{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | Datastructures representing the CSS box model, -- & utilities for operating on them. module Graphics.Layout.Box(Border(..), mapX, mapY, Size(..), mapSizeX, mapSizeY, PaddedBox(..), zeroBox, lengthBox, mapX', mapY', width, height, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, Length(..), mapAuto, lowerLength, Zero(..), CastDouble(..)) where -- | Amount of space surrounding the box. data Border m n = Border { top :: m, bottom :: m, left :: n, right :: n } deriving Eq -- | Convert horizontal spacing via given callback. mapX :: (n -> nn) -> Border m n -> Border m nn -- | Convert vertical spacing via given callback. mapY :: (m -> mm) -> Border m n -> Border mm n mapX cb self = self { left = cb $ left self, right = cb $ right self } mapY cb self = self { top = cb $ top self, bottom = cb $ bottom self } -- | 2D size of a box. Typically inline is width & block is height. -- This may change as support for vertical layout is added. data Size m n = Size {inline :: n, block :: m} deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Convert inline size via given callback mapSizeY :: (m -> mm) -> Size m n -> Size mm n mapSizeY cb self = Size (inline self) (cb $ block self) -- | Convert block size via given callback mapSizeX :: (n -> nn) -> Size m n -> Size m nn mapSizeX cb self = Size (cb $ inline self) (block self) -- | A box with min & max bounds & surrounding borders. The CSS Box Model. data PaddedBox m n = PaddedBox { -- | The minimum amount of pixels this box should take. min :: Size m n, -- | The maximum amount of pixels this box should take. max :: Size m n, -- | The ideal number of pixels this box should take. nat :: Size Double Double, -- | The amount of pixels this box should take. size :: Size m n, -- | The amount of space between the box & the border. padding :: Border m n, -- | The amount of space for the border. border :: Border m n, -- | The amount of space between the border & anything else. margin :: Border m n } deriving Eq -- | An empty box, takes up nospace onscreen. zeroBox :: PaddedBox Double Double zeroBox = PaddedBox { min = Size 0 0, max = Size 0 0, nat = Size 0 0, size = Size 0 0, padding = Border 0 0 0 0, border = Border 0 0 0 0, margin = Border 0 0 0 0 } -- | A box which takes up all available space with no borders. lengthBox :: PaddedBox Length Length lengthBox = PaddedBox { min = Size Auto Auto, max = Size Auto Auto, nat = Size 0 0, size = Size Auto Auto, padding = Border zero zero zero zero, border = Border zero zero zero zero, margin = Border zero zero zero zero } -- | Convert all sizes along the inline axis via given callback. mapX' :: (n -> nn) -> PaddedBox m n -> PaddedBox m nn mapX' cb PaddedBox {..} = PaddedBox { min = Size (cb $ inline min) (block min), size = Size (cb $ inline size) (block size), nat = Size 0 0, max = Size (cb $ inline max) (block max), padding = mapX cb padding, border = mapX cb border, margin = mapX cb margin } -- | Convert all sizes along the block axis via given callback. mapY' :: (m -> mm) -> PaddedBox m n -> PaddedBox mm n mapY' cb PaddedBox {..} = PaddedBox { min = Size (inline min) (cb $ block min), size = Size (inline size) (cb $ block size), nat = Size 0 0, max = Size (inline max) (cb $ block max), padding = mapY cb padding, border = mapY cb border, margin = mapY cb margin } -- | The total size along the inline axis including borders, etc. width PaddedBox {..} = left margin + left border + left padding + inline size + right padding + right border + right margin -- | The total size along the block axis, including borders, etc. height PaddedBox {..} = top margin + top border + top padding + block size + bottom padding + bottom border + bottom margin -- | The total minimum size along the inline axis. minWidth PaddedBox {..} = left margin + left border + left padding + inline min + right padding + right border + right margin -- | The total minimum size along the block axis. minHeight PaddedBox {..} = top margin + top border + top padding + block min + bottom padding + bottom border + bottom margin -- | The total maximum size along the inline axis. maxWidth PaddedBox {..} = left margin + left border + left padding + inline max + right padding + right border + right margin -- | The total maximum size along the block axis. maxHeight PaddedBox {..} = top margin + top border + top padding + block max + bottom padding + bottom border + bottom margin -- | A partially-computed length value. data Length = Pixels Double -- ^ Absolute number of device pixels. | Percent Double -- ^ Multiplier by container width. | Auto -- ^ Use normal layout computations. | Preferred -- ^ Use computed preferred width. | Min -- ^ Use minimum legible width. deriving Eq -- | Convert a length given the container's width. Filling in 0 for keywords. -- If you wish for keywords to be handled differently, callers need to compute -- that themselves. lowerLength :: Double -> Length -> Double lowerLength _ (Pixels x) = x lowerLength outerwidth (Percent x) = x * outerwidth lowerLength _ _ = 0 -- | Replace keywords with a given number of pixels. -- Useful for avoiding messing up percentage calculations in later processing. mapAuto x Auto = Pixels x mapAuto x Preferred = Pixels x mapAuto x Min = Pixels x mapAuto _ x = x class Zero a where -- | Return the empty (or zero) value for a CatTrap geometric type. zero :: a instance Zero Double where zero = 0 instance Zero Length where zero = Pixels 0 instance (Zero m, Zero n) => Zero (PaddedBox m n) where zero = PaddedBox { min = Size zero zero, max = Size zero zero, nat = Size 0 0, size = Size zero zero, padding = Border zero zero zero zero, border = Border zero zero zero zero, margin = Border zero zero zero zero } class CastDouble a where -- | Convert a double to a double or length. fromDouble :: Double -> a -- | Convert a double or length to a double. toDouble :: a -> Double instance CastDouble Double where fromDouble = id toDouble = id instance CastDouble Length where fromDouble = Pixels toDouble = lowerLength 0