = Size (inline $ B.max child) (flowMaxHeight (block $ size self') child), padding = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ padding child, border = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ border child, margin = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ margin child } -- | Removes overlapping margins. marginCollapse :: [PaddedBox Double n] -> [PaddedBox Double n] marginCollapse (x'@PaddedBox {margin = xm@Border { bottom = x }}: y'@PaddedBox {margin = ym@Border { top = y}}:rest) | x > y = x':marginCollapse (y' {margin = ym { top = 0 }}:rest) | otherwise = x' { margin = xm { bottom = 0 }}:marginCollapse (y':rest) marginCollapse rest = rest -- | Resolves auto paddings or margins to fill given width. lowerMargin :: Double -> Double -> Border m Length -> Border m Double lowerMargin _ available (Border top' bottom' Auto Auto) = Border top' bottom' (available/2) (available/2) lowerMargin outerwidth available (Border top' bottom' Auto right') = Border top' bottom' available $ lowerLength outerwidth right' lowerMargin outerwidth available (Border top' bottom' left' Auto) = Border top' bottom' (lowerLength outerwidth left') available lowerMargin outerwidth _ (Border top' bottom' left' right') = Border top' bottom' (lowerLength outerwidth left') (lowerLength outerwidth right')