{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-} module Graphics.Layout.Grid(Grid(..), GridItem(..), Alignment(..), Name, buildGrid, setCellBox, enumerate, gridMinWidth, gridMinHeight, gridNatWidth, gridNatHeight, gridEstWidth, gridNatWidths, gridMinWidths, gridMaxWidths, gridWidths, gridNatHeights, gridMinHeights, gridMaxHeights, gridHeights, gridPosition, gridLayout) where import Data.Either (fromRight) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.List (intersperse) import Graphics.Layout.Box as B import Debug.Trace (trace) -- TODO implement subgrid support... data Grid m n = Grid { rows :: [Either m Double], rowMins :: [Double], rowNats :: [Double], subgridRows :: Int, columns :: [Either n Double], colMins :: [Double], colNats :: [Double], subgridColumns :: Int, gap :: Size m n } data GridItem m n = GridItem { startRow :: Int, endRow :: Int, startCol :: Int, endCol :: Int, alignment :: Size Alignment Alignment, gridItemBox :: PaddedBox m n } data Alignment = Start | Mid | End type Name = Text buildGrid rows columns = Grid { rows = rows, rowMins = [], rowNats = [], subgridRows = 0, -- disables columns = columns, colMins = [], colNats = [], subgridColumns = 0, -- disables gap = Size (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) } -- Created to address typesystem issues with record syntax. setCellBox :: PaddedBox mm nn -> GridItem m n -> GridItem mm nn setCellBox box' GridItem {..} = GridItem startRow endRow startCol endCol alignment box' gridMinWidth :: (n -> Double) -> Grid m n -> Double gridMinWidth cb self@Grid { colMins = [] } = sum $ intersperse (cb $ inline $ gap self) [cb x | Left x <- columns self] gridMinWidth cb self = sum $ intersperse (cb $ inline $ gap self) $ colMins self gridMinHeight :: (m -> Double) -> Grid m n -> Double gridMinHeight cb self@Grid { rowMins = [] } = sum $ intersperse (cb $ block $ gap self) [cb x | Left x <- rows self] gridMinHeight cb self = sum $ intersperse (cb $ block $ gap self) $ rowMins self gridNatWidth :: (n -> Double) -> Grid m n -> Double gridNatWidth cb self@Grid { colMins = [] } = sum $ intersperse (cb $ inline $ gap self) [cb x | Left x <- columns self] gridNatWidth cb self = sum $ intersperse (cb $ inline $ gap self) $ colNats self gridNatHeight :: (m -> Double) -> Grid m n -> Double gridNatHeight cb self@Grid { rowNats = [] } = sum $ intersperse (cb $ block $ gap self) [cb x | Left x <- rows self] gridNatHeight cb self = sum $ intersperse (cb $ block $ gap self) $ rowNats self cellsForCol :: [GridItem y x] -> Int -> [GridItem y x] cellsForCol cells ix = [cell | cell <- cells, startCol cell == ix, startCol cell == pred (endCol cell)] cellsForRow :: [GridItem y x] -> Int -> [GridItem y x] cellsForRow cells ix = [cell | cell <- cells, startRow cell == ix, startRow cell == pred (endRow cell)] verifyGrid self childs = and [ startRow < width && startRow >= 0 && endRow < width && endRow >= 0 && endCol > startCol && endRow > startRow && startCol < height && startCol >= 0 && endCol < height && endCol >= 0 | GridItem {..} <- childs] where width = length $ columns self height = length $ rows self gridEstWidth :: Grid b Length -> [GridItem y Double] -> Double gridEstWidth self childs = sum $ intersperse (lowerLength 0 $ inline $ gap self) maxs where maxs = gridMaxWidths zeroBox self mins nats mins = gridMinWidths 0 self childs nats = gridNatWidths 0 self childs gridMinWidths :: Double -> Grid b Length -> [GridItem y Double] -> [Double] gridMinWidths parent self childs = map colMinWidth $ enumerate $ columns self where colMinWidth (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x colMinWidth (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent colMinWidth arg@(ix, Left Preferred) = maximum $ (0:) $ map (inline . size . gridItemBox) $ cellsForCol childs ix colMinWidth (ix, _) = maximum $ (0:) $ map (inline . B.min . gridItemBox) $ cellsForCol childs ix gridNatWidths :: Double -> Grid b Length -> [GridItem y Double] -> [Double] gridNatWidths parent self childs = map colNatWidth $ enumerate $ columns self where colNatWidth (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x colNatWidth (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent colNatWidth arg@(ix, Left Min) = maximum $ (0:) $ map (inline . B.min . gridItemBox) $ cellsForCol childs ix colNatWidth (ix, _) = maximum $ (0:) $ map (inline . size . gridItemBox) $ cellsForCol childs ix gridMaxWidths :: PaddedBox b Double -> Grid y Length -> [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double] gridMaxWidths parent self submins subnats = map (colMaxWidth fr) $ zip subwidths $ columns self where subwidths = zip submins subnats fr = Prelude.max 0 fr' fr' = (outerwidth - estimate)/(countFRs $ columns self) outerwidth = inline $ size parent estimate = sum $ intersperse (lowerLength outerwidth $ inline $ gap self) $ map (colMaxWidth 0) $ zip subwidths $ columns self colMaxWidth _ (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x colMaxWidth _ (_, Left (Percent x)) = x*(inline $ size parent) colMaxWidth _ ((_, nat), Left Preferred) = nat colMaxWidth _ ((min, _), Left Min) = min colMaxWidth fr (_, Left Auto) = fr colMaxWidth fr (_, Right x) = x*fr gridWidths :: PaddedBox b Double -> Grid y Length -> [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double] gridWidths parent self submins subnats = map (colWidth fr) $ zip subwidths $ columns self where subwidths = zip submins subnats fr = (outerwidth - estimate)/(countFRs $ columns self) outerwidth = inline $ size parent estimate = sum $ intersperse (lowerLength outerwidth $ inline $ gap self) $ map (colWidth 0) $ zip subwidths $ columns self colWidth fr ((min, nat), size) = Prelude.max min $ colWidth' fr ((min, nat), size) colWidth' _ (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x colWidth' _ (_, Left (Percent x)) = x*(inline $ size parent) colWidth' _ ((_, nat), Left Preferred) = nat colWidth' _ ((min, _), Left Min) = min colWidth' fr ((_, nat), Left Auto) = Prelude.min nat fr colWidth' fr (_, Right x) = x*fr gridNatHeights :: Double -> Grid Length Double -> [GridItem Double Double] -> [Double] gridNatHeights parent self childs = map rowNatHeight $ enumerate $ rows self where rowNatHeight (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x rowNatHeight (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent rowNatHeight arg@(ix, Left Min) = maximum $ (0:) $ map (block . B.min . gridItemBox) $ cellsForCol childs ix rowNatHeight (ix, _) = maximum $ (0:) $ map (block . size . gridItemBox) $ cellsForCol childs ix gridMinHeights :: Double -> Grid Length Double -> [GridItem Double Double] -> [Double] gridMinHeights parent self childs = map rowMinHeight $ enumerate $ rows self where rowMinHeight (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x rowMinHeight (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent rowMinHeight arg@(ix, Left Preferred) = maximum $ (0:) $ map (block . size . gridItemBox) $ cellsForCol childs ix rowMinHeight (ix, _) = maximum $ (0:) $ map (block . B.min . gridItemBox) $ cellsForCol childs ix gridMaxHeights :: PaddedBox Double Double -> Grid Length Double -> [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double] gridMaxHeights parent self submins subnats = map (colMaxHeight fr) $ zip subheights $ rows self where subheights = zip submins subnats fr = (outerheight - estimate)/(countFRs $ rows self) outerwidth = inline $ size parent outerheight = block $ size parent estimate = sum $ intersperse (inline $ gap self) $ map (colMaxHeight 0) $ zip subheights $ rows self colMaxHeight _ (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x colMaxHeight _ (_, Left (Percent x)) = x*outerwidth colMaxHeight _ ((_, nat), Left Preferred) = nat colMaxHeight _ ((min, _), Left Min) = min colMaxHeight fr (_, Left Auto) = fr colMaxHeight fr (_, Right x) = x*fr gridHeights :: PaddedBox Double Double -> Grid Length Double -> [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double] gridHeights parent self submins subnats = map (colHeight fr) $ zip subheights $ rows self where subheights = zip submins subnats fr = (outerheight - estimate)/(countFRs $ rows self) outerwidth = inline $ size parent outerheight = block $ size parent estimate = sum $ intersperse (inline $ gap self) $ map (colHeight 0) $ zip subheights $ rows self colHeight fr ((min, nat), size) = Prelude.max min $ colHeight' fr ((min, nat), size) colHeight' _ (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x colHeight' _ (_, Left (Percent x)) = x*outerwidth colHeight' _ ((_, nat), Left Preferred) = nat colHeight' _ ((min, _), Left Min) = min colHeight' fr ((min, nat), Left Auto) = Prelude.min fr nat colHeight' fr (_, Right x) = x*fr gridPosition :: Grid Double Double -> [GridItem Double Double] -> [Size Double Double] gridPosition self childs = map gridCellPosition childs where gridCellPosition child = Size (x + align extraWidth alignX) (y + align extraHeight alignY) where Size x y = gridCellPosition' child Size alignX alignY = alignment child width = track (endCol child) (columns self) - track (startCol child) (columns self) height = track (endRow child) (rows self) - track (startRow child) (columns self) extraWidth = width - inline (size $ gridItemBox child) extraHeight = height - block (size $ gridItemBox child) gridCellPosition' child = Size (startCol child `track` columns self) (startRow child `track` rows self) track ix (size:sizes) = fromRight 0 size + track (pred ix) sizes track 0 _ = 0 track ix [] = trace "WARNING! Malformed input table!" 0 align _ Start = 0 align excess Mid = excess/2 align excess End = excess gridLayout :: PaddedBox Double Double -> Grid Length Length -> [GridItem Double Double] -> Bool -> (Grid Double Double, [(Size Double Double, GridItem Double Double)]) gridLayout parent self childs paginate = (self', zip positions childs) where positions = gridPosition self' childs self' = self { rows = map Left rows', rowMins = rowMins', rowNats = rowNats', columns = map Left cols', colMins = colMins', colNats = colNats', gap = Size (lowerLength width' gapX) (lowerLength width' gapY) } Size gapX gapY = gap self height' = gridNatHeight (lowerLength $ block $ B.size parent) self0 rows' = gridHeights parent self0 rowMins' rowNats' rowMins' = gridMinHeights width' self0 childs rowNats' = gridNatHeights width' self0 childs self0 = self { columns = map Left cols', colMins = colMins', colNats = colNats', gap = Size (lowerLength width' gapX) gapY } width' = gridNatWidth (lowerLength $ inline $ B.size parent) self cols' = gridWidths parent self colMins' colNats' colMins' = gridMinWidths estWidth self childs colNats' = gridNatWidths estWidth self childs estWidth = gridEstWidth self childs enumerate = zip [0..] countFRs (Left Auto:rest) = succ $ countFRs rest countFRs (Right x:rest) = x + countFRs rest countFRs (_:rest) = countFRs rest countFRs [] = 0