{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- These following language extensions are to aid a dependency injection into -- inline styling. {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} -- | Parses & desugars CSS properties to general CatTrap datastructures. module Graphics.Layout.CSS(CSSBox(..), BoxSizing(..), Display(..), finalizeCSS, finalizeCSS') where import qualified Data.Text as Txt import Stylist (PropertyParser(..)) import Stylist.Tree (StyleTree(..)) import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (constructParagraph, defaultBoxOptions, LineHeight(..), InnerNode(..), Box(..), RootNode(..)) import Graphics.Layout.Box as B import Graphics.Layout import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font import Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS import Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS import Data.Char (isSpace) import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Parse import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) instance (PropertyParser x, Zero m, Zero n) => Default (UserData m n x) where def = ((placeholderFont, 0), zero, temp) inner' :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> CSSBox x -> x inner' f self = foldr apply (inner self) $ innerProperties self where apply (k, v) ret = fromMaybe ret $ longhand (innerParent self) ret k $ finalizeLengths f v -- | Desugar parsed CSS into more generic layout parameters. finalizeCSS :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> Font' -> StyleTree (CSSBox x) -> LayoutItem Length Length x finalizeCSS root parent StyleTree { style = self'@CSSBox { display = None } } = LayoutFlow (inner' parent self') lengthBox [] finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree { style = self'@CSSBox { display = Grid }, children = childs } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_) [ finalizeGrid (gridStyles self') font_ (map cellStyles $ map style childs) (finalizeChilds root font_ self' childs)] where font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree { style=self'@CSSBox {display=Table, captionBelow=False}, children=childs } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_) ([finalizeCSS root font_ child { style = child' { display = Block } } | child@StyleTree { style = child'@CSSBox { display = TableCaption } } <- childs] ++ [finalizeTable root font_ (inner self') childs]) where font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree { style = self'@CSSBox {display=Table, captionBelow=True}, children = childs } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_) (finalizeTable root font_ temp childs: [finalizeCSS root font_ child { style = child' { display = Block } } | child@StyleTree { style = child'@CSSBox { display = TableCaption } } <- childs]) where font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree { style = self', children = childs } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_) (finalizeChilds root font_ self' childs) where font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root finalizeCSS' sysfont self@StyleTree { style = self' } = finalizeCSS (pattern2font (font self') (font' self') sysfont sysfont) sysfont self -- | Desugar a sequence of child nodes, taking care to capture runs of inlines. finalizeChilds :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> Font' -> CSSBox x -> [StyleTree (CSSBox x)] -> [LayoutItem Length Length x] finalizeChilds root parent style' (StyleTree { style = CSSBox { display = None } }:childs) = finalizeChilds root parent style' childs finalizeChilds root parent style' childs@(child:childs') | isInlineTree childs, Just self <- finalizeParagraph (flattenTree0 childs) = [LayoutInline (inherit $ inner' parent style') self paging] | (inlines@(_:_), blocks) <- spanInlines childs, Just self <- finalizeParagraph (flattenTree0 inlines) = LayoutInline (inherit $ inner' parent style') self paging : finalizeChilds root parent style' blocks | (StyleTree { style = CSSBox { display = Inline } }:childs') <- childs = finalizeChilds root parent style' childs' -- Inline's all whitespace... | otherwise = finalizeCSS root parent child : finalizeChilds root parent style' childs' where paging = pageOptions $ style child isInlineTree = all isInlineTree0 isInlineTree0 StyleTree { style = CSSBox { display = Inline }, children = childs } = isInlineTree childs isInlineTree0 _ = False spanInlines childs = case span isInlineTree0 childs of (inlines, (StyleTree { style = CSSBox { display = Inline }, children = tail }:blocks)) -> let (inlines', blocks') = spanInlines tail in (inlines ++ inlines', blocks' ++ blocks) ret -> ret flattenTree0 childs | iStyle@(CSSInline _ _ bidi) <- inlineStyles style', bidi `elem` [BdOverride, BdIsolateOverride] = RootBox $ Box (applyBidi iStyle $ map (flattenTree parent) $ enumerate childs) $ flip applyFontInline parent $ txtOpts style' | otherwise = RootBox $ Box (map (flattenTree parent) $ enumerate childs) $ flip applyFontInline parent $ txtOpts style' flattenTree p (i, StyleTree { children = child@(_:_), style = self }) = buildInline f i self $ map (flattenTree f) $ enumerate child where f = pattern2font (font self) (font' self) p root flattenTree f (i,StyleTree {style=self@CSSBox {inlineStyles=CSSInline txt _ _}}) = buildInline f i self [ TextSequence ((f, 0), zero, inherit $ inner' parent self) txt] buildInline f i self childs = InlineBox ((f, i), finalizeBox self f, inner' parent self) (Box childs' $ flip applyFontInline f $ txtOpts self) defaultBoxOptions -- Fill in during layout. where childs' = applyBidi (inlineStyles self) childs finalizeParagraph (RootBox (Box [TextSequence _ txt] _)) | Txt.all isSpace txt = Nothing -- Discard isolated whitespace. finalizeParagraph tree = Just $ constructParagraph "" tree "" $ paragraphOptions style' enumerate = zip $ enumFrom 0 finalizeChilds _ _ _ [] = [] -- | Desugar most units, possibly in reference to given font. finalizeBox self@CSSBox { cssBox = box } font_ = mapY' (flip finalizeLength font_) $ mapX' (flip finalizeLength font_) box -- | (Unused, incomplete) Desugar a styletree of table elements to a grid layout. finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutFlow val lengthBox [] -- Placeholder! {- finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid $ zip cells' childs' where -- FIXME? How to handle non-table items in